Review for Fall Vocabulary Comprehensive Exam 2011





/ First permanent English settlement in North America in 1607 by the Virginia Company for economic reasons / French and Indian War / (7 Years War) – 1754-1763 between England and its colonies AGAINST the French and most Indian tribes…led to the end of French power in North America with Treaty of Paris of 1763

Virginia House of Bur-gesses

/ 1st representative assembly (congress) in North America / Militia / Volunteer army of citizens who serve as soldiers during emergencies

Roger Williams

/ Establish Rhode Island / Minutemen / Colonial militia who was prepared to fight at a minute’s notice

William Penn

/ Founder of Pennsylvania; Quaker, promoted religious tolerance and equality – even for American Indians / Committees of Corres-pondence / Letter writing campaign that became major tool of protest in the colonies


/ Group of English Protestants who settled Massachusetts Bay Colony; led by John Winthrop who wanted to build “city upon a hill.” / Boston Massacre / 1770 conflict between British soldiers and colonists in which 5 unarmed colonists were killed including Crispus Attucks, an African American living in Boston


/ Economic policy England used to justify having colonies exist to make money for itself / Sons of Liberty / Led by Sam Adams, group of colonists who formed secret society to oppose British policies and promote American independence

Cash crops

/ Economic products of Southern colonies: tobacco, rice, indigo, and sugar / Boston Tea Party / Colonial reaction to Tea Act; Sons of Liberty, dressed as Mohawks, dumped British East India tea in Boston harbor.

Plan-tation system

/ Agricultural system based upon growing of cash crops using slavery / Albany Plan of Union / Franklin’s idea for colonies to “join or die” to fight French




Transatlantic Triangular Trade

/ Colonial trade route from New England to West Indies and Africa that traded slaves for rum and molasses / Writs of Assistance / Gave British officials and soldiers power to search ships without a warrant or cause

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

/ 1st constitution in America; created representative government and established free speech / Parliament / Great Britain’s legislative branch of government; its two houses of Congress

Mayflower Compact

/ 1620 document signed by the pilgrims at Plymouth giving every man an equal vote; first example of democracy in North America / Unalienable rights / Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as quoted from the Declaration of Independence

James Oglethorpe

/ Founder of Georgia as haven for people in debt; approved by King George II in 1632 / Boycott / Organized refusal to buy goods of a particular type

Thomas Hooker

/ Founder of Connecticut; helped develop idea of self-government in colonial America / Taxation without representation / Main complaint of colonists against British mercantilism and economic policies after French and Indian War; main reason for American Revolution

Part IV – Matching
Draw a line between the box on the top row that matches best

with the box on the bottom row:

Part V – Sequencing
Arrange the following events in chronological order


Part VI – WHO AM I?

Write the name of the person next to the description and/or quote