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The Wabasso High School
Creative Writing Hall of Fame
This document has been created to commemorate the former creative writing students of Mary Kay Schweim Pistulka and Michael Rokenbrodt.
If your name is in this archive, it means Mr. Rokenbrodt still has your writing in his filing cabinet!
You are invited to come in and have a look. Oh, also, be ready to share what you have been doing with your writing skills since you last saw Mr. Rokenbrodt.
Former Creative Writing Students of Mary Kay Schweim Pistulka (1976-2009)
Obviously many, many names are missing from this list. Many of the pieces do not bear the name of the author or the date. Sadly, the writing of Mary Kay’s more recent students were not stored in the part of the filing drawer I recovered. All writing recovered was the product of a mimeograph or typewriters.
Teresa Pistulka
Crysta Wille
Jolene Pistulka
Lori Salmela
Mary Kramer
Ben Dallenbach
Brian Pitzl
Charles Rohlik
Chris Rohlik
Corey Hunter
Erick Fennern
George Goblish
Greg Stage
Jason Domine
Jean Remiger
Jennifer L. Kruse
JoAnn Bernardy
Joe Kemp
Joe Turbes
Keith Guetter
LeRoy Maust
Lisa Nelson
Lonnie Stage
Lori Knutson
Mark Bliss
Mike Bondgien
Mike Zollner
Pam Janachovsky
Rick Riley
Scott Martin
Todd Watkins
Annette Frericks
Chad M. Bierl
Christina L. Brown
Dennis Frank
Doug Lawrenz
Jean Wagner
Jeff Lemcke
Jenny Altermatt
Jeremy Ruprecht
Jim Zollner
John Hengel
Lisa Janachovsky
Lyn Barber
Mark Fischer
Michelle Anderson
Pat Macht
Rochelle Guetter
Rosanne Turbes
Sara Ervasti
Scott Bernardy
Shelly Salfer
Stacie Goblish
Tammy Plaetz
Tammy Zitzmann
Tim Hoffman
Unknown Year
Babe Fennern
Brad Pitzl
Carol Raddatz
Chloe Bensen
Chuck Boushek
Cindy Plaetz
Colleen Beranek
Francesca Mathiowetz
Jeff Schoer
Judy Price
Julie Fischer
Karla Ein
Kelly Daub
Kris Geske
Laura Goblish
Leon Kalkhoff
Lisa Macht
Lisa Rierson
Lori Frank
Marie Retiacek
Melody Schaak
Mitchel Rauk
Nancy S.
Paul Honetschlager
Rhonda Ochocki
Richard Bernardy
Sam Altermatt
Scott Christensen
Sharon Ourada
Sheryl Pistulka
Stacy Wahl
Terri Fischer
Timothy Schumahher
Tony Steffl
Val Pistulka
Wendy Schmidt
Oh, by the way, I have a batch of papers from some of her Humanities classes:
1984: Terri Fischer, Sandra Thull, Neil Otto, Colleen Heiling, Timothy Schumacher
1985: Chuck Van Hecke
1986: Dawn Otto, Lori Lensig, Alice Price, Susan Kramer, Lynn Schaffran, Jack Sagedahl, Brian Rothmieir
1987: Eva Ralenkotter
Unknown:Joan Salfer, Rebecca Kern, Curt Schaffran. Janet Franta, Jill Fischer, Dennis Ingle
Former Creative Writing Students of Michael Rokenbrodt (2009-Present)
Fall 2009
This course had three instructors: It started with Mrs. Pistulka and was later co-taught by the volunteer substitute, Debra Franklin, and beginning teacher, Michael Rokenbrodt.
Spring 2011