How To: Sales

​How To

This page includes information and contacts to get you started with Forecasts, Sales Reports, and more.
The Systems Listingat the end of this page includes a list of key systems, description, and help / contacts.
The Reference / How To Library at the end of this page includes tips, tricks, and guides for Admin, Sales and Systems. See also the other How To pages: How To: Admin, How To: Jam, How To: Sales, and How To: Systems
Refer to the internal Sales Portal on SharePoint for more resources and product detail.


Find the latest GTM1 and GTM2 Sales Forecast

  • View Highlights and download the full report of the Weekly Sales Forecast for GTM 1 and GTM 2
  • Contact Brian Christian or Gidon Anish Wagner with FC Model questions, or if you no longer want to receive the forecast by email.

Sales Reports

Get partner reports SAP / SFSF Systems: Sales OnDemand, Customer OnDemand, SAP CRM

  • GTM 1 Indirect / CoSell & GTM2 CoSell: Access SoD / CoD (SAP login required)
  • GTM 2 CoSell: First login via WTS/SAP VPN Login and then access SAP CRM / ICP
  • Guide to SAP systems for SF Alliances 05202013.pdf
  • SAP Employee Access to SuccessFactors Systems 12102012.pdf
  • Contact Brian Christian for assistance with CRM reports
  • Contact for SoD troubleshooting

Sales Wins and Go Lives


  • Submit your Cloud Sales Wins to send an announcement to all Cloud employees.
  • View all Sales Wins
  • After you submit your Sales Win, then you can also include the details and the Sales Win link for the quarterly Cloud E&C newsletter.

Go Lives

  • Submit your Cloud Go Lives to send an announcement to all Cloud employees
  • View all Go Lives


Do you have suggestions for updating this page or the Cloud E&C Sharepoint site?​ emailJennifer Randolph.