ÅRTV HD project

1Table of contents

ÅRTV HD project

1Table of contents


1.1.1Technical specifications

1.1.2Evaluation criteria/response forms

2General information


2.2Project scope


2.4Antenna/RF system (transmitting antenna)

2.5RF system (satellite reception)


2.7Procurement timetable

2.8Contracting authority

2.9Objects of the contract

3Administrative rules


3.2Questions about procurement documents

3.3Tender submission

3.4Tender language

3.5Administration of the received tenders

3.6Other conditions for submission of tender


4Qualification criteria

4.1Obligatory exclusion criteria

4.2Exclusion by examination and ESPD

5Technical specification/requirements


1.1.1Technical specifications

  • Annex A, transmitter technical specification
  • Annex B, headend technical specification
  • Annex C, monitoring technical specification

1.1.2Evaluation criteria/response forms

  • Annex X, transmitter tender evaluation/response form
  • Annex Y, headend tender evaluation/response form
  • Annex Z, monitoring tender evaluation/response form

2General information


Ålands Radio och TV Ab (ÅRTV)is going to broadcast TV channels in HD quality. In order to make this possible, a new transmitter, new headend and required monitoring equipment have to be acquired.

Installation and maintenance of the equipment will be performed in cooperation with ÅRTV existing subcontractor.

Transmission parameters will be 256-QAM, CR 3/5, GI 1/128, 32k Extended.

Estimated coverage area will be as in the following picture:

2.2Project scope

Scope of delivery for this project is DVB-T2 transmitter, headend equipment, and monitoring equipment. Spare parts for the DVB-T2 transmitter. Spare parts will be ordered continuously when needed.

The project is divided into three parts

  • Part 1: DVB-T2 transmitter
  • Part 2: Headend equipment
  • Part 3: Monitoring equipment


Transmitter, headend and monitoring equipment will be delivered to ÅRTV transmitter site in Smedsböle, Sund, Åland Islands.

The address is Ålands Rundradiostation, Kolsvidjavägen 89, AX-22530 Sund, Åland, Finland.

Equipment will be installed in the same room as existing DVB-T system. There is plenty of floor space for new equipment.

Previously there was an analogue IOT UHF TV transmitter installed in this space.

Transmitter liquid cooling fan unit will be installed on the wall outside the transmitter building.

Outside temperatures can be from 30 degrees below zero to 30 degrees above zero (Celsius).

The transmitter room has natural cooling by means of wall-mounted ventilation fans but no other air conditioning equipment. Temperature is 20-30 degrees C.

2.4Antenna/RF system (transmitting antenna)

The following illustration shows the existing antenna/combiner system at the transmitter station:

The existing combiner system is built using Teracom equipment. Refer to illustration above for part numbers.

There is no patch panel. Channel 28 will be used for DVB-T2 transmissions. Transmitter will be connected to combiner COM4-3CWG-A001 wideband input; a bandpass filter is to be delivered with the transmitter (possibly built into the transmitter rack).

Existing transmitting antenna is a Kathrein Superturnstile K756513.

Transmitters connected to this antenna are ch 25 (Mux A, DVB-T) and ch 35 (Mux B, DVB-T).Ch 28 (Mux C, DVB-T2) will be connected to this antenna also.

Antenna system gain is 11 dB.

Picture 1: Åland transmitting antenna (picture is rotated 90 degrees left to better suit paper format)

2.5RF system (satellite reception)

Existing satellite reception is done with a satellite dish positioned for reception from THOR 5/6. The LNB is type SMW Quattro Digital Type E; all four outputs are available in transmitter room.


Monitoring equipment is needed for standalone continuous 24/7 real-time monitoring for TV headend system input (IP) and output of transmitter “RF” and stages between.

Equipment will be used for both headend and transmitter system monitoring.

Monitoring equipment will be connected to systems separately based on implementation.

2.7Procurement timetable

27.06.2016 / Advertisement
25.08.2016 / Last day for questions
31.08.2016 / Last day for answers
14.09.2016 at 15:00 Finnish time / Last day for tenders
15.09.2016 at 13:00 Finnish time / Tender opening and evaluation
October 2016 / Contract award notice
November 2016 / Contract signing

2.8Contracting authority

Contracting authority is:
Ålands Radio och TV Ab,

Business ID 1051815-3 (VAT FI10518153),
Ålandsvägen 24,
22100 Mariehamn,Åland, Finland.

