March 16, 2015

The meeting was called to order in the Leaders Suiteof the Donald G. Bollinger Student Union at 4:00p.m. Presiding officer was Vice President Mary Sauce. The Recording Secretary was Dolly McGeever.

The pledge was led bySenatorKaitlyn Mistrettaand the prayer was given by SenatorAustin Wendt.

The Nicholls Student Government Association Mission Statement was read by SenatorKatelyn Cortezand Senator Meah Johnsonread the first value of the Nicholls Creed.

The following Executive Board members were present: President Adam Lefort, Vice President Mary Sauce, Treasurer Bobby Dufrene, Director of Student Rights and Grievances Carolanne Moore, Director of Public Relations Lillie Bourgeois and Secretary Dolly McGeever.

The following Senators were present: Yaye Ba,Meah Johnson, Les Theriot, Grant Ordoyne, Markos Picou,Trey Clark, Peyton Chiasson, Austin Wendt, Tiffany Durocher, Katelyn Cortez, Charles Johns,Darian Graivshark, Taylor Bruceand Kaitlyn Mistretta.

The following Senator wasabsent: Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Emily Sauce, Tommy Thibodeaux, Jessica Fradella, Abigail Ledet and Micah Hebert.

Web Tech was represented by Trey Clark.

Student Supreme Courtwas represented by Justice Celia Ordoyne.

Election Commissionwasrepresented by Commissioner Kristine Normand.

The following guests were present: Dr. Eugene A. Dial, Jr., Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services and SGA Advisor and Caroline Callais.

No Minutes were presented.





  • I was in Washington, D.C. last week at COSBP, the Council of Student Body Presidents, and we met with the Senators for the State of Louisiana. Matthew Jewell gave us a tour. We mainly talked about higher education. At the Federal level, we can’t do as much for the State as we would like. We discussed the college scorecard and how the system is ranked. The ranking system is based on graduation. For example, if you came to Nicholls and left to go to LSU, you wouldn’t count but if a graduate of a community college came to Nicholls or any of the other four year institutions, they’re not a traditional student so that would not count for our graduation rates. So even if we’re graduating around 1,300 students, Nicholls only has a 39% graduation rate. That’s one of the problems that the community college is facing because they’re not incoming Freshmen. We talked about what we’re going to do for higher education. Stephanie Travis, Southeastern’s SGA President, is the head of the Budget Scenario group so April 15th we’re planning a Day at the Capitol from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday. We’ll go as a group for all the universities in the State. We’ll try to get a bus to get students there for a more effective showing. The budget goes in on April 8th so a week after, we’ll attend. That’s the whole idea of the trip.
  • Tomorrow is our Candidate’s Forum and Town Hall meeting. Our Forum will be at 1:00 p.m. We’ll introduce the Mr. & Ms. Nicholls Finalists and the candidates for SGA President and Vice President. They’ll have three minutes to state their platform and two minutes to answer questions. Directly after that, we’ll have a Town Hall meeting and serve pizza. Please try to attend this.



  • This Thursday is Career Day in the Ballroom. Please try to go to that.
  • This weekend is Swamp Stomp. SGA & SPA both sponsored students to attend free so make sure you announce it in your classes. Please come out in support of your heritage.
  • Swamp Stomp is also having something for young students to attend. There are different groups so we were asked to volunteer from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Friday to assist small children. I’ll pass around the roll sheet so you can sign up.
  • Spring Elections start this Sunday at 12:00 p.m.
  • We have a Scantron Giveaway next week.
  • We met with Mrs. Murphy about next year’s Homecoming Display Contest that we host. We want to change it this year and make it more fun and active for the students. We’re getting a committee together to go over ideas. I’ll distribute a sign-up sheet for anyone interested so we can start planning it.


Thank you for turning in your WID/WIH info this past Friday. One new thing we’re going to add to the forms is a commuter/resident section. When you speak to students, find out if they’re a commuter or resident.


Thanks to everyone who came out to support Can Wars. We had a good turnout. I believe we collected between 1,000 and 1,200 cans which is more than we had before. Congratulations to Panhellenic and the Art Alliance for winning the $250 prizes.

On the Expense Report, so far we actually spent about $15,791. We do have $9,625 remaining in the Senator Projects line item. When we get closer to spending the amount on the line item, we can have a motion to increase it from $15,000 and upward.

Also, please try to attend Swamp Stomp this weekend. There’s also a Gumbo Cook Off on Saturday morning.


  • Our next Scantron Giveaway is next Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Union and we’ll have coffee cake and lemonade. This will be a mandatory event so if you can’t attend for either of the days, you have to submit an excuse.
  • Remember that this is election week so when students come by, remind them to vote. There are computers set up in the Union to vote there.
  • Next Friday, March 27th is the men’s baseball game against Southeastern at 6:00 p.m. We’ll hand out the “Beat Southeastern” t-shirts we had left over from football season to the first students attending. I have flyers already made for this so when I post them, if you can repost them, that would be fine. I have the sign-up sheets for the Scantron Giveaways.
  • I’ll post a lot this week about Spring Elections online so please share that information.
  • I also have a few flyers made for Swamp Stomp. SGA and SPA co-sponsored this to make it free for students to attend so I’ll advertise that. We want a lot of students to attend.



