General Biology


Computer Games:

Cell Transport

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General BiologyName

Cell Transport Rags to Riches – GAME

1. When a person passes gas in a classroom and eventually all the gas particles are evenly distributed through out the room, the reason these gas particles spread out is because of DIFFUSION

2. When the concentration of solutes on either side of the cell membrane is equal this is called a ISOTONIC SOLUTION

3. When water diffuses across a semi-permeable membrane, this is called OSMOSIS

4. The basic unit of the plasma membranePHOSPHOLIPID

5. One method that the cell employs to get rid of large amount of waste materials at one time is EXOCYTOSIS

6. One method that the cell employs to take in large quantities of materials over a very short period of time is called ENDOCYTOSIS

7. When the concentration of the solutes on the outside of the cell is lesser than the concentration of the solutes on the inside of the cell HYPOTONIC SOLUTION

8. In an hypotonic solution, which way is the water moving?INTO THE CELL

9. In an hypertonic solution, which way is the water moving?OUT OF THE CELL

10. What will happen to a fresh water plant when put into salt water? IT WOULD SHRINK

11. The kind of transport that requires energyACTIVE TRANSPORT

12. When the concentration of the solutes on the outside of the cell is greater than the concentration of the solutes on the inside of the cell HYPERTONIC SOLUTION

13. Which way is the water moving when a salt water plant is put into fresh water? INTO THE CELL

14. The use of proteins to move materials across the cell membrane that does NOT require the use of energy? FACILITATED DIFFUSION

15. When osmosis occurs, water moves from areas with a __LOW______concentration of solutes to an areas with a ____HIGH______concentration of solutes.

General BiologyName

Review of Cell Transport Terms – MATCHING GAME

A / B
__diffusion____ / The movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration
_concentration gradient_____ / The difference in concentration between a region of high concentration and a region of low concentration
_facilitated diffusion_____ / The more rapid movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration that requires energy
___osmosis____ / The diffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane
__isotonic______/ Solution with the same amount of dissolved substances as a cell
__hypotonic______/ Solution with the less dissolved substances than a cell, causes cell to swell as it gains water
_hypertonic______/ Solution with the more dissolved substances than a cell causing the cell to shrink as it loses water.
_plasmolysis______/ Shrinkage of the cytoplasm of a cell due to osmosis
__passive transport______/ Movement of materials across a cell membrane without using energy. The movement is from high to low.
__active transport______/ Movement of materials across a cell membrane using energy. The movement is from low to high.
__endocytosis_____ / Process of moving material into a cell using a vesicle
__pinocytosis (a type of endocytosis)______/ Process of moving liquid material into a cell using a vesicle
__phagocytosis (a type of endocytosis)______/ Process of moving solid material into a cell using a vesicle
__exocytosis______/ Process of moving material out of a cell using a vesicle
__lipid bilayer______/ Double-layered sheet of lipids that form the core of a cell membrane.
__concentration______/ The mass of a given solute dissolved in a given volume of solvent.
__selectively permeable______/ Membrane that allows some molecules to pass through and prevents others from passing through it.
_permeable______/ Membrane that allows all molecules to pass though it.
__impermeable______/ Membrane that prevents all molecules from passing through it.
__osmotic pressure______/ The force of water molecules trying to leave a cell.




hypotonic solution

hypertonic solution

concentration gradient

facilitated diffusion


passive transport

active transport

isotonic solution


selectively permeable membrane

permeable membrane





lipid bilayer


nonpermeable membrane

osmotic pressure


General BiologyName

Cell Transport – Game

1. Which of the following is a FUNCTION of the cell membrane? regulates which materials enter and leave the cell

2. The STRUCTURE of the cell membrane is best described as a lipid bi-layer.

3. DIFFUSION is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

4. When the concentration of molecules on both sides of a membrane is the SAME, the solution has reached an equilibrium

5. The diffusion of WATER across a selectively permeable membrane is called osmosis.

6. A solution in which the salt concentration is HIGHER outside the cell than the salt concentration inside the cell is called hypertonic solution

7. A solution in which the salt concentration is LOWER the cell than the salt concentration inside the cell is called a hypotonic solution

8. A student needs to make a 25% salt solution. Which recipe below should the student follow: 5g salt in 20mL water

9. After eating a salty snack like potato chips, the cells in your mouth become saturated with salt. What happens to the cells in your mouth as they react to the ELEVATED salt environment? water moves out of the cell causing them to shrink

10. A plant cell is placed in a HYPERTONIC solution, what will most likely happen to the cell? water moves out of the cell causing it to shrink

11. When a plant cell is placed in a salt water solution, the cell is affected and changes size. What part of the cell will be UNAFFECTED? The cell wall

12. The only DIFFERENCE between diffusion and facilitated diffusion is facilitated diffusion uses protein channels to move substances in or out of the cell.

13. Which method of transport moves substances in or out of the cell that REQUIRES ENERGY? active transport

14. When a cell needs to get rid of waste products and push them OUT OF THE CELL, which term best describe the process by which cells release substances from the cell? exocytosis

15. If a large cell consumes or EATS another smaller cell, say a tiny bacterium, which term best describe the process by which cells eat or consume? _PHAGOCYTOSIS_(a type of endocytosis)

16. Cells occasionally need to take in or drink large amounts of water, which term best describe the process by which cells DRINK or take in packets of water? _____PINOCYTOSIS___(a type of endocytosis)

Use this diagram for questions 17-20.

  1. COMPARING AND CONTRASTING - Study the graph above. Compare line A to line B. Which statement below is NOT true?___B______

a. Line B is increasing faster than Line A

b. Line A traveled 15 mm after 10 min.

c. Line B reached its maximum after 15 min.

d. Line A traveled double the distance of Line B.

18. ANALYZING DATA - Which results in the graph in above are more likely to be accurate, and be the most DEPENDABLE, those represented by line A or by line B?_____B______

a. Line A because it increased at a faster rate.

b. Line B because it is a data from a larger sample size, the entire class, not just one group.

c. Line B because it reached maximum after 15 min., unlike Line A which steadily increased.

d. Line A because the lab group used higher concentration of sugar.

19. DRAWING CONCLUSIONS - What could account for the difference in lines A and B in the graph above?___D______

a. The lab group (line A) used a less concentrated sugar solution.

b. The classdata (line B) used a more concentrated sugar solution.

c. The classdata (line B) used a isotonic sugar solution.

d. The lab group (line A) used a more concentrated sugar solution.

20. PREDICTING - Look at the graph above. How would the results differ if a sugar solution with TWICE THE CONCENTRATION of the one used to collect the results represented by line A were used?_____C______

a. It distance traveled would not be affected.

b. It would travel less in the same amount of time.

c. It would travel more in the same amount of time.