21st November 2012

Newsletter 6 2012

Result of the Parent Governor Elections

We have three new Parent Governors as follows:-

Jessica Austen Caroline Lees Yvette Lloyd

I’d like to welcome them to the team and look forward to working with them on future projects.

Parent Reps

We had our first Parent Reps’ meeting on 9th November and it was great to see all of the reps there. These meetings are a fantastic way to develop communication between the school and the parent community. There is now a new section on the school website devoted to Parent Reps, and the minutes of the last meeting, as well as those of future meetings will appear here. We hope that parents will help set the agendas for these meetings by contacting their Parent Rep and raising concerns or asking questions.

We would appreciate it if you could contact your class' Parent Rep soon toshare your email address to make communications easier. Theirnames andemail addresses are listed below. Although the school has a record of most of your email addresses, we are not allowed to share these without your consent.

3A / Caroline Lees /
3Alpha / Sue Wiggins / or
4A / Emma Demirgil
Leanne Goose /

4Alpha / Lucy Hawthorne /
5A / Gaelle Coyle /
5Alpha / Beccy Newman /
6A / Kayal Karunakaran /
6Alpha / Mrs Gilpin /

CHRISTMAS FAIR - Friday 30th November 3.15 - 5.30pm

Secret Presents Room -This year, the Juniors will be allowed to get into the Secret Present room early, in order to avoid the rush. If children would like to nip out before the Fair begins and choose a secret present for that special someone, please could they bring £1.50 per presentinto school on Friday 30th to ensure they pick up a bargain.

Donations - We still urgently need donations for the chocolate and bottle tombolas and the secret present room. Without your help, these stalls cannot go ahead. Many thanks to all those who have already donated. No more teddies though please, you have been very kind, and we now have enough to stock Hamleys!

Decorate A Jar - the decorated jars of sweets or gifts need to be handed in by this Friday please. There will be a prize for the best one.

Helpers - we still need more offers of help on the day please. If anyone can spare an hour, please can they email the PTA on . Please also feel free to email with any comments or suggestions.

Own clothes for cakes day – This will be on Friday 30th Nov, children can wear their own clothes into school in return for cakes to be sold at the Christmas fair

Junior School Disco – Friday 14th December, Helpers Needed!

Years 3&4 will be 5-6pm and Years 5&6 will be 6-7pm. Entry cost will be £3 per child.

Travelling Book Fair

We shall be holding our Book Fair next Monday 26th November and Tuesday 27th November, in our newly refurbished library. There will be a wide selection of children’s books on sale - some costing as little as £1.

We have an arrangement with the organisers that all the children will benefit from the proceeds of the fair. We receive a certain amount of money back from them which we can spend on new books.

We hope you can join us on one of the days.

Mrs Ingman

School expansion

There will be a meeting at 7.30pm on Monday 26th November in the Junior hall to discuss the latest plans from KCC for the proposed enlargement of the school. All are welcome. The plans are available for you to look at on the school website, althoughI should warn youthat they are in the process of being redrawn.

John Tutt
