“Towards Democracy and Diversity”

Workshop for Caribbean Teachers

Summer 2009

Lesson Plan


Jacqueline Mercedes Pérez Espinal

“Towards Democracy and Diversity”

Workshop for Caribbean Teachers

Summer 2009

Lesson Plan


Diversity on the Road to the Cultural Harmony

Concept/Main Idea of the Lesson:

First, the teacher will introduce to the students the concept of diversity, including a working definition of it characteristics. Second, students will learn about minority groups and their relationship with one another. Finally, the goal is for them to appreciate these cultural diversities and their value in the world.

Intended Grade Level:

9th to 12th grades

Infusion /Subject Area (s):

Civic Education, Dominican History, Dominican History Today, Caribbean and American History.

Instructional Objective:

The students will:

a) Analyze the conceptof diversity and its characteristics.

b) Learn about the minority groups and their relationship with one another.

c) Recognize these cultural diversities and their values for humanity.

Learning Activities Sequence:

  1. Set Induction:

Put the students in groups of 5 or 6. Then, give each group:

1) Different kinds of flowers and have a brainstorming session about the benefits of flower diversity

2) Different photos of people of diverse cultures to discuss each photo’s characteristics (using handout #1)

Each group will then be called on to explain their hand out (making an oral summary).The teacher will reinforce the idea that just as we value diversity in flowers, we should value diversity in people.

  1. Learning Activities:

Pass out the article about the topic: “minority group, characteristics”. While still in their groups from the set induction, have each group dissect the article by following these steps:

1) Each group will discuss the article, and they will explain common aspects.

2 ) Each group will make a list of the kind of the minority groups

3 ) Each group will write about one of the minority group’s characteristics.

4 ) Each group will speak about these minorities’ group life conditions.

5 ) Students will make an oral personal reflection about the benefits of living together.

  1. Closure:

1 ) The teacher will introduce a music video: Something Beautiful by Alexis Murdoch (give a copy of the lyrics ofthe song to each student). Have the students follow along with the lyric sheet as the song plays.

2 ) The teacher will give each student worksheet #2 which asks them to reflect on the music video.

3 ) The students will write their personal reflection about diversity.


Students can choose from a multitude of creative options in which they will express how and why they think harmony should be promoted in their society.

(Students can choose from these creative options--- a poster, drama, poems, songs, or reflections --- or present another option to the teacher for approval.

Materials and Resources:


Worksheets about “Something Beautiful” by Alexis Murdoch.

Article: Minority group characteristics.

Music Video



Marginalization. Accessed July 24th 2009 from:

Wikipedia.org/wiki/wiki/ethnic minority.

Minority group accessed July 24th 2009 from:

Wikipedia.org/wiki/wiki/ethnic minority

Pencus, F. L. (2006). Understanding diversity: An introduction to class, race, gender, and sexual orientation. Boulder, Colo: Lynne Rienner.

Tone, J.H. (2005). Culture and Disability: Providing culturally competent services. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage publications.

Handout #1: to be used with the set induction photos

  1. Do you know them /him or her?
  1. Where is he/she from?
  1. How do they live?
  1. What language does she/he speak?
  1. What do you think about him/her?

Worksheet #2: Something Beautiful by Alexis Murdoch.

1)What do you think of when you hear the expression: “Something Beautiful”?

2) What does the word beautiful mean for you?

3)What feeling do you have about the song? Write /speak about it.

4) How can we promote a better world?

5)Would you like to work for a better world? What can you do?