

1.1Work of this section includes:

.1The Contractor shall provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment,

transportation, service and product engineering required for a complete installation of the equipment outlined in the specifications and drawings.

.2The stage drapery and rigging equipment shall consist of the following:

.1Stage drapery

.2Rope locks and manual handlines

1.2Related Work Not Included

.1Electrical installation, including all conduit, wire, field wiring and power

to systems.


.1Submit shop drawings, product data, and samples as required. Shop

drawings submittals shall consist of six copies for review. The shop drawings shall show all systems, all components of each system, and all interfaces to other trades. Component drawings shall show dimensions, capacities and construction details.

1.4Operation and Maintenance Information

.1Provide two sets of operating and maintenance manuals which contain

the following data:

.1Operating instructions for all of the equipment provided.

.2Maintenance information for all of the equipment provided,

including a list of all periodic maintenance functions, a list of all equipment with parts identification.

.3“As Built” drawings, showing the equipment as built and installed.


.1The following codes, standards and specifications shall apply to the work

of this section:

-American Institute of Steel Construction, “Manual of Steel

Construction” January 1988, including the “Specification for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings,” November 1978

-American Welding Society, “Code for Welding in Building

Construction,” AWS D1.1-1988

-National Fire Protection Association, “National Electrical Code 1987”

(NECUniformBuilding Code (UBC) 1988

-United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT),

“Recommended Guidelines for Stage Rigging and Stage Machinery – Specifications and Practices,” January 1986

.2Trade standards, including the latest revisions of all applicable standards

and codes published by the following organizations:

-American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

-American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)

-American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)

-National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)

-American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

-Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

-Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)


.1A warranty covering all labor, materials and workmanship for a period of

one year after the date of final payment shall be provided. Any warranty work required shall be completed promptly and in conjunction with the production schedule if the utility of the system is affected to the point of severely affecting performances.

.2Certification from the original fabric mill supplier shall be provided to

verify that all stage drapery fabrics comply with applicable governing codes and guidelines regarding flame resistance.


2.1Stage Drapery


The existing stage drapery listed below shall be removed and

replaced with new curtains, sewn from inherently flame retardant (“IFR”) synthetic face fabric and lined with inherently flame retardant synthetic (“IFR”) lining fabric.

.2Drapery Schedule

The drapery shall consist of the following separate pieces:

QuantityDrapery Item

2 halvesMain Curtain

1 pieceMain Valance

4 piecesBorders

6 halvesSide Legs

2 halvesMid Stage Traveller

2 halvesRear Traveller


The stage drapery shall be sewn from the following fabrics:

.1Front Setting:

Face Fabric: IFR Synthetic Fabric, 26 ounces per yard at 54” wide

inherently flame retardant synthetic polyester velour, “prestige” by KM Fabrics of south Carolina, 1224 pile tufts per square inch.

Lining: IFR Synthetic Line Fabric: 8 ounce inherently flame retardant synthetic fabric, sewn to same fullness as face fabric: “Janus” from Dazian Fabrics of New York or approved equal.

.2Intermediate and Back Setting:

Face Fabric: IFR Synthetic Fabric, 12 ounce inherently flame retardant synthetic “Chevron 2000” by Kreiger & Co. of New York or approved equal.

Lining: Same as front setting.


Provide inserts, cabling, bolts, backing, reinforcements, fasteners, etc. manufacturer’s standard units as required. All accessory fabrics to also be inherently flame retardant material in similar manner as face fabric.

Replace existing light gauge chain and small gauge wire supporting all dead hung sets. Replace with industry standard ¼”, Grade 30 chain, applicable properly sized beam clamps which are vibration resistant; forged ¼” anchor shackles and other applicable fasteners.

All fabrics shall comply with the following minimum guidelines:

-NFPA 701

-California Code Title 19

-New York City Calendar #294-40


All fabric material shall be new and unused. Full and continuous lengths shall be used for the full height of each curtain face, with no piecing or cross-seams allowed. All drapery of the same color shall be constructed of fabric from the same dye lot.

The velour nap shall be sewn in the “up” direction. All curtains shall be sewn with minimum 60% added fullness.

All curtains shall be lined with black fabric, sewn to the same added fullness as the face fabric.

Bi-parting Traveler curtains shall be constructed in two matching halves, sized to allow minimum 36” overlap at the centerline. Side Leg curtains shall be constructed in pairs of two matching halves.

Field dimensions shall be the contractor’s responsibility to obtain, to duplicate existing curtain sizes. Guarantee that proper sight lines are taken into consideration.

Lining fabric shall duplicate face fabric type, such that synthetic IFR liner shall complement synthetic IFR face fabric.

