Course Expectations 2016-2017


Instructor: Mrs. L. Williamson

LHS Room 1313

Phone: (702) 799-1777 Voice Mail 2313


Website Address:

Course Scope:

This one-year course is designed for the college-bound student. This course provides an in-depth examination, synthesis and evaluation of the historical themes from 1492 to present day. A careful balance of historiography, analytical skills, and factual knowledge will be used throughout the course. This course will fulfill one United States history credit required for high school graduation. This course earns weighted credit under the Honors Program.

Course Goals:

1.  To compare historical themes and events to the physical environment. [NS: H2.0, G6.0]

2.  To analyze the impact of ideas and individual actions on social, political, economic, technological, and religious institutions in American history. [NS: H1.0, H2.0, E10.0. C13.0]

3.  To assess the causes and consequences of complex events such as wars, conflicts, and revolutions. [NS: H1.0, H2.0, H3.0, H4.0]

4.  To cite evidence supporting the historical development and present condition of the American economic system. [NS: H3.0, E10.0, E11.0]

5.  To summarize the benefits and responsibilities of United States citizenship. [NS: C13.0]

6.  To evaluate how the arts and humanities of diverse cultures relate to the historical themes of the United States. [NS: H1.0, H2.0, H3.0, H4.0, G7.0, C13.0]

7.  To draw conclusions regarding the impact of science and technology on the human and physical systems of the United States. [NS: H1.0, H3.0, G 6.0, G8.0]

8.  To apply the content literacy skills necessary to analyze historical documents, artifacts, and concepts. [NS: H1.0, H2.0, H3.0, H4.0, G6.0, G7.0, G8.0, E10.0, E11.0, C13.0]

9.  To use information, media, and technology literacy skills necessary to research, communicate, and demonstrate critical thinking.
[NS: H1.0, H2.0, H3.0, H4.0, G6.0, G7.0, G8.0, E10.0, E11.0, C13.0]


The following text(s) will be utilized in this course:

The Americans- by McDougall-Littell

Student Supplies

Students are expected to have and maintain the following supplies all year:

«  A writing utensil

«  A spiral notebook

«  A folder to keep current assignments and graded, returned work to use as study guides for tests/quizzes/exams.

Tardy Policy

Tardiness is a serious disruption to the educational program. Every student is required to be in his/her seat when the tardy bell rings. With that in mind, the Legacy High School Tardy Policy will be strictly enforced. On the first and second tardy, the student will be warned; on the third tardy, the parent will be contacted; on the fourth tardy, a detention will be assigned; on the fifth and all subsequent tardies, the student will be sent to the deans’ office and placed on a Required Parent Conference.

Grading Policy

·  Grading Scale: 90% - 100% A

80% - 89% B

70% - 79% C

60% - 69% D

Below 60% F

·  Rounding Policy: I will ONLY round up from .5% or higher with EFFORT. Do not come to me the day or so before grades are due asking, “what can I do to bring up my grade?” My response will be, “Your work when it’s originally assigned.”

·  ANY STUDENT “Sharing/copying” work will receive a zero.

·  Plagiarism will result in an automatic zero.

·  Extra credit opportunities will be built in to some assignments and/or provided throughout the school year on a whole-class basis only. No special individual extra credit work will be assigned.

·  Description of Grading Procedures:

·  Classwork/Homework: 40%

·  Tests/Quizzes: 30%

·  Projects/Performance/Participation: 30%

·  Interactive notebooks will have random checks for completion.

·  Expect homework at least once per week. Most of what is assigned in class will be collected the following class period, so the more you work in class, the less homework you’ll have.

·  Semester Grades: 42.5% Quarter 1/3 Grade

42.5% Quarter 2/4 Grade

15% Semester Examination

·  Attendance and preparation will obviously have an impact on your grade/citizenship.

Make-up Work, Late Work, and Attendance

·  Make-up procedures-

·  After an absence, students will be expected to check the make-up work area in class. Make-up work will be located on the “What did I miss” bulletin board by the door.

·  Students must obtain make-up work within three days of an absence, unless other arrangements with me are made.

·  Students are responsible for getting/requesting make-up work and scheduling before or after school to make-up tests/quizzes. If a student misses a video, they are still required to view it and answer corresponding questions on a worksheet, or request an alternate assessment.

·  Hours of Availability- I will be available Monday through Wednesday by appointment. Please understand there are days when I have schedule conflicts and will be unavailable due to other meetings, conferences, etc. You need to check with me and give me 24 hours notice if you plan on coming in for extra help after school.


After the seventh unexcused absence, students will be denied credit and will receive an “F” for the course.

Classroom Behavior Expectations

·  Be respectful of your peers, myself, yourself, and school property.

·  Be courteous to classroom guests.

·  Be prompt to class and begin the bell ringer.

·  Bring required materials daily.

·  Tardies (30 minutes tardy = one absence)

·  Corridor and restroom passes- you MUST have your agenda to use the restroom. Use them wisely as you have 15 total for all classes for a 9-week quarter. This includes going to your locker or getting a drink.

·  Food, drink, gum, candy, etc. in class (Not Permitted)

·  No personal grooming in class

·  No sleeping in class

·  Profanity, verbal abuse/bullying, and/or physical abuse/bullying will not be tolerated.

·  Citizenship-

O= Outstanding: I never have to re-direct you, you are on-time daily, turn assignments in regularly and on-time, you follow class expectations.

S= Satisfactory: I sometimes need to re-direct you, you may have a few late/missing assignments, I have had to remind you about class expectations. Your grade is not an A or B.

N=Needs Improvement: I have to talk to you almost daily about class behavior or expectations. Your grade is less than a C due to missing work/low test scores/poor attendance.

U=Unsatisfactory: I have had to call home, write at least 1 referral, you generally do not follow class/school rules.

Period: ______

Please complete this page, remove from packet and return to school by September 30, 2016.

Acknowledgement of Course Expectations

Honors U.S. History

We have read and discussed the course description and expectations.


Student’s name [last, first] Student’s Signature


Parent Name Parent Signature


Home phone Work/Cell phone

Email Address: ______

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