Requesting a UW Student Record

Requesting a UW Student Record

To request a Student Record, follow the steps below:

Step / Action / Result
Select from yourMain Menu:
Records and Enrollment
Student Academic Information
Request Student Record / The Enter Requests page displays.
On the |Enter Requests| page,enter either the student’s
Campus ID or SIS ID. / The ID number is displayed in the field.
Tip:Use the SIS IDmagnifying glass
lookup button to search by name.
Press [Tab]. / The student’s name displays to the right of the ID field.
Enter the number of Copies desired. / Typed number displays in Copiesfield.
Note: The default number of copies is one.
In order to relieve printer congestion, the batch process that creates the reports will not print more than 50 copies per student in each batch.
If you want the 'geBLC' course attributes to print, check the EBLCXbox. / Tip:e = Ethnic Studies
B = Breadth
L = Level
C = Credit Acceptability
X = Cross-listed
g = General Education
If you want rank-within-college to print, check the Rankbox. / Note: Rank information appears with degree reporting and is associated with term and college of degree.
Choose your output option:
Print and display or
Display only. / Note: Choosing Display only results in faster performance, since creating a print file consumes significant system resources. You will find thisdisplay on the
|Today’s Requests| page.
If you would like to request a student record for another student, click [+] add rowand follow steps 2-7 above. / Another row becomes available on the page. You can continue to insert rows to request additional student records.
Click [Submit] button. / Your entries on the page will clear.
Your request is now running although you do not see anything happening. The UW Student Record will print on the one printer that has been associated with your login. The average wait time for printing is 2-5 minutes.
If curious, you can view the status of your requests on the |Today's Requests|page; see Viewing the Status of Recent Requests. / The Today’s Requests page displays.
You may have to click [Refresh display] to view the status or data.

Viewing the Status of Recent Requests

Viewing the Status of Recent Requests

To view the status of recent UW Student Record requests, follow the steps below:

Step / Action / Result
If you are not already in the UW Transcript Student Table component, select from yourMain Menu:
Records and Enrollment
Student Academic Information
Request Student Record / The Enter Requests page displays.
Click |Today’s Requests| page tab. / The Today’s Requests page displays.
Click [Refresh display]to refresh image displayed. / The status display of all the requests you made today will be updated, and the contents of any completed requests will be displayed.
Note:The output will not automatically appear on the screen without refreshing the display.

Request Status Messages

You may see the following status codes on the Today’s Requests page:

Status / Description
Request Pending / The request has been written to a request file that the UW Student Record creation program reads (that program runs outside of your computer). If this status doesn’t change after several minutes (remember to [Refresh Display]), either the program that creates student records is extremely busy or there is a problem that’s keeping the job from running.
Sent to Print / The process that creates UW Student Records has finished with this request and has sent out a print file for processing. If you don’t receive a printout for a request with this status, either:
  • there is an extremely big load on the print system
  • there is a problem with your printer
  • there is a problem with the Cypress print system.

Displayed Only (as requested) / The process that creates UW Student Records received this request as Display Onlyand has finished the document and sent it to the file for online viewing without printing.
Car/Term Data Problem / A data condition in the student’s Student Career Term record is preventing the UW Student Records program from creating a UW Student Record or Transcript.
Action Create Problem
(Official transcripts only) / A problem prevented a Transcript Text record logging this request from being written, even though the transcript itself may have been created.
Data or System Problem / A problem with the UW Student Records generation program or the student's data prevented the production of a normal transcript. A troubleshooting document will often be displayed and/or printed, which may contain valuable information for tracking down the cause of the problem when you report it to the Help Desk.

Setting Your Default Request Parameters

To change your default request parameters, follow the steps below:

Step / Action / Result
Select from yourMain Menu:
Records and Enrollment
Student Academic Information
Request Student Record / The Enter Requests page displays.
Click |Operator Defaults| page tab. / The Operator Defaults page displays.
Select your Default Report Output Option: Display and print or Display only. / The radio button you selected will be darkened.
Check or uncheck the Default Print RankOption checkbox. / The checkbox will display with or without a check. (Checked equals ‘on’)
Check or uncheck the Default Print EBLCX Option checkbox. / The checkbox will display with or without a check. (Checked equals ‘on’)
Click [Save] to keep these default preferences. / Any future requests you make in the Enter Requests page will start out with the default values that you have saved.

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Setting Your Default Request Parameters