2017-2018 Academic Year CumhuriyetSecondary School5th Grades 1st Term 3rd English Exam
Name&Surname: Class: Number:

A) Aşağıdaki parçadaki boşlukları kendinize göre doldurunuz. (13x1=13p)

Hi, my name is ______. I am from ______. I am ______. I am ______yearsold. I study at Cumhuriyet______l. Ispeak ______. My favoriteclass is ______because I am good at______. My favoritehobbiesare ______and______but I dislike ______. I can______but I can’t ______.
B) Aşağıdaki sorulara kendinize göre uzun cevaplar veriniz. (8x2=16p)

1. What time do yougetup?

2. What do youhaveforbreakfast?


3. How do yougotoschool?

4. How manyclasses do youhave a day?


5. Where do youhavelunch?


6. What do you do afterschool?


7. Do youreadbooks in theevenings?

8. Do yougetupgetuplate on weekends?


C) What time is it? Saat kaç? Yazınız. (4x2=8p)

It is ………………………….. It is ………………………….. It is ………………………….. It is …………………………..

D) Kutudaki ifadeleri resimleri eşleştin. Harfleri resimlerin altına yazınız. (10x1=10p)

E) Kutudaki ifadelerin harflerini diyaloglardaki boş parantezlerin içine yazın. (10x2=20p)

A) How can I gettothepharmacy? E) No, I can’t H) Do youlikechess?
B) It is on Saturday. F) No, shedoesn’t. I) Inthe park, nexttoourschool.
C) Not bad, thanks. G) Youarewelcome. J) He is at thebarber.
D) Where is thehospital?

1. Ali:Thankyouverymuch.

2. Ali: Doesyourmothergetuplate?

3. Ali: How areyoudoing?
Ahmet: ……………(……)……………………..

4. Ali:…………………(……)………………..
Ahmet:Yes, I do.It is myfavorite.

5. Ali:Where is John?

6. Ali:……………(……)……………………..
Ahmet:It is nexttothepharmacy.

7. Ali:……………(……)……………………..
Ahmet:Gostraightahead. Turnleft. It is on yourright.

8. Ali: Can youplaychess?

9. Ali:When is yourswimmingcourse?

10. Ali:Where do youplaydodgeball?

F) Aşağıda cümlelerdeki hatalı kelimeleridüzelterek cümlelerin doğrusunu altlarına yazın. (4x2=8p)

1. Theflorist is oppositethepharmacyandthe toy shop.


2. I am bad in solvingproblems.


3. I am fromRussian.


4. I dislikehistory but I don’tlikegeography.


G) Her soruda farklı olan seçeneği işaretleyip işaretlediğiniz seçeneği yandaki kutuya yazınız. (10x1=10p)


1. A)England B) Turkey C) Spain D) Japanese

2. A)French B) Turkish C) Italy D) German

3. A)Chess B) Cat C) Tic-tac-toe D) Checkers

4. A)like B)hate C) love D) enjoy

5. A)Palace B)Castle C) Tower D)Sculpting

6. A)Science B) Sunday C) Tuesday D) Monday

7. A)Experiment B) Art C) Pyhsical Education D) History

8. A)Turn right B) Excuse me C) Go straight ahead D) The the first left

9. A)Cinema B) Fire station C) Checkers D) Toy shop

10. A) fifteen B) canteen C) seventeen D) sixteen