2.9Objects of the contract

Ålands Radio och TV Ab is calling for tenders on

  • one (1) UHF transmitter for DVB-T2 transmissions
  • headend equipment for processing TV programmes to be transmitted by aforementioned DVB-T2 transmitter and also existing DVB-T transmitters
  • monitoring equipment, for monitoring inputs, outputs and intermediary signals of the aforementioned equipment

Tenders may be submitted for one or more parts. If tenders are submitted for more than one part, pricing for each part must be specified separately. Each part will be evaluated on its own. This creates the possibility to accept only one part of a multi-part tender.

3Administrative rules


Applied procedure for this procurement is procurement through open procedure, when published a public notice will follow on the web address HILMA follow the link:

From HILMA the notice will then be forwarded for publication in the Official Journal of the European Union and also in the database TED.

Invitation to tender will be found, publicly accessible and electronically on the webpage of Ålands landskapsregering:

The estimated total value for the procurement is above the European Commission defined threshold amount of 209,000 euro.

The specified value is only to be seen as a guideline, the future needs can both fall short and exceed the specified value.

Ålands Radio and TV Ab does not guarantee the turnover.

In accordance with 1§2 mom. landskapslag (1994:43), Finland’spublic procurement law will apply (FFS 348/2007).

The procurement procedure does not permit negotiation, for that reason it is of great importance that all qualifications and terms set out in the invitation to tenders are in compliance and that the best terms for the best price are offered in tender.

3.2Questions about procurement documents

All inquiries relating tender documents must be sent by email to sequent contact:

Agneta Mattsson
CEO Ålands Radio och TV Ab

To secure that all tenderers receive the same information, the contracting authority publishes all questions and answers regarding tender documents at follow link:

Tenderers are responsible for monitoring the above mentioned websitefor updates regarding possible publication of questions and answers regarding the procurement. During the period of 24.06.2016 until the 07.08.2016 no questions will be answered because of the holiday period therefore the procurement process will be prolonged with approximately one month.

If tenderer finds the qualifications demanded in procurement documents as indistinct, cost driving or restricting competition in any way, it is of great importance to contact the contracting authority at the email address mentioned above, as early as possible, to avoid misunderstandings.

Possible questions regarding the procurement documents must be sentno later than25.08.2016.

Answers and other complementary information will be updated and published continuously, however at the latest 31.08.2016.

It is the tenderer’s responsibility to check if there is any additional information published before submitting the tender.

Only written complementary data sent by the tenderer during the tendering period is binding for both parties.

3.3Tender submission

Tenders must be sent in sealed envelope labelled “ÅRTV HD project” and must arrive no later than 14.09.2016 at 15 O’clock Finnish time.

Tenders must be sent to the following address:

Ålands landskapsregering,

PB 1060,

22 111 Mariehamn, Åland, Finland

3.4Tender language

Tender must be in writing and authored in Swedish or English (including all annexes).

3.5Administration of the received tenders

On every received tender the incoming date is marked. All tenders are opened at the same time after the tendering period has expired. Afterwards a verification of the received tenders is performed.

Any tendersthat arereceived after the deadline, or that do not fulfil all qualifications; will be disregarded, regardless of cause.

3.6Other conditions for submission of tender

  • Tenders sent by email will not be taken into account.
  • The tender must be clear regarding the validity of the tender and delivery time.
  • Price of tender must be ineuro (€) exclusive VAT.
  • Delivery costs must be included in the tender price.
  • Tender validity must be at least 90 days counted from the last day of submitting tender.
  • Delivery time within six (6) months from ordering.


After the tendering period the procedure explained in 3.5 will be initiated.

If tender does not meet the must-have requirements set in annex A, B and C, the tender will be disregarded regardless of cause.

Evaluation will be done according to the following procedure:

Evaluation of the different parts will be done separately:

  • Total cost of ownership will be calculated for each part.
  • For each part, tender with the lowest total cost will be adopted.

Evaluation criteria can be found in separate documents:

  • Transmitter (part 1) evaluation criteria are in annex X.
  • Headend (part 2) evaluation criteria are in annex Y.
  • Monitoring (part 3) evaluation criteria are in annex Z.

