Scouting4peace – Fundraising -Draft Strategic Plan 2010- 2015Prepared By Andrew Champion, Australia- 9th August 2010

Scouting4peace is a global Scouting Organisation seeking to raise funds to meet its goals and vision.

Scouting is the world’s largest youth organisation with over 28 million members.

Vision- International peace, friendship, education and understanding based on a strong and visual Scouting presence across the globe.

Purpose- To be an effective organisation, Scouting4peace needs to fund its costs of administration, National promotions,local missions,peace forums,scouting events and communication expenses in a sustainable manner. With sustainable funding programs in place, Scouting4peace will initiate activities, gatherings, forums and missions to help foster peace amongst all people through Scouting.

Values- Scouting4peace is a well respected organisation and supportsthe World Organisation of Scouting Movement and WAGGGS and maintains the highest moral standards, integrity and respect. Our values are based on the Scout Law and Promise.

Goal- By the year 2015, Scouting4peace will generate a positive and sustainable cash flow of US$250,000 per annum to fund the annual operating and field activities of Scouting4peace. Scouting4peace will partner with National and International corporations, scouting organisations, governments, individuals and key stakeholders to deliver International programs that promote Scouting as a social force relevant to change the world.

One World, One Promise.

Scouting4peace is a volunteer organisation with a membership base across more than 180 countries, many of whom are in regions of the world experiencing severe economic, natural and political constraints. Providing leadership through volunteers, technology and communication access, language and time zone differences, cultural and socio economic distance are constraints that will require an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each country in which Scouting4peace can potentially raise funds from.

A structure of national fundraising sub committees can potentially identify the most appropriate methods of fund raising to pursue in their respective country.

The sources of funding can be summarised into the following categories;

  1. Grants (corporate, government, organisation, individual where S4P benefits )
  2. Donations (Sponsorships, bequests, etc where S4P is the primary beneficiary)
  3. Retail Sales ( e.g. S4P t shirts, calendars, caps, badges, wrist bands, stickers etc, corporate branding benefits but labour intensive, capital outlay, profit share,)
  4. Affiliate Marketing and Partnerships ( where both parties benefit, includes click through commissions from banner ads, partnerships like DubLi shopping/auctions/ entertainment and national scout shop ads and click through sales)
  5. Activity Based ( eg, raffles, appeals, events, traditional fun raisers)

Table of Strategies

Strategies Priorities Performance measure

Identify best source of $ by Nation Form national sub comm’ The # of sub comm’s formed

Identify S4P funding needs Develop submissions The # and $ value of funding needs

Identify priority $ global list Compile Top 20 list $ value identified for each

Effective financial planning Prepare 5 yr forward budgets Meet annual revenue goals

Determine potential projects Assess against checklist Score against fund raising checklist

Quarterly review of projects Monitor performance % of target revenue raised

Utilize S4P memb’ship support Prepare system of communication % response & %support

Attract experienced leaders Review S4P fundraising comm’ roles for each comm’ member

Secure NFP partners List top 50 Foundations # of MOU’s or agreements entered

Secure Corporate partners List top 100 Corporate donors # of partnerships and $ raised

Increase S4P brand awareness List top 50 marketing tools # of mediums S4P has coverage in

Fund raising Checklist

1. Which countries are most suitable?

2. What capital outlay/ risk is involved?

3. Who will plan the activity?

4. Who will undertake the activity?

5. Who will do the acquittal of the activity?

6. What amount of net annual revenue will the activity provide? ( low, medium and high projections for each of Year 1, year 2, year 3, year 4 and year 5

7. How many volunteers are needed?

8. What time frame will the activity occur? (hours/day, days/week, weeks/year)

9. What storage of product is required?

10. Is there physical risk associated with the activity?

11. What exit strategy is included prior to commencement?

12. Who and what accounting and reporting will be undertaken?

13. Who has delegated authority to approve, amend or cancel the activity?

14. What banking procedures are in place?

15. What media plan has been planned/ submitted?

16. Does the activity comply with S4P, and WOSM etc requirements/ standards?

17. Are youth involved &has a risk assessment & all NSO’s agreement been obtained?

18. What ceremonies, letters of acknowledgement are needed?

19. What non revenue benefits are likely for S4P?


The decision to proceed or not with any fund raising project or activity is based on the level of benefit to the S4P fund raising objectives when weighed up against the level of risk and effort and availability of volunteers to assess, plan, undertake and do acquittal.

Actions from here…

  1. Tarek to review and make amendments, if required, request Andrew to expand or cut particular aspects of the draft and or refer to S4P management committee and or key S4P personnel for review, input, additions/ deletions. ( aim for completion by end of August)
  2. Andrew review feedback and amend Draft to become Draft for circulation to Group Committee for Fundraising . (By end of 1st week of September)
  3. Committee members review and make suggestions, amendments, additions, deletions as well as committee members to identify what role they individually are happy to undertake. Review committee membership and role designations based on expression of interest, experience, qualifications, capacity and available and suitable roles. ( By end of 3rd week in September)
  4. Andrew review and prepare final Strategy for Tarek and S4P Management team (By end of 1st week in October).
  5. Publish the Strategy on the S4P website and commence formal implementation of Strategy.
  6. Review at the end of each month, for the first 12 months, the progress of individual members of the fundraising committee. After the first 12 months, conduct a review of roles, successes, limited success and inadequate success.


One of the key implementation strategies may be to secure funding to employ professional fund raising manager who will work full time implementing the strategy, particularly the larger revenue earners like government grants and corporate sponsorships.

“Submission ready” grant applications - It is important to be able to identify to potential corporate sponsors, the type of expenses, outlays, ongoing expenditure required and benefits. It is also a good strategy to have “submission ready” projects for government, not for profit organisations (NFP’s) and corporate grant programs.

Of the source of funding categories, each will vary in their nature i.e, ( with a couple of examples)

  1. annual or one off in nature, (an annual art union or lottery or a grant from a government department for replacement office equipment and computers)
  2. the effort required, ( a team of 200 volunteers or a team of 2 volunteers for each country or fund raising project)
  3. the expense consideration, ( purchasing stock for retail apparel or a no cost email campaign asking for corporate sponsorships )
  4. the repeat nature, ( profit from selling a T shirt that last for 2 years or a monthly income from selling a corporate logo on website etc)
  5. the growth potential and ( will the revenue increase each quarter)
  6. availability of experienced and willing leaders to volunteer for each sub committee, fund raising source category and/or agreed action.

As an example, if 100 volunteer leaders with experience come forward in the next 3 months, each and every one of the categories can be pursued. On the other hand, if only 3 experienced leaders volunteer their time, raising the desired level of revenue would by necessity, restrict the effort to larger income/ lower effort style of actions, for example, seeking 10 corporate sponsorships of $25,000 each over a 5 year agreement period.