GC Curriculum Committee Meeting

Friday, March 13, 2009; 9:00 – 11:00am

Graduate Student Centre, Room 203

Present:Stelvio Bandiera, Bill McKee (Chair), Ed Putnins, Bill Ramey, Susie

Stephenson, Joyce Tom, Norman Wong, Ella Ho, Philip Loewen

Regrets:Lindsey Lipovsky, Jenny Phelps, Cindy Prescott, Gary Schajer, Ian

Townsend-Gault, Jonathan Preston, Sandra Chamberlain

  1. Adoption of Agenda
  1. Minutes of March 6, 2009 meeting

- not yet approved as Bill McKee has not had a chance to review

  1. Business arising
  • Faculty of Graduate Studies Grading Practices entry – edited by Joyce Tom
  • Action: Approved.
  • Dual degree programs:
  • please send a note to Dr Gernot Wieland, Chair of the Arts Curriculum Committee and ask him to approve these to go forward as Category 2 changes. Note that the next Arts Faculty meeting will miss the SCC deadlines.
  • M.A.A.P.S./J.D. Program calendar entry
  • See proposal for edits (MAAPS/JD slash)
  • Action should read, “Edit language for dual degree program description to align with SCC guidelines
  • create new section for dual degree programs in Graduate Studies section of the calendar,
  • move this calendar entry to Graduate Studies section of the calendar.”
  • Rationale should read,“Align calendar entries with Curriculum Committee guidelines on dual degree program descriptions”
  • proposal can go to Senate Curriculum Committee
  • M.A.A.P.S./M.B.A. Program calendar entry
  • Please add Action and Rationale
  • M.A.A.P.S./M.A.P. Program proposal and calendar entry
  • M.A.A.P.S. calendar entry
  • Please add Rationale
  • M.A.P. calendar entry
  • Please add Rationale
  • See proposal for edits
  • M.A.S./M.L.I.S. dual degree program calendar entry
  • Edits to the added section: “system” changed to “studies”
  • Please update Faculty list
  • Please provide Rationale; Joyce and Susie will discuss editorial changes and re-submit proposal
  • M.A.S. calendar entry
  • See proposal for edit (Master of Archival Studies/Master of Library and Information System)
  • M.L.I.S. calendar entry
  1. New Proposals

Faculty of Dentistry
Submitted by Ed Putnins
DENT 599 (18) M.Sc. Thesis
- please add “Effective Session” line at the top of the proposal
- please correct email address to read “”
- clarify Rationale to show the program requires 30 credits and that it includes 12 credits of coursework at the graduate level
Action: Approved pending changes
Craniofacial Science Calendar Entry
- see proposal for edits
- Change type of action to “Change degree name; Change program requirements; Add specialization to degree parchment”
- please provide Rationale that supports the name change and program requirement change
- obtain a document from AVED stating that they acknowledge this change as simply an editorial change, and that it does not change the degree quality; once this is obtained include a note at the bottom of the proposal referencing this supporting document and provide a copy for committee review
Action: Approved pending edits, budget, library consult, and receipt of supporting document from AVED
Combined MSc in Craniofacial
Science/Diploma in Periodontics
- see proposal for edits
- please add “Effective Session” line at the top of the proposal
- please correct email address to read “”
Action: Approved pending edits, budget, and library consult
Combined MSc in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Endodontics
- see proposal for edits
Action: Approved pending edits, budget, and library consult
Master of Science MSc in
Craniofacial Science
- see proposal for edits
- Please expand Rationale
- Please add “Effective Session” line at the top of the proposal
- Please correct email address to read, “”
Action: Approved pending edits, budget, and library consult
Doctor of Philosophy – PhD in
Craniofacial Science
- Please correct email address to read, “”
Action: Approved pending edits, budget, and library consult
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Geoff Hammond
OBST 549 (18) – credit value change from 12 to 18
- need Faculty approval date from Dr. Peter Leung
- need parallel program change proposal with rationale.
- please provide library consult
Action: Hold
Faculty of Science
Submitted by Nancy Cook
BIOC 549 (18) – credit value change
Action: Approved.
EOSC 516 (2) – new course
Action: Approved.
PHYS 560 (3) – new course
Action: Approved. / Biochemistry Program Requirements
Action: Approved.
CHEM 504 (3) – retire course
Action: Approved.
CHEM 509 (3) – retire course
Action: Approved.
CHEM 511 (3) – retire course
Action: Approved.
CHEM 512 (3) – retire course
Action: Approved.
CHEM 522 (3) – retire course
Action: Approved.
CHEM 523 (3) – retire course
Action: Approved.
CHEM 528 (3) – retire course
Action: Approved.
CHEM 531 (3) – retire course
Action: Approved.
CHEM 562 (3) – retire course
Action: Approved.
CHEM 567 (3) – retire course
Action: Approved.
CHEM 570 (3) – retire course
Action: Approved.
  1. Senate Curriculum Sub-Committee BusinessRe-submission of following proposals from Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration:

-EMBA 588

-EMBA Equivalents

-BAMS 580

-BASC 500

(These items were not yet covered – moved to top of next Agenda, before new proposals)

  1. Adjournment of Meeting at 11:00 AM
  1. Next meeting – Friday, March 27th, 2009, Graduate Student Centre, Room TBA

– cancel March 20th, 2009 meeting, add meeting March 27th, possibly cancel April 3rd(depending on amount of material to be covered)