NOT A FAN Discussion Outline

NOT A FAN, FMC, Navigator’s ABF, 1/26/14,Ken Stoltzfus,

Chapter 3 – Knowledge about Him or Intimacy with Him?

Background:Luke 7, and specifically verses 36-50

Except for our first point below, most of pp 41-46 can be read lightly, but then let’s dig in at p47.

1) P42, start at 2nd paragraph and read through, “This is what often separates the fans from the followers. It’s the difference between knowledge and intimacy.” What is your impression of the Pharisees and does that help you “get” what Idleman is working at here?

2) Really, how do we respond to people who have vast Bible knowledge, and what unwise assumptions might we make about them?

3) P47-48, Yada, Yada, Yada –Important!

4) Why might Christians fear an intimate relationship with Jesus?

5) What is the reward of intimacy with Jesus? (For openers, how about John 14:12-27, 15:7-11, 16:7-15, v33!

6) What is the cost of such intimacy? Consider John 15:18-21 and Luke 9:23-26.

7) How does John 15:1-15 relate to this discussion?

8) “Not a fan story”, p53, part way through last paragraph, “It may sound crazy, but - -.” Is this guy for real or is this some kind of super-saint rhetoric? Do you know anyone with a similar testimony?

Chapter 4 – One of Many or Your One and Only?

Background:Luke 14, and specifically verses 25-35

This is a key chapter in the NOT A FAN study!

1) PP 55-58 – What most stands out to you in this section?

2) What do you think of the argument that we need to be more “seeker sensitive” in our day than Jesus was?

3) Have you ever had to choose between following Jesus, and maintaining the favor of a family member or friend?

4) Other than bad habits, what have you given up in order to follow Jesus?

5) Are you satisfied with the degree to which you are a Fan or a Follower?

6) If not, what could you do about it? What steps could the Navigator’s take together to become more serious followers of Jesus?

7) What hinders our taking such steps?

8) P66, What would happen at Fairlawn Mennonite Church if Pastors Duane and Keith took the stance that John Oros did?

The article “Between the Palm Branches and the Cross” can be linked to from our main page,

NOT A FAN, FMC, Navigator’s ABF, 1/26/14,Ken Stoltzfus,