International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
K. B. Parikh1 and Dr. C. D. Modhera2
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
Address for Correspondence
1Department of Applied Mechanics, Government Engineering College, Surat, Gujarat, India
Research scholar, Department of Applied Mechanics, SVNIT, Surat
2Department of Applied Mechanics, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, India
E-mail: ,
The design guidelines for the determination of limiting moment capacity of reinforced concrete beam strengthened with fiber reinforced polymer laminate at bottom is presented. The results derived from this design oriented model compared with analytical finite element model and others available researchers’ experimental data. This study also presents the design of laminate thickness to attain a specified limiting moment capacity in a given beam. The results show that the design guidelines presented in this study, performed well in the prediction of experimental results.
KEYWORDS Fiber reinforced polymer laminate; reinforced concrete beam; design guidelines; thickness of frp.
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
Fiber reinforced polymer laminates are increasingly being applied for the rehabilitation and strengthening of infrastructure in lieu of traditional repair techniques such as steel plates bonding. FRP plates have many advantages over steel plates in this application, and their use can be extended to situations where it would be impossible or impractical to use steel. For example, FRP plates are lighter than steel plates of equivalent strength, which eliminates the need for temporary support for the plates while the adhesive gains strength. Also, since FRP plates used for external bonding are relatively thin, neither the weight of the structure nor its dimensions are significantly increased. In addition, FRP plates can easily be cut to length on site. These various factors in combination make installation much simpler and quicker than when using steel plates.
There were few analytical studies available for the prediction of flexural capacity of reinforced concrete beam strengthened with external laminates. Concrete society technical report 55, was used the rectangular stress block for concrete. Jones et al. used the conventional procedure to determine the ultimate moment capacity of RC beams externally strengthened with bonded steel plates. They employed rectangular stress blocks for concrete and the actual stress-strain curves of the internal steel reinforcement and external steel plates to evaluate the internal forces and moment. Several researchers have come up with techniques for attempting to predict flexural capacities and failure modes for FRP reinforced structural elements. Results of research performed by Saadatmanesh and Ehsani suggested that reasonably accurate strength predictions of FRP reinforced beams could be made using simple force equilibrium equations. Work by Triantafillou and Pleveris indicated that the failure mode of FRP-reinforced beams was highly influenced by the reinforcement ratios of the FRP and steel. Their research also offers equations for strength based on the various modes of FRP-reinforced beam failure. Perhaps the most accurate method of predicting strength of FRP-reinforced beams, for flexural, is through the use of finite element modeling programs, as suggested by some researchers. A critical factor for flexure capacity design is the adhesion between the concrete and the composite.
This paper presents a very simple, easy and efficient computational design oriented model for the determination of flexural strength of reinforced concrete beam strengthened at bottom with fiber reinforced polymer laminate. It also provides for the determination of limit of laminate thickness in order to avoid the tensile failure of beam due to fiber reinforced polymer and assure the tensile failure due to steel i.e. reinforcement yielding. This design oriented model also allows for the estimation of laminate thickness to attain a specified limiting moment capacity. The results from design oriented model compares with the results of author’s analytical finite element model as well as available researches experimental data.
IS 456:2000 is Indian standard code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete. With the help of this code, a systematic procedure/model had been introduced by K.B.Parikh et al. for the determination of flexural strength of singly RC beam strengthened with fiber reinforced polymer at bottom. For the determination of this model following assumptions should be made.
· The tensile strength of the concrete is ignored.
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
· For design purpose the compressive strength of concrete in the structure shall be assumed to be 0.67 times the characteristics strength.
· The maximum strain in concrete at the outermost compression fiber is taken as 0.0035.
· The maximum strain in the tension reinforcement in the section at failure shall not be less than
· Partial safety factor for steel is 1.15 and concrete is 1.50.
· The fiber reinforced polymer sheet or laminate has a linear elastic stress-strain relationship to failure.
· There is no relative slip between external fiber reinforced polymer sheet and concrete.
From the above assumptions, a stress-strain diagram has been drawn.
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
Fig. 1 Stress & strain diagram for RC beam with FRP
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
From the above stress and strain diagram of RC beam moment capacity of beam can easily determined from the following equation.
The depth of neutral axis is to be determined from the following equation.
t thickness of frp laminate/plate/sheet
Balanced Condition
The thickness of fiber reinforced polymer sheet can be determined for balanced condition. As per above assumption, there is a linear relationship of strain diagram. So, the ratio of can be found as follows.
Using equation (2), it is very easy to obtain an equation of thickness of fiber reinforced polymer lamina in balanced condition.
