May 21, 2013
Mayor Mingus called the Working Session of the City Council of East Peoria, Illinois to order at 5:02 P.M.
Upon the roll being called the following answered present: Mayor Mingus, Commissioners Decker, Densberger and Jeffers.
Absent: Commissioner Joos.
Mayor Mingus stated that the purpose of the meeting is to discuss a presentation by Brad Smith on Veterans Park Roadway Improvements and a presentation by Jennifer Daly on Focus Forward Central Illinois – New Economic Regional Organization. He explained that there would be no final action. He turned the discussion over to City Administrator, Tom Brimberry. City Administrator Brimberry explained that the Park District is going to make roadway improvements in Veterans Park. He discussed building roads for Winter Wonderland in Veterans Park and the portion of the road that will be improved. City Administrator Brimberry explained that he has a copy of the agreement with the City with the FOLEPI Foundation for Winter Wonderland road uses on the projector. He explained that there would be additional grading and stabilization needed. He explained that in 1994 the agreement between the City and the Park District outlined the responsibilities of the City for the roadway improvements.
City Administrator Brimberry introduced Fondulac Park District Director, Brad Smith. Mr. Smith explained that he went out to bid last week, and R.A. Cullinan was the low bid on the entire project. He explained that he has a set of concept plans and a breakdown of the engineer’s estimate for the project along with the bid tab sheets. He discussed the alternatives with the bid. He explained that he plans to use asphalt for the project. The total costs are estimated at $117,000.00. He explained that there is a chance that there may be additional expenses that they come across as the work is completed. However, it will be close to the $117,000.00 estimated.
Commissioner Densberger asked if this project could be included in the City’s to make the costs lower. The City and Park District agreed that they would look into the costs.
Mr. Smith discussed the fact that the budget had already been passed, and he understood that there may be no funding available from the City at this point.
Commissioner Joos entered the meeting at 5:10 p.m.
Mr. Smith explained that the Park District already has enough monies budgeted to pay for the project so that the City could plan for it next year and reimburse the Park District. He discussed more details of the plans and when the project would begin.
Commissioner Densberger explained that there may be hotel/motel tax funds available for use on this project.
Mayor Mingus explained that spending money to improve the road for Winter Wonderland fulfills the City’s commitment.
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Mr. Smith explained that once the City constructs the road and reroutes it there would be no longer any responsibility of the City for the lower road and the parking lot. He would like to discuss whether it is now and in the future as far as future maintenance.
Mayor Mingus asked if there was a consensus to move forward before the Festival of Lights. Commissioner Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, and Joos were all in consensus to move forward with the project. Commissioner Jeffers discussed economies of scale and that it is a good thing to do in conjunction with other projects.
Mr. Smith asked for $10,000.00 per year to take care of basic work on the roads. He explained that $10,000.00 would not be spent every year but it would be expended if there are larger maintenance needs in the future. He explained the Park District’s maintenance schedule.
Mayor Mingus explained that the City would work with the Park District on an agreement.
Commissioner Decker explained that he likes the idea of the maintenance and using the park for the Festival of Lights.
Mr. Smith explained that he included all of the agreements between the Park District and the City in a handout to the City Council.
Mayor Mingus explained that there should be a time scheduled to meet with staff.
City Administrator Brimberry discussed where the new roadway would be located for the Festival of Lights.
Director of Tourism, Special Events and Facilities, Dan Cunningham, explained that Winter Wonderland will not be much difference but that the City will lose an eighth of a mile that will be made up with more displays along Par Three Lane. It will give people a new look. He discussed the new route. He does not anticipate that there will be any problems.
Director of Public Works, Steve Ferguson, and Street Department Supervisor, Ric Semonski, discussed and explained the cost comparison and coordination in building the roadways together.
Mayor Mingus asked for any questions or comments from the audience. There was no response.
The meeting was recessed at 5:25 p.m.
The meeting was brought back to order at 5:33 p.m. with all members present.
Mayor Mingus introduced Jennifer Daly who is the President and CEO of the Morton Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Mingus turned the discussion over to Director of Planning and Community Development, Ty Livingston. Director Livingston explained that the Economic Development Council will provide the structure that the City is looking for to identify the right team.
Ms. Daly explained that the Mayor worked and served on the Focus Forward team to create a strategy for regional economic development. Ms. Daly discussed the strategy team and the process to develop a regional economic development strategy to move forward. She discussed meeting with successful regional development organizations to determine their governance and organizational structure. She discussed an 8 ½ x11” handout that outlined the Regional Economic Development Council Re-Organization including the mission, commitment, strategy and core functions from the handout. She then discussed the individuals that are proposed to be used at the organization. It is a proposed two-phased hiring of individuals. She discussed
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the Regional EDC Governance Model and that many of the most effective and successful used a private business model. She discussed the board size.
Mayor Mingus discussed the regional model. He explained that the regional model has had a lot of buy-in. He explained that communities and East Peoria are better off if the region is promoted. He explained that the value of participation has been of great value to the buy-in.
Commissioner Densberger discussed the former regional EDC. He explained that he has some apprehension because of scope of the task of the reorganization and moving parts to the reorganization. He feels that there needs to be measureable goals that can be measured in the future. He feels that this can succeed and that communication is key.
Commissioner Decker explained that he agrees with Commissioner Densberger that the previous EDC was not very beneficial, and he has some apprehension moving forward. He sees true value in this effort if it is done well, and he is excited in moving forward with this.
Mayor Mingus explained that the City will be asked to contribute monetarily in the future but that the City will need to see benefit.
Commissioner Jeffers explained that he believes that SMART goals are important. He likes the balance that he sees in the organization. He explained that it is more than just dollars and cents; it is also about quality of place. He sees it as a long term benefit for the community as a whole.
Commissioner Joos explained that he does not have the first-hand experience. He explained that it appears that the goals are fairly lofty. He feels that if the goals are measured and attained there are large benefits. He explained that you must keep your pulse on the organization and the goals. He thinks that Ms. Daly is moving in the right direction.
Mayor Mingus asked for any comments from the audience. There was no response.
Director Livingston explained that it has been a year-long process for the EDC to move forward this fall. He discussed that he and Rick Swan have been members of the Tazewell County economic development organization and that they will work to collaborate with the regional EDC and local economic development individuals.
Mayor Mingus thanked Jennifer Daly for her work.
Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move you that we adjourn the meeting.
Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 5:59 P.M.
__/s/ Morgan R. Cadwalader______
Morgan R. Cadwalader, City Clerk