The administration and staff of E. M. Yoder Elementary School would like to welcome every student and parent back to school or welcome you to our school for your very first year with us. We are eagerly anticipating the start of the 2014-2015 school year.

As part of the Alamance-Burlington School System, we hold high expectations for success and achievement for all of our children. The staff at E. M. Yoder Elementary is a group of highly qualified, dedicated professionals who strive to make the school experience engaging and meaningful for children. We believe it is important to establish relationships with students so that we are able to know them as individuals and thus be able to provide differentiated instruction that meets their individual needs. We are committed to nurturing a love of learning in our children, to enhancing their critical thinking, and to developing their 21st Century skills such as global awareness, financial literacy, and health awareness. The staff invites you to join us in making this year a huge success for your child.

We are using this handbook as a means of communicating between home and school. This information guide should give you an overview of general information, policies, and procedures concerning E. M. Yoder Elementary School. Parents and students are expected to review this handbook and keep it for reference throughout the school year.

Welcome to the E. M. Yoder family!

Leslie EldrethChristine Kreider

Principal Assistant Principal

“Be the change that you want to see in the world.”


E. M. Yoder Elementary School Vision

E. M. Yoder aspires to establish a safe, caring environment where students are engaged in purposeful rigorous learning relevant to the 21st Century in preparation for a globally competitive world.

E. M. Yoder Elementary School Mission

The mission of E.M.Yoder is to create a mutually respectful environment where students are engaged ambitious learners.

E. M. Yoder Motto

I will Respect myself, my school, and others. I will be an Engaged, AmbitiousLearner. I am aR.E.A.L. Eagle!

AIG Program

The Academically / Intellectually Gifted (AIG) program of the Alamance-Burlington School System is based on a rigorous, differentiated curriculum that meets the needs of the students, encourages diverse talents, and challenges students to the highest levels possible. The basic components of the program are consistent from school to school and offer a variety of services that are student-oriented and are inclusive of students from all socioeconomic and ethnic groups.

If a parent wishes to refer their child for potential screening, the parent must write a letter to the school principal explaining why they feel their child should be nominated for screening. The school principal must receive the letter before November 24th.

A nomination is not an automatic referral for further assessment. The AIG Committee will determine if the student (1) requires additional assessment to determine a need for differentiated instruction, (2) is already in a learning environment that is appropriate and does not require additional assessment at that time or (3) is eligible for intellectually and or academically gifted services based on collected information.

Air Quality Flag Program and Anti-Idling Program

Flags are placed throughout Alamance County at all schools to create awareness about air quality.The color flown corresponds to the color of the AQI for Alamance County (Green=Good, Yellow=Moderate, and Orange=Unhealthy for sensitive people). The color of the flag will be determined by the NC Division of Air Quality monitoring system. The flags will indicate how clean or polluted the air is and serve as a reminder of what precautionary measures should be taken to avoid associated health effects that may be a concern for residents, especially children. Unnecessary vehicle idling is a leading cause of pollution and a major factor in the exponential rise of childhood asthma. This is one hazard that can be prevented and parents can play a vital role. Anti-idling signs are placed at our pick-up/drop-off locations.

Arrival Procedures

To ensure the safety and well-being of your child and all others on Yoder’s campus, we have an official unloading zone at the front and at the back of the building. Car riders will be unloaded by staff members on morning car duty in the front on N. Charles Street and in the back. Cars will need to enter the unloading zone, continue moving down the lane so there are not gaps between cars, stop so students can be unloaded from multiple cars simultaneously, and then drive forward to exit the lane. Parents will not be able to exit their car at any point in the unloading area. Students will need to have coats on and backpacks in hand ready to go. There will be absolutely no weaving in and out of this lane to find a spot to drop off your child or to leave the lane ahead of other cars. Everyone will need to enter and exit the unloading zone at the designated spots. Otherwise you will be asked to circle back around in order to follow the proper procedures. We also expect everyone to drive slowly when entering and leaving the drop-off lane and that you do not talk on your cell phone at drop-off.

We expect all adults to enter through the front entrance and sign in at the office upon arriving at school. The only parents we require to walk their child to the classroom have children in our autism and our pre-kindergarten classrooms. If your visitor’s badge is not visible you will be asked to show it or return to the front office.

