Town Hall
Fore Street
EX12 2LD
Tel: 01297 21388
Town Mayor: Cllr P Burrows :
Present Cllrs / Mrs G Sedgwick (in the chair) / R PalacioP Burrows / Mrs H Sanham
5 Volunteers
Apologies: Cllr Mrs V Christmas and Mr T Hillier(Volunteer)
32 / Declaration of Interest -
Cllr P Burrows as a member of East Devon District Council
33 / Minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 24th October 2012 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. One spelling error item 28 - Volunteers.
34 / Recruitment of Volunteers
It was discussed that the following Club/Societies could be contacted with the promises of donations or work force. Perhaps more posters and fliers could be distributed around the town as well.
Garden Club
Axe Valley Pedallers
Axe Valley Runners
Seaton Scouts/Guides(working towards their Duke of Edinburgh awards or Community Badges)
Mrs Albertanson said perhaps Seaton in Bloom could be promoted more at the Grizzly Race. Their theme for this year is Grime & Punishment and this year’s colour is orange. She suggested that the Grizzly Weekend there could be a project to involve everybody. Perhaps the bed at Fisherman’s Gap could perhaps have the outline of a bear and people could purchase orange pansies, pebbles, and seeds from the Council and place around the Bears face. Mrs Albertanson also suggested perhaps a mosaic it was suggested that this was left to Mrs Albertanson to develop.
35 / To discuss having a Seaton in Bloom display at the February Farmers Market.
It was agreed that we have a stall at the 15 March Farmers Market promoting Seaton in Bloom where Flyers/Posters/Pictures anything from last years competition will be displayed. It was suggested that we have a community board where all the jobs needed to be actioned are displayed and when any of the volunteers have some spare time they could come in and check the board.
36 / Chairman’s Report
Beds at Tower Entrance were discussed and Mrs Albertanson explained that a party of volunteers went up to the site including the Chairman Cllr Mrs V Christmas but the ground was impossible to dig. Seaton Town Council is hiring a mini digger for the allotment site and if possible, we could use it up at the Tower entrance. It had been suggested to the Chairman that Seaton Tramway would like to install a willow tram at the Tower entrance and an email had been sent to Miss Doncaster at Wicked Willows asking for a quotation. The Chairman Mrs V Christmas invited three Volunteers / Committee members to go on the Spring Seminar with her paid for by Seaton Town Council. Mrs Linda Stone (Volunteer) said she would like to attend.
37 / Setting up if IYN areas and groups.
Cllr Mrs G Sedgwick explained that last year 400 prizes were awarded to IYN groups. All the community can get involved. Mr Dutton (Tower Chalet Park) suggested he could get a work force from Tower garage to do voluntary digging/planting/tidying. Areas that could be involved in the IYN scheme are:-
Waste Land by Fire Station (owned by Mr Salter) Cllr P Burrows will follow this up.
Area outside Orchard Car Park/Beer Road
Area outside Judo/Scout Hall – Mr Doug Rudge explained he is the Chairman of the Martial Arts Club and would discuss this with the Patrons. It was agreed must more advertising is needed for the IYN scheme and it was suggested that all groups in town were contacted.
38 / List of priorities for this year’s entry
Tower Entrance to Seaton
Fisherman’s Gap
Long Bed on the Esplanade
Fore St/Underfleet/around Willoughby House.
Cliff Field Gardens and the Time Line, which was explained by Cllr Mrs H Sanham the path, would be replaced with recycled material, and brass rubbings along path edge leading to the Labyrinth with different times in evolution explained. It was suggested that a living willow tunnel be erected perhaps at the bog at bottom of the gardens near Chime Café or in the Gardens. Mrs Albertanson explained there was a piece of crazy paved land at Seaton Down Hill just before Newlands Park, which she believes, is no man’s land and would be an ideal candidate for improvement. Mrs Albertanson will follow up this project.
39 / Decide on Portfolio Production
Deferred to the next meeting
40 / Set Diary for campaign
It was agreed more meetings required in the earlier part of the year, so we can establish what needs to be actioned.
The meeting closed at 3.35pm