Surrarrer PTA Meeting

January 10, 2017

1.Call to Order & Welcome: 9:36 a.m. by President Kelly Jungeberg

A motion was made by Erin Schwartz to approve December meeting minutes; motion was seconded by Hilarie Yankello. Tracy Grauel and Erin Schwartz to review January minutes.

2.Treasurer’s Report: Hilarie Yankello

Beginning Balance: $18,069.01

Total Income:6,705.12

Total Expenses:4,577.64

Ending Balance: $20,196.49

3.Principal’s Report:Dr. Raso - Thank you for holiday cookie boxes! Thanks also for help with holiday parties. Thanks to Tracy Grauel for organizing COSI and all the volunteers who helped - fun was had by all students and teachers. No school Monday January 16 or Tuesday January 17. PASS will be updated on January 18 - that will be the halfway point for this trimester. If you have not paid your student fees, you have been locked out of the system. Contact the office to make your payment. Tom Karas (former interim principal at Albion) will be filling in while Dr. Raso is out for maternity leave.

4.President’s Report:Kelly Jungeberg

We have committed to sponsor a $500 scholarship again this year. High School Guidance counselors will choose a former Surrarrer student who meets the criteria. Tracy Grauel will make the presentation. State PTA Convention is April 28-30 in Columbus. PTA sponsored assembly in May - two choices - Dancing Wheelchairs or the author visit. Majority chose Dancing Wheelchairs. Kelly will set this up. Cost is $500.

5.Vice President’s Report: Tracy Grauel

Surrarrer’s Founder’s Day recipient will be Allison Applebee. The award will be given on February 2, 2017 at the rec center. If you are interested in attending, please let the council rep know. Flowers were presented to Allison and a cake was enjoyed after the meeting.

6.Corresponding Secretary Report: Amie LaBahn

Surrarrer received the Early Bird Registration Award from Ohio PTA. Thank you notes from staff were passed around. Kalahari is next Monday, Jan 16 - so far 13 rooms have been reserved.

7.Recording Secretary Report: Carolyn Davis

8.Delegate Report: Terri Rusinko

Mr. Ryba is looking for ideas from all parents - what would make Strongsville a premier district? Please submit your thoughts to the PTA council. Council awarded $6,000 in grants. Orange Theory Fitness is offering corporate rate and 2 free classes to all PTA members.


Bingo - Lots of prizes to give out - volunteers are set. Forms are going home in Friday folders.

Holiday Shop - we have earned a 5% cash back on our sales for being a returning customer. The box rings that were sold are defective and will be replaced. We have points to use from our sales. Dr. Raso to look at the catalog. We would use the points in March and receive the items by the end of the school year.

Fundraising - Big Night Out at Slim & Chubby’s is March 4th. Next Committee meeting is Tuesday January 24 at Molly’s. Sign ups will be coming out to help with donations. Grades will compete against each other for a party. Several baskets will be raffled that night. Volunteers still needed to make the event a success. Tickets will be sold online and thru school. Tickets will also be available at the door. All are welcome - not just parents or Surrarrer families. Facebook event will be created. Creating a Makerspace at Surrarrer would be one of the ways the profits are used.

Marco’s Pizza Night raised $200. An Easter Seal collection will be held in the Spring - date to come. Box Tops Spring collection March 1st.

Meeting adjourned 10:40.