Evaluation price is calculated as follows (done automatically in the Excel file):

  • Yearly energy consumption (kWh) = Power consumption in watts / 1,000 * 24 * 365
  • Total electricity cost = Cost per kWh * Years in service * Yearly energy consumption
  • Evaluation price = equipment price + total electricity cost + (only for transmitter) total price of all listed spare parts
  • Example:
  • Cost per kWh = 0,09 €
  • Years in service = 15
  • Power consumption = 7.500 watts
  • Equipment price = 100.000 €
  • Spare parts = 20.000 €
  • Yearly energy consumption = 7.500 W / 1.000 * 24 * 365
  • Yearly energy consumption = 65.700 kWh
  • Total electricity cost = 0,09 € * 15 * 65.700 kWh
  • Total electricity cost = 88.695 €
  • Evaluation price = 100.000 € + 88.695 € + 20.000 €
  • Evaluation price for this example is 208.695 €

4Qualification criteria

When Supplier is performing on behalf of contracting authority, Supplier must always follow direct applicable EU law, Finnish law and regulations and in Åland applicable provisions issued by the government of Åland and the Government of Finland.

The Suppliermust both during the tendering period and during the whole contracting period fulfil the conditions laid out in this and the additional procurement documents. The product offered must fulfil the set outmust-qualifications.

If Supplier fails to fulfil must-qualifications during the contract period it can lead to annulment of the contract.

4.1Obligatory exclusion criteria

Supplier who has submitted tender has thereby confirmed that nothing of the mentioned below is occurring in this situation and he is therefore free to join the procurement.

If it comes to the contracting authorities knowledge that contractor who has submitted tender or a person in its management, or person who is authorized to represent, make decisions about or control the contractor, or is condemned by an in force judgement for certain crimes in accordance with § 52, 53, 54 chapter 8 procurement law 2007/348, will automatically lead to exclusion of contractor from this procurement.

Contracting authority will control the criteria when suspected that any of the above exclusion criteria are meet.

If the contractor turns out to be arbitrary by giving false information to the contracting authority, it automatically leads to exclusion from this procurement.

4.2Exclusion by examination and ESPD

Supplier who has submitted tender has therefore certified that none of the below is occurring and is for that reason free from obstruction to join this procurement.

Supplier who has submitted tender can be excluded because of below explained situations:

  • Supplier has failed repeatedly to provide the contracting authority with requested spare-parts within time outlaid in this contract and after having a written notification thereof
  • an application of bankruptcy, composition, reorganization or debt adjustment is made against the Supplier
  • Supplier is placed in liquidation
  • Supplier has failed to pay taxes and statutory social security contributions and insurance contributions
  • Supplier has repeatedly neglected the quality of the Service or has otherwise been in material breach of this contract and after having received a written notification thereof, fails to remedy such a breach without delay or repeats such a breach
  • Supplier hires a subcontractor without written consent by the contracting authority
  • Supplier has submitted false information in the tender when allocating the contract

As a guarantee of fulfilling the requirements of this Tender the Supplier must fill out the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) and submit it together with the Tender.

The fields coloured in yellow are mandatory to fill out in the ESPD document other fields are voluntary.

The contracting authority reserves its rights to control the information given in the ESPD document.

Only the Supplier that will be awarded the Contract will be required to submit certificates that prove the statements given by the Supplier in the ESPD document.

The Supplier that will be awarded the contract must submit valid certificates not older than three (3) months counted from the last day of submitting tender. Further control can occur before contract award decision is made. Through a request of contracting authority the contractor is controlled at their own discretion to ask the government in question for necessary certificates, and or inquiries.

If these documents show that contractor who has submitted a tender is subject for any of the above mentioned grounds for exclusion, it is the right of the contracting authority to exclude the contractor in this procurement.

If the contractor turns out to be arbitrary by giving false information to the contracting authority, it automatically leads to exclusion from this procurement.


The Suppliermust submit at least three (3 ) references made ​​during the 3 ( three ) last fiscal years. The references shall refer to similar projects which the contract relates.References can be specified in the ESDP document or on a separate appendix.

5Technical specification/requirements

For technical specifications, refer to the following documents:

  • Transmitter (part 1) technical specifications are in annex A.
  • Headend (part 2) technical specifications are in annex B.
  • Monitoring (part 3) technical specifications are in annex C.

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