TUESDAY 3rdMarch 2015
Pam Linton (PL)- Chair
Tony Hancock (TH)- Vice Chair
Stephen Thompson (ST)- D&G Council Member
Dug Pettigrew (DP)- Treasurer
Ian Vidler (IV)- Member
Edna Allbrooke (EA)- Member
Anne Wyllie (AW)- Secretary - Member
Jim Davidson (JD)- Co-opted Member
Charles McKerrell (CMcK)- Member of the Public
May McKerrell(MMcK- Member of the Public
Apologies:- Peter Diggle; GrahamTait; Martin Wilson
In Attendance:- Apologies from Press Reporter
Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
Accepted by Jim Davidson and seconded by Edna Allbrooke
Matters Arising:
  • Proposed Cleaning of Robert the Bruce Statue – TH had contacted D&G Council to see how Robert Burns’ statue in Dumfries had been cleaned and by whom. He received a reply which basically said that they were collating information with regard to cleaning statues and would get back to us. However they did say that the protocol for cleaning statues has changed since the Robert Burns’ statue was cleaned

Police Report (Report from Mark Jackson):
Incidents of Note:
  • 27/02 – 47 year old male reported for threatening and abusive behaviour and vandalism near to Broad Chapel Farm
  • 24/02 – 24 year old male reported for failing to comply with his bail conditions at George Hunter Drive
  • 19/02 – Youth reported for threatening an abusive behaviour and possession of an offensive weapon at local care home
  • 16/02 – sign damaged at Mill Loch – enquiries ongoing
  • 15/02 – Report of suspicious male near Mill Loch Play Park – enquiries ongoing – however nothing of concern to report
  • 13/02 – 22 year old male reported for threatening and abusive behaviour within High Street
  • 10/02 – 21 year old male reported for threatening and abusive behaviour (domestic) within High Street.
  • The month of February saw a low level of crime in general.
  • Two new sergeants based at Lockerbie Police Station – A/Sgt Jonathan Edgar and Sgt Joyce Adams.
  • EA asked what constituted the criteria for an “accident black spot” – local people are worried by the amount of cars going off the road at the Burnside corner. It might be an idea to put a sign up saying about the amount of accidents/fatalities that occur here. Police explained that this was down to the Roads Department who put up signage and road furniture – an analysis would have to be done in the first instance.
  • MMcK – Traffic from the Caravan Park up to Bruce Street: Occasionally cars/caravans backing out into Bruce Street – perhaps one-way traffic would be the way to go – again this is something that the Roads Department would deal with. However, DP, the Warden at the Caravan Park, said that whilst he had witnessed this happening he felt it only happened now and again as most people realised how narrow the access was.
/ ST to raise with Roads Department
Treasurers Report:
  • DP reported that there was little change from last time.
  • Slight discrepancy in the Community Council Account (about £15.90) but discovered it was for the insurance for the Remembrance Parade which has yet to be cashed.
  • Community Council Account stands at £1,723.40.
  • Christmas Lights Account stands at £1,740.65

