Previous VRC Posts (removed 4/16/15)

April 2015

Check out the latest page on this site - click on the VRC Alumni link at left to see updates on 16 former VRC student assistants!

March 2015

Congratulations to Amy Gruar '15 (Museum Studies) for being accepted into the Graduate Program at the University of Glasgow, Scotland in Information Management and Preservation (Digital/Archives and Records Management). She will begin the program in Fall 2015.

January 2015

Welcome back students! This semester you might need to put together a terrific class presentation and you will want good images for your presentation. If you need help searching and sorting through millions of images online or in ARTstor, stop in the VRC to get some assistance. The image at right is a detail of a high resolution image of a self-portrait by van Gogh titled "Self-Portrait with Straw Hat" from 1887.

May 2014


In particular, special thanks to these VRC Student Assistants:

  • Andreas Jonathan - Architectural Studies
  • Attending graduate school in Fall 2014 at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
  • Matthew Limbach - Architectural Studies
  • Working at an architectural firm in Pittsburg, PA

Thank you for all your work over the last several years. We will miss you but wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.

April 2014


After presenting his paper last night at the Art History Senior Symposium, Andreas was awarded the 2014 Art History Prize.

March 2014

When you get back from Spring Break, you probably will have to prepare an assignment where you have to give a class presentation of some of your research. If you need help finding images or figuring out how to find the best images for your presentation stop in the VRC for assistance. The last thing you want is to get to class and find out your images look horrible on the large screens!

January 2014

Welcome Back Ithaca College Students! As we prepare for the beginning of the Spring '14 semester, keep in mind that we are a resource for you when you start to put together class presentations. Can't find any high-resolution images to use on your subject? Come talk to us here in the VRC. We are open Monday-Friday 8:30 - 4:30 pm.

Take a look at the PDF file on image resolution located in the Documents folder titled Images, Powerpoint and ARTstor to learn how to find high quality images for your class presentations.

For some fun images to see regarding the re-purposing of 35mm slides, see the section on this site or check my Pinterest page:

October 2013

Think you know what a good image looks like? Take a look at the section of this site called Photo Galleries and click on the gallery titled Before and Afters. You will see a selection of images that used to be in the database and the replacement for the old image. The difference is astounding for some of the examples. Why did we have the bad image in the database in the first place? Possibly it was the only image available when it was acquired in slide format years ago. Photographic technology has vastly improved over the years and digital technology has made it possible to have digital files with extreme clarity. Check it out and let us know what you think!

October 2013

The Fall semester is off to a great start. As you start to think about putting together class presentations, consider dropping in to see us in the VRC if you need assistance with finding high quality images or if you are having difficulty finding the right images for your class presentations. The last thing you want is to have poor quality images for your project! We are open Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 - stop in anytime or send an email to:

August 2013

Welcome back students!

The Visual Resources Center is open for business. When classes get started stop by Gannett G-122 to get information as to how to prepare the best class presentations with the highest resolution images available.


  • Jillian Scott ('13) Planned Studies - is now an Administrator with Christie's Education in New York()
  • Amy Obarski ('13) Cinema and Photo - is now the A/V Rental Technician at Hello World Communications (a Broadcast and Media Production company) in New York

May 2013

Congratulations to all 2013 graduates of Ithaca College!

In particular to the VRC Student Assistants

  • Clara Goldman ('13) Art History and Journalism
  • Jillian Scott ('13) Planned Studies
  • Amy Obarski ('13) Cinema and Photo

February 25, 2013

Check out this new article co-written by one of our department assistants, Clara Goldman.

12:12 pm on 12/12/12/

Thought I should post something fun and interesting at this time.

Perhaps you might like to make something fun out of old slides you find in the grandparents attic over winter break.

Take a look here at some instructions for making a LAMP

December 4, 2012

The "Turn up the Transparency" 35mm art slide show was a huge success. We had student, faculty and staff from across campus submit work for the show. Among the departments represented were:

  • Art History
  • Anthropology
  • Music
  • Theater Arts
  • Writing
  • Communicatons
  • Cinema & Photography
  • Environmental Studies
  • TVR
  • Clinical Health Studies

Thank you to all participants! We hope to have another call for entries and show next year, so keep your eyes open for an announcement in the near future.

(See the following site for a few images from the show - )


Watch the video on the VRC created by Journalism major Kyle Robertson '14


The Visual Resources Collection (VRC) is a teaching collection of art and architecture images in both analog 35mm slide and digitalformats. Currently there are over 24,000 digital images from our collection available to use in your courses here at Ithaca College. During its time as the art history 35 mm slide collection, the VRC had approximately 160,000 slides in its holdings. As of 2006, slides were no longer acquired. We are currently in the process of de-accessioning the collection and plan to keep a core collection of slides for research purposes.

The Art History Department and the VRC completed a major renovation project in the fall of 2010. The VRC is located in G-122 in Gannett Center (first floor of library building) - you can see the office as soon as you walk in the front doors.

The VRC is open to both students and faculty and available to help create professional, high-quality classroom presentations.

We are excited about our new initiative - hosting our digital image collection on ARTstor. See the VRC Resources section (at left) for more details.

Check out our new section of Before & Afters in the Photo Galleries section of this site.

For information please contact the Visual Resources Curator, Randi Millman-Brown at 274-3198 or

Please check out our Facebook page as well @