  • Last week I attended Can Wars. The displays were awesome. There was a display with a giant shaded alligator. It was amazing.
  • Last week Senator Peyton C. and Markos P. attended a Sodexho workshop to speak about future opportunities for Nicholls. We also discussed student demographics for Nicholls and what our students like or dislike. From there, they’re going to be on campus for the next couple of months trying to figure out what they do best for us in terms of an expansion or new places to eat. Keep an eye out for that.
  • I also judged the Science Fair with all the small children around. Hopefully, they’ll all be Nicholls Colonels because they’re projects were amazing.
  • You have elections coming up. Part of our job is to tell people to vote. This isn’t a Homecoming election that traditionally has a great turnout. It’s up to you to try to expand it and advertise it. Students need to exercise their right to vote.
  • Senator Lawrence A. is still working on the absences so we’ll get back to you on that.



I move that the Senate accept Kristine Normand for the position of Election Commissioner. Kristine Normand is the appointment of the SGA President, Adam Lefort, and the SPA President, Taylor Degruise. Passed and signed.


I move that the SGA purchase 20 tickets at $25/ticket for students to attend the SHRM event Annual “Etiquette Dinner” on March 17th. This will total $500 and be taken from Senator Projects line item of the budget. Passed and signed.


I move that the Senate purchase 3 Iphone 5 cables for the Student Union. The cost will be $30.00 for 3 cables and will be taken from the Senator Project line item of the budget. Passed and signed.


No report.


Tomorrow is the Forum at 1:00 p.m.

Spring Elections is March 22nd to March 25th

SGA results will be announced at 12:00 p.m. on March 25th

On April 24th Mr. & Ms. Nicholls will be announced at the end of Crawfish Day.


The SGA web page on the Nicholls website is undergoing some structuralizing right now.

All officers on the Legislative Branch and the Executive Board are updated. The next thing I’m working on is the Election Commission and the Supreme Court. After this meeting, I’ll have the information from the Spring Elections that will be updated as well. The previous information that’s still up there will be taken down.


Finance Committee – Tiffany Durocher, Chair

Present:Senators Tiffany Durocher, Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Yaye Ba, Peyton Chiasson, Trey Clark, Katelyn Cortez, Charles Johns, Meah Johnson, Markos Picou, Les Theriot, Tommy Thibodeaux and Darian Graivshark.

Absent:Senator Jessica Fradella.

Guest:Treasurer Bobby D.


Finance Committee Continued

Today we voted on a number of motions:

  • The first was to purchase 10 tickets for the Women’s History Month Luncheon.
  • The second was to purchase 3 microscopes for the Physical Science Department.
  • The third was to purchase a charging station for the Student Union.
  • The fourth was to purchase 25 earbuds for the Dyslexia Center.
  • The fifth was to amend the Graduate Scholarships that SGA awards.

They were all found to be highly favorable.

We also discussed a motion to allocate $1,000 per year for 3 years for Softball and Baseball signs for advertising. This motion was found to be favorable.

Treasurer Bobby D. also discussed the current Expense Report for the semester to date.

Judiciary Committee– Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Chair; Austin Wendt, Co-Chair

Present:SenatorsLawrence Arceneaux, III, Austin Wendt, Peyton Chiasson, Trey Clark, Meah Johnson, Markos Picou, Chante’ Singleton, Tommy Thibodeaux and Emily Sauce.

Absent:SenatorYaye Ba.

Wediscussed the following:

  • We went over one motion and two absentee forms. The motion dealt with making the Scantron Giveaways next week mandatory. After discussion, the committee found the motion to be highly favorable.
  • We went over two absentee forms and excused both of them.

Meet the SGA/Social Events:Mr/Ms Nicholls/Banquet - Homecoming/Christmas) – Grant Ordoyne, Chair

Present:SenatorsGrant Ordoyne, Peyton Chiasson, Les Theriot, Tommy Thibodeaux and Taylor Bruce.

Absent:Senator Abigail Ledet, Emily Sauce and Taylor Bruce.

Guest:Director Lillie Bourgeois.

We discussed the following:

  • Talked about the upcoming Scantron Giveaways.
  • Handing out remaining “Beat Southeastern” shirts at the game later next week.
  • The menu and other ideas for the banquet at the end of next month.

Campus Improvements Committee– Peyton Chiasson, Chair; Tommy Thibodeaux, Co-Chair;

Present:SenatorsPeyton Chiasson, Tommy Thibodeaux, Katelyn Cortez, Tiffany Durocher, Charles Johns, Grant Ordoyne, Taylor Bruce and Kaitlyn Mistretta.

