Professional Women of the Finger Lakes
Executive Committee Meeting
Friday, August 13th, 2010
Final Copy, Approved September 1, 2010
9 Ayes
0 Nays
1 Abstention
Executive Committee Members
Present: Maggie Meyer, Diane Jones, Teresa Pare, Gina Marie Mangiamele
Susanne Adkins, Gloria Dunton, Nicole Mahoney, Taryn Windheim
Absent: Sharon Joslyn, Amy Morrisey
Meeting was called to order at 8:30 am
Meeting location: Simply Crepes, Main Street, Canandaigua, New York
Nicole Mahoney presented the results of the search for a graphic designer to create the logo for the PWFL. Information reported:
o A Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued to Ontario County graphic designers.
o Responding to the RFP was Marty Jones Wallace owner of Creative Dimensions.
o Marty created four concepts designs
o The proposal was submitted in accordance with the RFP
o The contract was assigned to Creative Dimensions to complete the logo.
Members provided feedback and suggestions for refining the logo concept. Nicole will follow-up with Marty Jones Wallace to award the contract and relay the changes desired in the design. Nicole will report on the progress of the design at the next meeting.
Nicole also discussed the communication survey that will be sent to the membership to determine the preferred method of communication.
Diane Jones, First Vice President in charge of programming, presented the schedule for the 2010-2011 year. Included in the discussion was information on the August 24th membership planning event to be held at Sue Adkins house. Also discussed was the PWFL business expo planned for September. Discussed was location, food and planning requirements. A final list of programs will be prepared and posted on the website.
Maggie Meyer, President, presented information on the following topics.
o District meeting being hosted by PWFL planned for October.
o Member request to advertise to the membership. (Policy needed)
o The Athena Awards Dinner and the results of the Chamber agreement.
o State conference scheduled for October 1 through October 3rd.
Gina Mangiamele presented a demonstration of the new website and discussed challenges to be resolved; mainly on the domain name registration through ICANN. The new website will launch in September.
Launch of the website is contingent on payment for the annual hosting fee of $239.40. Diane Jones, 1st V.P. presented a motion to authorize the Treasurer to issue payment for the annual cost of the Site. Teresa Pare, 2nd V.P. seconded the motion. A vote was taken. Ayes-9, Nay-0, Abstentions-0
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 am
Next meeting of the executive committee is on Wednesday, September 1, 2010.
Location: Simply Crepes, Main Street, Canandaigua, NY