Dismissal Procedures

Our K-2 students will dismiss from the front entrance from the exit nearest the cafeteria. Our grades 3-5 students will be dismissed from the back of the school. Car riders will be loaded into cars in the loading zone by staff members on afternoon duty. Cars will need to enter the loading zone, continue moving down the lane, stop when they reach the area where staff members can load the students into the cars, and then drive forward slowly to exit the lane. Cars will need to display a sign in the front dash with the last name of the student they are picking up to aid in quicker loading. Parents will not be able to exit their car at any point in the loading area. Again, weaving in and out of this lane in order to jump ahead or find a spot to park to pick up your child is not permissible. This is a matter of safety for all of our students.

We expect all car riders to be picked up through our “loading zone” procedures. The only exception is parents who have children in our pre-kindergarten classroom. These parents are permitted to park and walk to the entrance nearest to the cafeteria to pick up their child. Parents or other family members of kindergarten – fifth grade students are not allowed to pick up their child at the cafeteria door. If you need to walk up to pick-up your student you will need to wait at the bottom or the sidewalk near the cafeteria. Your child will be called and a staff member will deliver your child to you. Again this is a matter of safety for all of our students.

If there are any changes to the normal dismissal routine for your child (i.e. instead of riding the bus he/she will be a car rider that one day) please send in a signed note to the teacher. Any phone calls to the office regarding changes in dismissal procedures must be made by parents by 2:00pm to ensure that the message is received by the teacher and child.

Attendance and Tardy Policy

Attendance in school is imperative for educational success. There is no substitute for uninterrupted personal contact between teachers and students in the classroom environment where the teacher carefully plans learning experiences. Students with good attendance generally achieve a higher level of learning than those with poor attendance.

Students are expected to be in school regularly and be on time for classes. If a student is absent, a parent /guardian is encouraged to call the school as soon after 7:35 a.m. as possible to report the absence. When the student returns to school, he / she must bring a written note signed by the parent / guardian to the teacher. The note must state the student’s full name, date, reason for the absence, and current telephone number where the parent may be reached. These notes should be given to the teacher within 2 days ofabsence or it will be unexcused.

Students participating in afterschool activities must be present in school for the entire day in order to participate in activities, except where specifically exempted by a physician.

All educational trips must have prior approval from the office.Family vacations are generally not considered educational trips. Any trips without prior approval will automatically be an unexcused absence. In order for educational trips to be excused, these requests must be submitted in writing in advance of the trip to the principal. Please specify in your written request that you are asking for consideration that the absences be excused due to the nature of the trip; not to be confused with requesting homework from the teacher or notifying the school of the absence in general. In order for the absences to be excused as an educational opportunity there must be a valid educational component. The first day back from the trip, the student will be expected to turn in a student-created journal, Powerpoint presentation, or some other product thatincludes a description of places visited, the tie to curriculum (reading, math, science, etc.) and the specific learning that took place each day. After reviewing the student’s work, a determination will be made as to the number of days that will be excused/unexcused.

All students are responsible for work missed due to absences. Teachers will assist students by giving assignments, explanations, and time for completion. If you wish to pick up assignments for your child, call the school and arrange for assignments to be picked up after school hours. We wish to maintain an uninterrupted learning process for our students.

In compliance with the compulsory attendance law (G.S. 115C-378), attendance letters are generated upon three (3), six (6), and ten (10) cumulative unexcused absences in a year. The Student Services Team will conduct student/parent conferences after six and ten cumulative unexcused absences, and will develop intervention plans designed to improve student attendance.

The tardy bell rings for students to be in their classrooms at 7:50. Students who are late, lose valuable learning time. Tardy students must report to the office before going to class. An adult must sign a late student in.

School ends at 2:35. Students that are picked up early prior to this time will be counted tardy.Any child who needs to leave school early for any reason should have anote from the parent stating a time and a reason. Parents must come to the school office and sign their child out.

Doctor and dentist notes must be provided to verify excusedtardies or early pick-ups! A parent/guardian is also expected to come into the building to sign out a student when arriving late to pick-up in the afternoons.

We will inform you of daily tardies/early pick-ups via a “ConnectEd” call that same evening. Tardy letters are also generated upon three (3), six (6), and ten (10) cumulative unexcused tardies/early pick-ups. The Student Services Team will conduct student/parent conferences with families who accumulate excessive tardies/early pick-ups and will develop intervention plans designed to improve student promptness to school.

If there is a question about a tardy or absence, the office needs to be contacted within 5 business days to resolve any concerns or discrepancies.

Bad Weather

At times changing weather conditions make it necessary, for reasons of safety, to close schools or alter the normal time schedule. On days of inclement weather, the Alamance-Burlington School System Connect Ed phone system will contact all parents. Please be sure we have your correct home and work numbers. Announcements are also posted on the Alamance-Burlington School System website (abss.k12.nc.us).