Dumfries & Galloway Council Issues:
  • Still no work done on the drains at the Balcastle.)
  • Foul smell still at MounceysWynd.)
  • Still ponding at Church Place.)
  • ST informed the group that there was an enquiry came in from a member of the public relating to the poor state of a stretch of road at Watchhill – there has been a bit of work done to the culverts but it has been logged and should be dealt with shortly by the Council.
  • The Public Toilet Signage – ST has found out that further advanced directional signage to the toilets will be installed shortly.
  • Textile Collection Bins (overflowing) – ST found out that it is Shanks Household Waste Centre Manager (East) who deals with this. However they have now been emptied. ST informed the group that it is supposed to be emptied weekly, so if there is a problem in future - contact Shanks.
  • Residents Association Meeting – ST attended on Monday – problem with dog fouling at Glebe Crescent and Wimpey Housing Estate – ST got in touch with DGHP and a meeting has been organized with them, Taylor Wimpey and the Council to see how this can be overcome i.e. to see who is going to provide/empty the bins.
  • Lochmaben Primary School – re safe crossing of the road – signage for this is not sufficient, looking at yellow markings on the road and looking at 20 mph limit in school hours. The Community Council to approach the PTA about teachers parking on the High Street – they normally meet every 2/3 months – perhaps write initially.
  • PL informed ST that she had a lady approach her from Stanedyke Crescent along from the Doctors Surgery– road is badly potholed.
  • The lane between the Caravan Park and Bruce Street has now been cleaned up.
  • Street Lighting; Croft Terrace and Princes Street lights have been off for about a week as well as some in Queen Street plus the small lane between Castle Street and Queen Street – TH to report.
  • MMcK informed the group of the pavement at the top of Bruce Street on the right hand side going up has been poorly fitted, the slabs being on different levels – ST to report.
  • EA informed the group that the bus shelter opposite Lochmaben Hospital needs looked at, as at the moment it is set back and hidden from view– it is in an inappropriate dangerous position and should be re-sited. TH to write to Alistair Speedie re this or as a stopgap install a mirror so that passengers can see the bus approaching,
/ ST to follow up
TH to contact School
Wind Farms:
  • Hartwood Hill Update – PL reported that over the past 2 to 3 weeks 800 households in Lochmaben have been leafleted with a flyer objecting to the proposed development of 7 wind turbines at Hartwood Hill. To date 425 individual letters objecting to the proposed development have been forwarded to Dumfries & Galloway Council’s Planning Department. In addition The Royal Four Towns Community Council and Torthorwald Community Council plus Lochmaben Initiative have also forwarded objections to the proposed plans. TH informed the group that the MOD had put an objection in due to the fact that Hartwood Hill is in a low flying area – they have also said that if it does go ahead red lights will need to be inserted on the top of the turbines. Also the Landscape Architect has put an objection in. There are however supporters and so far 13/14 supporters of the development have made their position known to the Council.
  • Harestanes– TH has still had no word from Harestanes. The last time we heard from them was back in November when they said they were in the process of incorporating the company and setting up a bank account. Hopefully as soon as funds are paid into the account they will be sending out cheques i.e. probably by the end of the year/January 2015. ST had attended a meeting on Harestanes that morning in Moffat. Things do seem to be progressing, but slowly.
  • Minsca–TH has received a communication from McNabLawrie confirming that we will get the next tranche of money this year (about £2000). Up until April Community Councils are to invite community groups to submit proposals for funding. By April Community Councils should receive applications from these community groups as long as it is not over £1000 – then the Community Council have to draw up a plan on how best to distribute the money to these groups, the Community Council itself can also put forward a project for the benefit of the community. Suggestions so far – bowling club, tennis club, football club etc. – all to bring suggestions to next meeting.
/ All
Poultry Farm:
  • The site visit by the Council took place yesterday at which several local residents attended. No questions could be put to the Councillors during the site visit. It was mooted by several local residents that this seemed to be undemocratic. Mr Bowker, the planning applicant, started the proceedings by trying to convince those attending that the proposed poultry building would not be very visible despite the fact that at over 7,000 sq m it would have the largest building footprint in Lochmaben plus it was 2 ½ sizes bigger than in the original application. There were obvious signs of dissatisfaction from local residents. The decision will be made on March 25th.

Flag Flying:
  • TH informed the group of an email received from D&G Council last week explaining that there are no staff at present able to give flag flying training to anyone wishing to fly flags at Lochmaben Town Hall. TH also asked if we could fly a flag with the Lochmaben Coat of Arms on the other flagpole as an added town attraction. The Council have said at this moment in time no customised flag can be flown, as flag flying is restricted to certain days, however this will be looked into further as this is down to Local Authorities and is not governmentally restricted. There does seem to be some legal reason why we can’t use the Coat of Arms – however some other depiction of Lochmabenon the flag could be used – perhaps bring ideas to the next meeting.
/ All
Castle Loch Trust:
  • TH reported that everything was going very well and the next project is to replace the bird hide destroyed by fire; a local builder has offered to help.
  • Due to cut backs 2 rangers will be retiring shortly and the future of the third is uncertain.
  • The AGM will be on Tuesday 24th March 2015 at 7.30 p.m. in Lochmaben Church Hall. The official opening of the Castle Loch Walk will be on 11th of April.

Fund Raising Concert – Taste of Country:
  • PL informed the group of this fund raiser which will take place on 15th May 2015 at the Community Centre. Taste of Country are a group with an eclectic musical repertoire who have a very good reputation. There will be a light supper - £10 a ticket. Bar to be organized. Posters and tickets will be printed soon – this will be to raise funds for the Senior Citizens Christmas Party.

  • TH reminded the group that elections will be taking place in Thursday 22nd October.
  • MMcK informed the group that the Friends of the Annandale and Eskdale Museum are folding up and are having their final event next week - and all the property that they have had control over in the Annan Museum is being given back to the people who originally donated it – look into retrieving the Provost Chain, the Vendace and the Halliday Casket etc.

Correspondence Received:
  • Invitation to the Peoples Perspective – all invited to the Planning Democracy’s Conference – this is all about how to run your Community Council.
  • “Mischief” – A Scottish Arts Council Group i.e. a troupe of actors who go around to local areas giving performances for free – might be of interest to Lochmaben Gala. TH to find out if they are available on gala day.
  • Received an email re local flood risk – a meeting is to take place on 30th April at Annan Library – TH to attend.
/ TH
Date of Next Meeting:
  • Tuesday 14th April 2015 at 7.30 p.m.

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