.5Top Heading

The top edge of each drape shall be sewn flat to 3½” wide heavy duty nylon webbing, constructed with box pleats sewn 12” on centers. No. 2 brass grommets shall be set through the face fabric, lining, and webbing. Each grommet shall be centered in each pleat, with minimum 1” fabric remaining above top edge of grommet.

Track-mounted Traveler curtains shall be provided with a plated S-hook at each grommet. Border and leg curtains shall be provided with a 36” length of tie line inserted at each grommet.

.6Side Hems

B-parting Traveller curtains shall include minimum turnback of one half width of face fabric at the onstage leading edge. Offstage vertical edges of full-height traveling curtains shall be minimum 6” of face fabric.

Masking Legs shall include 24” onstage face fabric side hem, and 6” offstage face fabric side hem.

All Lining pieces shall include 2” side hems at both vertical edges.

All Lining pieces shall be attached to the face fabric with 6” x 1” fabric strips, along both vertical side hem edges at 24” intervals.

.7Bottom Hems

All curtains shall include a 6” bottom face fabric him, with an internal canvas chain sleeve sewn into the bottom hem. The internal sleeve shall be attached 2” above the bottom edge of the curtain, with a continuous plated chain weight tacked at each end to prevent bunching.

All Lining pieces shall include 2” bottom hem.

All Lining pieces shall be attached to the face fabric with 6” x 1” fabric strips, along the bottom hem at every strip interval.

.8IFR Synthetic Face Fabrics

Main front setting stage curtains shall be sewn from 21 ounce inherently flame retardant synthetic “Trevira” Velour, such as:

-“Encore” Velour from Milliken & Company of Spartanburg, SC

.9IFR Synthetic Face Fabrics

Midstage and rear setting stage curtains shall be sewn from 12 ounce inherently flame-retardant synthetic fabric, such as:

-“Chevron 2000” fabric from Krieger & Company of Jericho, NY

2.2Counterweight Rigging Equipment

.1Rope Lock

Rope locks shall be a one piece, first grade, grey iron casting, with a once piece cast eccentric hand lever and malleable hardened iron cams. The handle shall be a minimum of 9” long, and shall be covered with colored plastic. The rope lock shall mount to the locking rail with four (4) 3/8” bolts. An oval steel ring to lock the hand lever to the hand line shall be provided. A 3/8” adjusting thumb screw with locking nut shall be provided to permit adjustment for hand lines in the range of 5/8” to 7/8”.

Rope Lock shall be the 361 Series as manufactured by Hoffend & Sons, Inc.

.2Manual Handlines

¾” diameter handlines shall consist of 3-strand composite rope, with cover yarn of polyester filament wrapped around a polyolefin core. The rope shall employ a 3-strand composite construction, combining a polypropylene filament wrapped around a fibrillated polyolefin.

The rope shall hold knots well, be easily spliced and be dense enough to allow it to be clamped in a rope lock without damage. The rope shall not be subject to rotting, mildew, or moisture damage nor shall its length be affected by changes in ambient humidity. Tape ends prior to cutting.

Attach to Arbor top using bowline knot, and bottom of arbor with two half hitches. Tails shall be secured to the standing line using gaffer’s fabric tape.



.1All stage equipment shall be installed in accordance with the highest

standards of the industry. All equipment shall be securely anchored and installed plumb, straight and true. All components shall function properly, safety, quietly and without binding or rubbing.

3.2Field Quality Control

.1An experienced installation supervisor, regularly employed by the

Contractor, shall be present during the entire installation and shall actively direct and supervise the work.

.2The Contractor shall consult with trades doing related or adjoining work

in order to ensure an installation of first class quality.

3.3Demonstration and Instruction

.1Upon completing installation and adjustment for suitable operation of all

work specified in this section, the Contractor shall notify the Architect in writing. The Architect will then schedule an inspection. At the time of this inspection, the Contractor shall furnish sufficient tools and workmen to operate all equipment and to perform adjustments and tests as may be required by the Architect. Should any equipment fail to meet the specifications, such equipment shall be repaired or replaced with suitable equipment and an additional inspection will be scheduled. Final approval will be withheld until all systems been thoroughly and completely tested, and found to be in first class operating condition and in compliance with the specifications and drawings.

.2The Contractor will be responsible for storage of stage curtains, tools

and equipment during the period of the installation.

.3The Contractor shall provide instruction in safe and proper operation of

the equipment to the owner’s designated representative.

.4The Contractor shall be responsible for clean-up of debris and garbage

which results from installation of stage rigging and drapery equipment.


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