Announcements will be made on the Television and Radio channels listed below.

Television Radio



WTVD 11WPCM 101.1 FMWUNC 91.5 FM

WXII 12WMAG 99.5 FMWJMZ 102.1 FM

Please do not call the school office. Listen to the news media.

Please be sure that your child has instructions as to what to do if school is dismissed early. You will receive a form to complete giving us instructions on how your child will get home if school is dismissed early. All children remaining at school at dismissal time, and who normally ride the bus, will be taken home by bus. If you are concerned about your child’s well-being because of the weather, you may pick your child up. It is not necessary to phone for permission.

Balloons and Flowers

Balloons, flowers, and gifts ARE NOT to be delivered to school by parents or florists. We encourage all parents to please adhere to this rule. Our local florists are aware of this school rule.

Before School Procedures

School hours are from 7:50 a.m. until 2:35 p.m. The first bell rings at 7:40 a.m. and the tardy bell rings for students to be in their classrooms at 7:50. Students who arrive after 7:50 a.m. will be considered tardy. Students MUST report to the office to sign in when late and parents are required to sign students out when leaving early.

All students arriving at 7:30 will report directly to the gym. Parents bringing children to school should not plan on arriving before 7:30 a.m. If this is going to be a hardship, please consider enrolling your child in the early morning care with one of the facilities that serves

E. M. Yoder:

MUMS – 563-5600 First Baptist – 563-3444

Champions – 563-2622Lee Brothers – 304-5828

Wade’s – 563-5081 Love After School – 304-1138

Bus Rules

Bus service is available to all students living in the E.M Yoder Elementary zone. The transportation department creates the routes based on the child’s home address. Students will be picked up and dropped off at their home address only. Transfer students are not eligible for bus transportation.

Students may only ride the bus to which they have been assigned. Reassignment tobuses will be made only by the principal/assistant principal and only when necessary. Please do not make a request to accommodate birthday parties, slumber parties, or afternoon visits, etc.

We strongly believe that students must follow bus rules and regulations in order to ensure their safety.

EM Yoder Elementary School Behavior Bus Expectations

I will…
Show RESPECT by /
  • Greeting the bus driver
  • Respecting others feelings
  • Keeping hands and feet to myself

Stay ENGAGED by /
  • Following bus driver’s directions
  • Talking quietly with those seated around me

  • Being on time at the bus stop
  • Staying seated at all times
  • Keeping aisles clear

Be a lifelong LEARNER by /
  • Reporting problems to the bus driver
  • Being a positive role model for other students

Below are the bus regulations in order to ensure student safety; and the consequences for not following these regulations. According to the Alamance-Burlington School policy the principal may suspend, at his/her discretion, passengers from riding the school bus for:

  1. Delaying the bus schedule or refusing to meet the bus on time at designated stops
  2. Fighting, smoking, using profanity, or refusing to obey instructions of school authorities or a school bus driver while riding on a school bus
  3. Tampering with or doing damage to a bus
  4. Leaving the bus at an unauthorized stop when in route from home to school or vice versa
  5. Playing, throwing objects, or otherwise distracting the driver’s attention while the bus is in operation
  6. Failing to observe established safety rules and regulations required by law or adopted by the board of education

The importance of proper conduct while waiting for, boarding, riding, or disembarking from a bus cannot be overemphasized. For safety reasons, the rules above will be enforced and the following may occur:

  1. First Offense - Warning to student
  2. Second Offense - Form notice to parent or by phone
  3. Third Offense - Letter to parents and one day suspension from riding the bus
  4. Fourth Offense - Letter to parents and three days suspension from riding the bus
  5. Fifth Offense - Letter to parents and one week suspension
  6. Sixth Offense - Two weeks suspension from bus. Students may not ride bus again until the student and the parents have viewed the county’s bus safety film and had a conference with the principal and the Director of Transportation.

If any offense is considered serious enough, the above steps may be by-passed and immediate action taken. Please remind your child that riding a bus is a privilege, not a right. It is your responsibility to get your child to school during the suspended period.

Bus Drop-Off Procedures


In order to ensure the safe delivery of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students from school, bus drivers are not to release these student(s) at the bus stop unless a responsible adult is visible to receive the student(s) or an older sibling is present riding the bus. If this is not possible, the student(s) shall be returned to his/her school at the completion of the elementary bus route. The principal and his/her designee shall contact the parent or guardian to pick up the student(s) at school.

Should a parent / guardian not be able to be present at the bus stop the parent / guardian must notify the school before the afternoon bus dismissal time and make the necessary timely transportation arrangement for their child/children.