Stunning Coat Pattern

Translation by Betsy Robinett

Translator’s note: The picture in no way looks like the instructions. The instructions are for a coat that is knit nearly entirely in simple seed stitch. The picture is of a coat that is knit in garter at the bottom, ribbing at the bodice, and ribbing on the collar. The instructions call for a design element on the shoulders that is not pictured.

3-6 months

Easy Knitting


Fine acrylic yarn, knit three strands at once, approximately 100 g in white and 200 g in sky blue (it seems with the gauge that worsted weight would work)

# 5 knitting needles

6 sky blue buttons

Stitches Used

Simple Seed Stitch

Row 1: K1, P1 along row

Row 2: k the purled sts, p the knit sts

Repeat these two rows.

Reverse Garter Stitch

Purl every st on every row

Gauge: 10 cm = 16 sts in simple seed st with yarn held triple and #5 needles


CO 59 sts with yarn held triple (two strands sky blue and 1 strand white) and k in simple seed st, dec on ea end 1 st every 16 rows three times. (53 sts)

When this reaches 25 cm long, BO 7 sts from ea end for the armholes. Work 12 cm straight in pattern, then BO 10 sts for each shoulder, and the 19 middle sts for the neckline. (maybe put the 19 sts on a holder? The pattern is not specific as to how to attach the collar.)

Right Front

With #5 needles, CO 35 sts and knit in simple seed st, dec on the left (i.e., the side, not the center) 1 st every 16 rows three times. Work even for 25 cm. BO 7 st on the left side for the armhole.

Work even for 7 cm (the depth of the armhole), then bind off for the neck (on the neck side) 8 sts, next row 3 sts, next row 2 sts, next row 1 st, final row 1 st. (You are binding off on the neck side,) Work even for 12 cm (total measure from the original armhole BO), then BO the 10 sts for the shoulder.

Make the Left Front the same as the Right Front, reversing the shaping.


CO 29 sts on #5 needles and knit simple seed st. Work even for 8 cm, then inc 1 st on each side every 8 rows, four times (37 sts).

Work even until sleeve length is 22 cm. BO loosely.


Sew the shoulders, the sides of the body and the length of the sleeves together, keeping in mind that the cuff will be folded up and leaving open the top 3 cm. (Not sure what to leave open here, maybe the very top part of the sleeve.)

For the collar, CO 57 sts on #5 needles and knit simple seed st, beginning and ending with 2 sts of reverse garter st. Every 4 rows, p2tog on each border four times total (49 sts)

Continue patt for 7 cm, then BO.

(Ok, for the next instruction, I had to get help to understand what was being knitted. Back in the 70’s, there was a fashion fad that was little button-down loops on the shoulders. They were totally useless, but originally held epaulets. This is what is being knitted next. I will just refer to them as shoulder straps. These aren’t pictured on the maroon coat, but this isn’t the first difference between the instructions and the picture.)

For the shoulder strap, CO 13 sts. Knit in simple seed st making 2 reverse garter sts on each side. After 5 cm, BO.

Sew the sleeves in, matching the center of the shoulders and the 3 cm opening with the bound off sts, joining in a right angle.

Stitch the neck around the neckline leaving 5 sts free at each end.

On the left front, open 4 buttonholes (see final pages of instructions). (Ok, there are no final pages. So there are no instructions on how to open the buttonholes. The previous parenthetical note is actually a note on the instructions.) On the other front, sew on the buttons.

Sew on the shoulder straps and place a button on each one.