31 March 2015 / Patient Participation DES 2014/15 ENDS
- Funding goes in to global sum for 15/16
- Becomes a contractual requirement to have a PPG from 1st April 2015
Alcohol DES ENDS
- Funding goes in to global sum for 15/16
- Becomes a contractual requirement to identify and advise as appropriate
Dementia Identification Scheme ENDS
Enable automatic uploads of SCR at least on a daily basis /
Provide access to SCR information, where the practice has access to the necessary GPSoC approved systems. Where systems are not yet available, practices should publish a statement of intent to provide this facility. /
Where you are ‘GP2GP enabled’, use GP2GP for all registrations /
Offer online booking of prescriptions, once you have access to the necessary GPSoC approved systems. Where systems are not yet available, publish a statement of intent to provide this facility /
Offer an appropriate proportion of appointments for online booking, provided you have access to the necessary GPSoC approved systems. Where systems are not yet available, publish a statement of intent to provide this facility. /
1 April 2015 / Begin to inform patients at next appropriate interaction of their named GP
Avoiding Unplanned Admissions DES 2015/16 begins
- Some changes from 14/15 to make it slightly easier
Full DES specification not available yet
Extended hours DES 2015/16 begins
- Unchanged from 14/15
Full DES specification not available yet
Dementia DES 2015/16 begins
- Unchanged from 14/15
Learning disability DES 2015/16 begins /
Full DES specification not available yet
Minor surgery DES 2016/16 begins /
Full DES specification not available yet
QOF 2015/16 begins
- Remains at 559 points and thresholds unchanged
- CKD domain: all indicators cease except register – releasing 26 points
- CHD 6 (quadruple treatment post MI) to cease – releasing 10 points
- 24 points transferred to DEM2 (face to face care plan in preceding 12 months)
- 12 points transferred to amended AF indicators to reflect new anticoagulation workload
Full QOF not available yet
30 September 2015 / Publish a plan on how you will offer online access to the coded information in the medical record /
2015 / First of two reporting points for Avoiding Unplanned Admissions DES 2015/16 /
Full DES specification not available yet
31 March 2016 / Website to carry message confirming that all patients have a named GP
Provide online access to the coded information in the medical record. /
Publish GP mean net earnings. (Mean figure for all GPs in the practice. Just earnings from the GMS/PMS i.e. not CCG work, dispensing, OOH shifts, premises etc.) / GPC guidance expected later in 2015
Second of two reporting points for Avoiding Unplanned Admissions DES 2015/16 /
Full DES specification not available yet
N.B. This table does not include all the Enhanced Services for 2015/16. Nor does it include any of the Vaccs and Imms