For, hence the equation for the thickness of FRP laminate becomes as,
For, hence the equation for the thickness of FRP laminate becomes as,
Maximum Thickness of FRP Sheet
The maximum thickness of fiber reinforced polymer sheet can be evaluated by using the criteria of minimum value of percentage of reinforcement as per IS 456:2000. The basic equation of minimum percentage of reinforcement for beam as per code is as follows.
Using the equation (8), modified the equation (5), (6) and (7) are as follows.
Using, various grade of concrete and grade of reinforcement, the equation of thickness of sheet under balanced condition with minimum reinforcement can be generated as,
Where the k is the multiplication factor, as shown in table 1.
Table 1: multiplication Factor ‘k’
Grade of Concrete/Grade of Reinforcement / /M15 / 2.1225 / 1.8526
M 20 / 3.0765 / 2.7166
M 25 / 4.0305 / 3.5806
M 30 / 4.9845 / 4.4446
General Equation
The general equation for the determination, of thickness of fiber reinforced polymer sheet can be expresses as follows.
If moment capacity is known, then it is very easy to determine the depth of neutral axis from following equation,
Table 2: Physical and Mechanical properties of materials
Author(s) / Index / L (mm) / b (mm) / D (mm) / Ast (mm2) /(Mpa) /
(Mpa) /
H. Saadatmanesh and R. Ehsani / A / 4875 / 205 / 455 / 1472.6 / 35 / 456 / 400
B / 4875 / 205 / 455 / 981.8 / 35 / 456 / 400
C / 4875 / 205 / 455 / 265.5 / 35 / 456 / 400
D / 4875 / 205 / 455 / 981.8 / 35 / 456 / 400
Yousef A. Al-Salloum / Control / 1350 / 150 / 200 / 157 / 40.1 / 412 / --
G-SBL / 1350 / 150 / 200 / 157 / 40.1 / 412 / 540
C-SBL / 1350 / 150 / 200 / 157 / 40.1 / 412 / 930
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the above equation, various available experimental research data is used. Also, the verification of these equations has been carried by analytical model suggested by K.B.Parikh et. al. Following table 1, shows the physical and mechanical properties of materials and table 2 shows the comparison of moment capacity of beams found from equation 1, using author finite element model and experimental results of researches. The following table 3 shows the maximum thickness and required thickness of fiber reinforced polymer sheet under balanced condition
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
The following are the comparative charts for the ultimate moments of beam.
Fig. 2 Comparative charts of ultimate moment
Table 3: Comparison of ultimate moment of beams
Author(s) / Index / Moment capacity or Ultimate MomentDesign oriented model Results / Finite element Model Results (K.B.Parikh et. al) / Experimental Results
H. Saadatmanesh and R. Ehsani / A / 326.2 / 330 / 337
B / 263.6 / 268 / 257.7
C / 173.3 / 181 / 188.3
D / 263.6 / 270 / 257.7
Yousef A. Al-Salloum / Control / 8.96 / 12.2 / 15.27
G-SBL / 22.15 / 23 / 23.67
C-SBL / 35.25 / 29.8 / 26.60
Table 4: FRP thickness
Author(s) / Index /Under balanced Condition / Maximum Value / Provided
Sing-Ping Chiew et. al / A - group / 2.38 / 3.66 / 1.7
Yousef A. Al-Salloum / G-SBL / 1.48 / 1.94 / 1.0
C-SBL / 0.86 / 1.13 / 1.19
Aihui / A - group / 0.140 / 0.233 / 0.111
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
Here simple and efficient design guidelines for the determination of ultimate moment of a beam with fiber reinforced polymer sheet at bottom provided with the help of IS 456: 2000. These guidelines provide effective and convince procedure for the determination of thickness of fiber reinforced polymer sheet under balanced condition. This design model validated through analytical and researchers experimental results of beam strengthened with fiber reinforced polymer sheet at bottom. From the results following conclusions can be drawn:
· The design oriented computational analysis to determine the ultimate moment capacity of singly reinforced RC beams strengthened with FRP at bottom proved to be efficient and good.
· The results obtained from this design oriented model were well compared with finite element model results and experimental results.
· One can easily determine the moment capacity of a beam strengthened with FRP at bottom by using simple approach.
· It also very easy to determine the thickness of FRP sheet under balanced condition.
· The design of FRP sheet thickness to attain a desired moment capacity in a given beam can be found out easily.
· The results showed that all computational models presented here performed well for the determination of experimental results.
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IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue II/July-Sept.,2010/274-282