This course is designed to teach students the important principles of weight training. This course will also teach students the proper form, spotting, and safety of all exercises in the weight room. The instruction of this course will consist of lecture and lab work. By the end of this course, students will have a basic idea of creating and using a personalized weight training program.


Students will:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of proper exercise techniques and safety


2.  Demonstrate proper training techniques in selected exercises.

3.  Demonstrate knowledge of weight training programs and exercise by

designing a personalized weight training program.

4.  Use personalized weight training program, weight train with proper form,

technique, and safety.

5.  Demonstrate knowledge of anatomy and how it applies to weight training.

6.  Demonstrate knowledge of logging daily training information.

7. Clean the weight room one time per quarter.

Grading Graded Material

A - 100 - 90 60% - Participation

B - 89 - 80 20% - Written Tests/Quizes

C - 79 - 70 10% - Program

D - 69 - 60 10% - Weight Training Log

Weight Training Rules and Procedures

1. All students must dress in workout clothes with tennis shoes for every class.

2. All students must stay in main gym until dismissal bell rings.

3. All students will treat fellow students, facilities, equipment, and staff with respect.

4. Daily class schedule: 5 minutes dress time, 7 minutes stretch and warm-up time,

30 minutes activity time, and 7 minutes shower time.

5. Students not in the weight room and ready for warm-up 5 minutes after class

Starts will be counted tardy. On every 3rd tardy a loss of points will occur.

6. Students are expected to use appropriate language.

7. If a student has a health problem or a medical condition please let me know.

8. Any student that is present for class and can not participate must have a doctor’s

excuse for no participation.

9. All unexcused absences are a loss of points with no opportunity for make-up.

Unexcused absences are skipping, ISS, OSS, or anything labeled unverified on the

attendance program.

10. Possible consequences for violations of rules and procedures:

- Follow Respect and Protect Procedures

- Loss of daily points


Each student has the ability to earn 10 participation points for every day that is designated a participation day.


Every 3rd tardy is a loss of 10 participation points. These points can be earned back by performing a makeup day. Each set of three tardies made-up will result in the use of one make-up day.


Students will be allowed to makeup one day of class in which they did not dress (results in the use of one make-up day). Non dress 2-4 will be loss of daily participation points with no possibility for make-up. On the third and fourth non dress days, a letter will be sent home to the student’s parents explaining the situation. The fifth non dress will result in the student being removed from the class and receive a failing grade.


All makeup days must consist of 30 minutes of weight training, and a makeup sheet must be filled out and signed.

Students will be allowed to make-up 8 days.

3 of the 8 days that can be made up can be signed by a parent and done outside of school. The other 5 days must be made up at the high school weight room. The weight room is open during the school day except for 4th hour and it is open every day after school until 5:00pm.

All days missed will result in a loss of daily participation points.

In cases of an absence, it is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the instructor to make up class. If a student is absent for a school sponsored activity, the student needs to make-up the day in order to earn the points back.

With the exception of a serious illness or health problems no students should miss more than 8 days in a semester. In these cases the student must make arrangements with the instructor to make up additional days.

All makeup days must consist of 30 minutes of weight training, and a makeup sheet must be filled out and signed.

No makeup is allowed for an unexcused absence.

Absences not make up will result in the following:

4 days not make up best grade B

6 days not make up best grade C

8 days not make up best grade D

9 days not make up best grade F