02/11/14 Student Committee Meeting at 7pm EST
- Attendance Summary
Meeting Date / Meeting Duration / Number of Attendees
February 11, 2014 6:58 PM EST / 82 minutes / 9
John Hood Jr
Sarah Usher
Stephanie Straka
Taiclet, Lynne M
Katherine Bednar
Joseph O’Grady
- 2014 AADMD Annual Education Conference
- Call for Presentations and Posters
- Guidelines:
- 8 Scholarships available to support AADMD Student/Resident presenters
- Please direct interests to Sarah Usher
- Application TBA
- Accepting 2-3 student volunteers for meeting logistics in Princeton, New Jersey
- Guest registration, coordinate poster presentation set up, etc.
- Student registration waived
- Please direct interests to Sarah Usher
- Medically Underserved Population - Patients with neurodevelopmental disorders and intellectual disabilities
- AADMD Dental Students Mouthing Off Blog – Sarah Usher:
- Developing a resolution to present at the American Student Dental Association (ASDA) Annual Session on Feb. 28, 2014
- ASDA Resolution is available for review: please contact Sarah Usher
- Call for medical students interested in constructing and presenting a similar resolution to the American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
- Spread the Word to End the Word Champaign
- National AADMD Respect Committee welcomes new members
- Get involved in the National Healthcare Provider Respect Campaign
- John McGinley aka Dr. Perry Cox joined our initiate!
- Op-ed piece in NY Times
- Exception Parent Magazine
- Creation of branding/PR materials
- Website content
- US state dental and medical societies acknowledgement letters
- AADMD Dental/Medical Student chapters coordinated awareness campaigns along side state Special Olympics efforts
- Medical and Dental organizations and Universities acknowledgement
- Individual and group Respect committee efforts
- Join the next Respect Committee meeting:
- Update from James Lin – Local AADMD Student/Resident Campaigns
- Official day: Wednesday March 5, 2013
- AADMD Student Chapter Updates
- Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health & School of Osteopathic Medicine (Student: Sarah Usher Faculty: Dr. Tim Lukavsky)
- Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign – Agenda
- Advertising
- Gaining sponsors
- Inviting guests
- Dr. Mai-Ly Duong newly appointed Faculty Advisor for the Day For Special Smiles event Fall 2014
- Baylor College of Medicine (Resident: Michelle Cornacchia Faculty: Dr. Cynthia Peacock)
- First chapter meeting January 29, 2014
- 15 attendees
- Discussed future chapter plans/projects
- Spread the Word to End the Word Banner, pledges, bracelets
- Next meeting late February 2014
- College of Oral Health Sciences University of Technology in Jamaica (Student: LaurianLue Yen Faculty: Dr. Hilary Jones)
- Participated in the Special Olympics Healthy Athletes screenings Saturday, February 8, 2014
- Photos submitted, more to come!
- Harvard School of Dental Medicine (Student: SydneeChavis Faculty: Dr. RomeshNalliah)
- Special Needs Volunteer Clinic
- More exposure for students
- Now: recruiting community
- Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign
- Bowling night for HMS/HSDM students and Special Olympian community members
- Lanes provided for free for 40 people for 2 hours for this fundraiser event
- Guest speaker to address the topic of ending the R-Word
- Clinic Director of Down Syndrome Clinic, Children’s Hospital Boston - possible
- April 2014 community dinner for HMS/HSDM students and Special Olympian community members
- Expose patients and families to clinicians before treatment
- Expose students to patients with special needs
- Medical College of Wisconsin (Student: Ahmad El-Arabi Faculty: Dr. Joseph O’Grady)
- Working to get chapter more active
- Meeting January 2014 –12 attendees
- School Tradition second year student: Chapter President
- University of British Columbia(Student: Shan Sun Faculty: Dr. Nancy Vertel)
- Faculty Advisor Nancy Vertel is working towards recruiting new members, as the original members are now graduated.
- Update Roster each year to reflect student members and a list of graduated members
- University of Louisville School of Dentistry(Student: Shane Vaughn Faculty: Dr. LinelHolwager)
- First chapter meeting January 24, 2014
- 25 attendees on official sign-in sheet
- Reviewed AADMD PPT and provided information for AADMD registration
- Special Olympics KY basketball tournament in March 2014
- Completing athlete screenings, mouth guard fabrication
- Special Olympics Special Smiles Summer 2014 Games in Richmond, KY
- University of Pittsburgh(Student: Greg Sencak Faculty: Dr. Lynne Taiclet)
- AADMD Student/Resident Logo drafts completed and send to AADMD Executive Board for final vote
- Planning for the End Spread the Word campaign March 5 & 6, 2014
- Lunch Speakers
- Community members and patients with disabilities as guests
- T-Shirt printing with NEW AADMD LOGO
- University of Rochester(Students: Cynthia WongStephanie StrakaFaculty: Dr. Sulkes)
- People’s First lecture “how to present as a medical professional” – medical student
- Day For Special Smiles Event February 1, 2014 (Adopted from ASDOH)
- 100 athletes/patients
- Spread the Word to End the Word March 5, 2014
- Requested the Gregory Street Blues Band and/or DJ Louie. Possible video recording (R-E-S-P-E-C-T) June 2014
- Public Service Club od UofR interested in participating
- Wheels in Motion show – multiple ages performers
- Show and have audience participate
- Grant Project – Healthy Trainers for Special Athletes
- Virginia Commonwealth - Affiliated Chapter (Student: LyubovSlashcheva Faculty: Dr. Matthew Cooke)
- WELCOME to the AADMD as an Affiliated Student/Resident Chapter: VCU Special Care Interest Group
- Student Chapter Officers:
- Dental Chair: LyubovSlashcheva
- Medical Chair: TBA
- Director of Membership: Alyssa Gutierrez & ReemAlhussain
- Director of Programs: Jennifer Novak & NegarMassah
- Director of Public Relations; Anh Huynh, DA & Konstantine Dietrich
- Secretary: Amber Brooks
- Faculty Advisors: William Octave, DDS; Tammy Swecker, RDH; Bhavik Desai, DMD, PhD; Matthew Cooke, DDS, MD, MPH
- General Membership Roster: 57 members
- Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign
- Registered with their state Special Olympic organization as an SO College
- Received a banner, bracelets for the Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign
- Jump start: Host the SO Director of the VA Healthy Athletes Program and the SO VA Outreach Director for a lunch lecture on Feb. 25, 2014
- Encourage dental students to volunteer for the SO basketball tournament on March 2, 2014
- University of the Pacific in CA (Student: Michael Suh Faculty: Dr. Allen Wong)
- Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign
- Pledge Table with computers for official pledges & SO bracelets
- Mentoring patients with special needs at a local high school – limited hours available
- Next student committee meeting: March 11th at 7pm EST (second Tuesday of every month)