Absent:Senator Jessica Fradella, Abigail Ledet and Austin Wendt.

Guest:Vice President Mary Sauce.

We discussed the following:

  • Resolved that the Dryers were fixed in Ellender Hall.
  • IT heard our issues with Wi-Fi and is looking into it.
  • Issues with a lead in the Ellender Lobby.
  • Broken vending machines in the Union.
  • Spiders on the picnic tables.
  • Large amount of wasps in Shaver Gym.
  • Issues that were discussed by the Student Advisory Board.
  • Sodexho’s new research and marketing plan that was brought up at their Customer Insight Overview meeting.





I move to make the Scantron Giveaways on March 24th and 25th mandatory for all Senators to work and attend. Senators must work for at least half an hour on at least one of the two days.

1. Lawrence Arceneaux, III

2. Katelyn Cortez

Discussion: Vice President Mary S. reported on behalf of Senator Lawrence A. that the Judiciary Committee decided its fair for it to be mandatory for at least 30 minutes so that the same people aren’t working it each time. If you can’t attend it due to class, then submit a class excuse.

Question: Move into vote

Passed For-15Against-0Abstained-0


I move that the Senate purchase 25 earbuds for the Dyslexia Center. The cost for 25 earbuds will be $74.75. This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget.

1. Austin Wendt

2. Tommy Thibodeaux

Discussion: Senator Austin W. said the Dyslexia Center needs these for students in reading for an online program that basically reads the textbooks to the students. They’re running out of them because when students leave the center, they throw away the earbuds to get new ones. I urge everyone to vote for this motion.

Question: Move into vote

Passed For-15Against-0Abstained-0


I move that the Senateallocate $1,000 per year for a three year period to purchase one 3’ x 7’ sign to be placed on the outside fence of all home softball games and one 3’ x 7’ sign to be placed on the outside fence of all baseball games.

1. Kaitlyn Mistretta

2. Darian Graivshark

Discussion: Senator Kaitlyn Mistretta said it’s time to renew the Athletic sign. SGA has sponsored this for the past three years and would like to do so for the next three years.

Vice President Mary S. the motion will be tabled because it is over $500.


I move that SGA sponsor 10 tickets for students to attend the Women’s History Month Luncheon on March 31, 2015. The tickets are $18.00 each and the cost will not exceed $180.00. Funds should be taken out of Senator Projects line item of the budget.

1. Taylor Bruce

2. Les Theriot

Discussion: Senator Taylor B. said this is something we’ve done before. We’d like to sponsor this again.

Question: Move into vote

Passed For-15Against-0Abstained-0


I move that the Senate amend the SGA Leadership Graduate Scholarship from awarding 15 scholarships at $200 each to awarding 8 scholarships at $400 each. This will increase the total budgeted amount for the scholarship from $3,000 to $3,200. The SGA Leadership Graduate Scholarship line item in the budget will increase by $200 beginning with the Fall 2015 semester.

1. Tiffany Durocher

2. Les Theriot


Discussion: Senator Tiffany D. said this is a scholarship that graduate students can apply for. Right now there are 15 scholarships offered. We’re finding that 15 people are not applying for it. We decided it might be best to reduce the number of scholarships and amend it to increase the amount to $400 each.

Vice President Mary S. said the motion will be tabled because it is over $500.


I move that the Senate purchase an M8 Charging Station that will be placed in the Union for student use. The cost for the one Charging Station will be $899.00. This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget.

1. Austin Wendt

2. Peyton Chiasson

Discussion: Senator Austin W. said the Student Union has a place for another charging station so students would be able to use it. I asked if they had any money in the budget for this and they do not so they asked if we could help them.

Vice President Mary S. said the motion will be tabled for one week because it is over $500.


I move that the SGA purchase three microscopes at $199.99 for the Physical Sciences Department totaling $599.97. This will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget.

1. Darian Graivshark

2. Tommy Thibodeaux

Discussion: Senator Darian G. said she spoke to the Physical Sciences Department who said they needed these microscopes.

Vice President Mary S. said the motion will be tabled because it is over $500.


Student Advisory Council– Celia Ordoyne

We discussed trying to improve student attendance at campus events.




Adam L.SPA is sponsoring a bus trip to Lafayette for the baseball game. The fee is $10 and the bus leaves at 3:30 p.m.

Tomorrow, baseball is having a St. Patrick’s Day baseball game starting at 5:00 p.m. Wear green to support Nicholls.

Mary S.Song Fest is this Thursday at the Civic Center. The entry fee is $7 but you can get in free if you donate can goods. Try to get your high school friends or your brothers and sisters to attend so they can get involved.

They’re putting together volleyball teams – 7 people per team. If you’re interested, let me know.

Carolanne M.Delta Zeta is having their last Turtle Tug event Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Trey C.SAE is having a Donut Dash. Let me know if you’re interested in that.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at4:45p.m.