First day:

Phileas Fogg was in the port of New York... He found a ship called the Henrietta he likes to travel and he talks to the captain to see if HE could carry to an island called Santa Cruz de Graciosa in THE MIDDLE OF the Atlantic Ocean. The captain told him YES and they went to the island.

When they were reaching the island THEY came across a group of shipwrecked, were us and Fogg decides to take them WITH hIM.

-  Hello, I’m Alba

-  Hello, I’m Phileas Fogg

-  Where are you going?

-  We will GO TO “Casablanca” but we're out of coal and we have to stop here for the night.

-  We also go to “Casablanca”, CAN YOU TAKE US?

-  yes, but you have to help us get fuel for the boat

-  Okey, thank you.

(Francisco Campos)

Second day:

We spent the night on the island, and the awakening started looking for something that could serve as fuel. We went to work and found a log cabin and thought IT would be worth to use and talked to Fogg:

-Fogg, we found wood AND a hut

-Perfect, this night WE WILL go to “Casablanca”


WE Took all the wood we could and organize to put it into the boat. After that we went to rest for the evening AND WENT to “Casablanca”.

At 10 WE got into the boat and went Away to “Casablanca”, at night we are watching FROM THE deck and they rested. At 8 o'clock we reached “Casablanca”

(Alba Tomás)

Third day:

Arriving in “Casablanca”, we were very tired as the trip had been long. The people FROM “Casablanca” WERE very good to us, without knowing US anything, they offered us food, shelter for sleeping, etc., HELPED us to find someone to go to London. That night THERE WERE a few Moors who wanted to bring food into Spain. That morning we startED with Phileas Fogg, Aouda, and Passepartout, and the Moors. We headed to Spain. At 11 to de a.m. of the 12 hours of road. After GETTING on a car and boat, we got to Seville, where we ate a great source of fish, and took the opportunity to see a good bullfight, in which the best bullfighters of Spain.

(Vicente Muñoz)

Fourth day:

After finishing WATCHING THE bulls WE went to see the “Giralda”. At the end we took a train to Madrid, once there we stopped for dinner and slePT in a hostel. The next day when we got up we took a taxi that took us to Zaragoza, there we were able to get money to continue OUR WAY to London. We took another train from “Madrid” to “Barcelona” and when we arrived we had a taxi waiting for us who had called Fogg. We went in search of a hotel for the night, and at the end we visited the “Sagrada Familia”, just after the visit we went to the hotel for dinner and sleep.

(Juanjo Poquet)

Fifth day:

We hearD the alarm, it’s seven a.m o’clock. We give a quick return and we caught our things. It’s time for breakfast; in the restaurant THERE WAS an orange juice and buns. We caught a bus in the “Canaletas” place that TOOK us to the “El prat” airport. During the journey we see an accident and we lost one hour. Suddenly we arriveD AT THE airport at eleven o’clock. We drAnk a coffee in the cofFe-SHOP. Then we caught a boarding card and GOT ON THE plane at half past twelve, we use the journey to rest and we come to “Paris” at half past one

(María Valiente)

Sixth day:

Arriving in Paris we were astonished with the preciousness of the place. We went to see the Eiffel Tower and rented a car to head to the coast of Calais. Once there we boarded a small boat and crossed from coast to coast. Once on the ground we decided to go shopping, but got mugged with a knife to take away the money, luckily the police arrived on time and just stayed in a fright. After this incident we decided to go straight to London.

(Carlos Zoroa)