Topic Area / Overview of Discussion / Member Action / Follow-up
Call to Order / Bill Mitchell welcomed all and called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
Those present at the meeting were: Bill Mitchell, Van DoReynoso, David Luchini, Ken Bird, Donna DeRoo, Marlene Bengiamin, John Capitman, Kathleen Grassi, Ken Bird, John Capitman, Karen Haught, Keith Winkler, Claudia Jonah, Paul Brown, Jody Hironaka-Juteau, and Ashley Hart.
Approval of Minutes / The minutes from 1-27-14 were approved by consensus.
Action Items
TCE Funding, Sustainability & Future Directions / Donna DeRoo summarized the TCE mandatory meeting that her and Marlene attended in January. Donna is meeting with the NACCHO representative on Wednesday, February 26th to start the planning for the MAPP training. Kathleen summarized that it was approximately a day and half training. The members suggested having two trainings, a north and south training in the valley. Barb and Bill, Kathleen were interested in assisting Donna plan the training events and suggested inviting community partners. The epidemiologists will be contacted to set up a meeting to agree upon the key analyses that they want to see done. They will be sharing data sources, determining focus, splitting up the work, and deciding on fact sheet topics. John Capitman explained the health equity cohort and described that two people can attend from each county each year, and suggested an up and comer in the department who has a lot of potential, who has developed relationships outside of their unit, and is interested in stepping up around health equity. John also suggested bringing in other community partners who could assist in the community assessments along with county employees. The Health Equity Cohort should begin in mid to late June and requires nine, all-day Friday’s, once per month. / -Ashley set up initial meeting with epidemiologists to determine indicators and timeline
-Ashley send the Health Equity Cohort description to members
Update on California Wellness Foundation Grant / Since the Consortium did not receive the California Wellness Grant, Bill asked about gaps for the Consortium. Donna DeRoo stated that we are currently fully funded; however, it is always best to continue searching and applying for core operating support. Bill Mitchell discussed the need to continue focusing on funding the Consortium from within.
Next Steps on Outcomes with Welfare/Behavioral Health Directors / Bill Mitchell summarized that all members were to contact their own local officials about the director of Welfare/Behavioral Health and Social Services director. Van suggested determining the result of the meeting and possible outcomes from the meetings and suggested collaborating around the ACA. She suggested placing eligibility workers in public health departments, integrating services between departments, prevention, health inequities. Bill suggested talking to them about the regional structure, how they are organized and the intent of the groups. / -All members contact Social Services directors in their county
-Future: Bill contact the Social Service Consortium chair
County Updates / Questions for Other PHDs
·  Regional Industry Cluster Initiative: Health and Wellness
·  ACA & Public Health
·  Public Health Workforce Capacity
·  Accreditation Updates
·  Funding Opportunities
·  Meaningful Use Updates / Kern: Accreditation, using a meta-analysis and accessing all available data, compiled various community health assessment plans in the county to determine if there is anything additional that they need to accomplish. Things have calmed down with the flu and she attended a panel
Tulare: They have had reorganization with the budget cuts and want to move ahead with the HIE in their area, but their organizer has been out of the country. Since the reorganization, they have not been able to determine the accreditation coordinator.
Kings: They completed their budget proposal and are hoping to add a new position, Health Technology Specialist, to work with vendors for health related software. They are applying for the CDC Health Associate position.
Fresno: The injunction hearing for providing care to undocumented immigrants is coming up on Wednesday. They are scheduling a date with Ashley to get the PMQI final tool. For meaningful use, they met with the Hospital Council group about their HIE and currently have an RFP out. They are also looking into the Inland Empire program. David Pomaville is the permanent health director in Fresno County.
Madera: Van had a call with President Obama about the Affordable Care Act to form a local strategy about how to stage an event in their county on March 8th. After the call, the local Madera county leaders brainstormed about the ACA. They are trying to determine the priority populations for the enrollment grant, AB82, and they are waiting for clarification about the reduced funding. Van is going in front of the board for the deputy director of public health position to create a wider salary and for succession planning and for the public health program manager.
Merced: Kathleen was on the AB-82 call last week and was also confused as to the progress. They will send the money through as an allocation as opposed to a contract and discussed the requirement of subcontracting 50% of the funds. They are submitting an application for the CDC associate program. She is also pursuing a BlueShield Foundation Grant to conduct planning or build models around primary care and behavioral health services. The proposals should work within communities to determine collaborative models. They do not have an indigent health care program because of their poverty limits and have been talking with the hospital about the future of the contract. They are about to release their RFP for ground ambulance services.
Stanislaus: no representative on the call
San Joaquin: He has been working with the Federal Reserve Bank about putting on a conference and is hoping to revitalize that in the future with the new representative. Bill is also waiting for clarification about the reduced funding and the requirements of AB-82. They are starting a new screening process and hope to have their new position filled soon. / -Claudia Jonah will send past applications for CDC positions for suggestions
-Keith Winkler will send the Health Technology Specialist job description to the group in the future
-Invite Lynne Ashbeck to present about HIE to SJVPHC at next in-person meeting, possibly invite as an associate member
-Van will send the public health program manager position description to the group
-Kathleen will send the BlueShield grant to the members
Adjourn / Bill Mitchell adjourned the meeting at 4:19 p.m.

Next Meeting: Monday, March 24, 2014, 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Central California Social Welfare Evaluation, Research and Training (SWERT) Center

1625 E. Shaw Ave, Suite #106, Fresno, 93710