2016 to 2019

Strategic Plan

Harston Primary School 1458

Harston Primary School Draft Strategic Plan 2016 to 2019 Page 1

School Profile

Purpose / The purpose of Harston Primary School is to provide students with the capacity to:
  • manage themselves as individuals & in relation to others
  • understand the world in which they live
  • act effectively in that world

Values / At Harston Primary School we believe that:
  • All children have the right to a high quality education.
  • All children can learn given time and support.
  • All children have the right to a happy, safe, supportive and stimulating environment.
  • All children are part of a wider community where learning is “For Life”.

Vision / At Harston Primary School we employ the philosophies of “Building Learning Power”
At Harston Primary School we all work towards:
Creating a community of independent and self-disciplined learners
Employ high level thing skills
Apply “up to date” information and communication technology skills across all aspects of learning.
Strategies for students “stuck on a problem” include:
Read the instructions question again.
Do you need some special equipment?
Ask the person next to you!
Look in a dictionary, atlas, newspaper or “Google it”.
Survey the room for someone who may know the answer.
Be creative – “Put on your Green Hat”
If all this fails then ask a teacher!
Collaboration is essential and developing sound independent learning skills a priority. This is inherent across the school and starts as soon as students commence at Harston.
A 21st century pedagogical approach alone cannot guarantee the successful acquisition of these skills. An environment that fosters this development must also be created. For this reason, Harston Primary School offers a unique learning environment centered around the following:
  • A core-curriculum that mirrors AusVels through the application of text books in Literacy and Numeracy.
  • Laptop computers for all students to enable a “need it now” approach to digital research and creativity.
  • IPADS for grades F to 2 students with a range of “Apps” to support the core-curriculum.
  • Open -Learning spaces available for all students to work in a collaborative atmosphere.
  • POLYCOM technology to link our school with the world.
  • Online activities to support learning .
  • Traditional and digital games and LEGO blocks for creativity, collaboration and self-paced, engaged learning.
  • The use of GradeXpert as a data recording and analysis tool to inform teaching and learning

Environmental Context / Harston Primary School is situated in an irrigation area in the North East Region of Victoria. The school has a current enrolment of 34 students. The school has developed clearly expressed student goals, which include the ability to manage themselves as individuals and in group situations, an understanding of the world in which they live and that they all have the potential to learn.
The school currently has one full time Principal, two equivalent full time teachers and 0.7 Education Support Staff. The school has access to the mobile art and library program and the students learn Chinese. The provision of 30 minutes of Physical Education every day is adhered to in recognition of the benefit it provides to student learning.
The occupational status of the community has changed over time where local employment has overtaken a purely agricultural base. A rise in transient students has grown over the review time and this is best understood when considering that(as at October 2015) 23 of the 34 students have been at the school for a year or less. The Student Family Occupation index over the review time has risen to 0.76 compared to the State Median of 0.51
In 2016 we have 50% of our students from single parent families with three of these living with grandparents. Two families have custody issues.
The school has set a priority for engaging families in the educative process with the aim of improving student performance based on the understanding that a safe, secure and happy environment provides the pre-conditions for effective learning.
Harston Primary School has worked with the community to develop community links, which support families providing regular information and assistance when required.
Service Standards / General
  • The school fosters close links with parents and the broader school community through its commitment to open and regular communications. Communication is via regular newsletters, website/BLOG, Facebook, SMS, telephone and “face to face”
  • The school commits to the active sharing of its vision and goals to ensure school community engagement in the school’s strategic plan.
  • The school works closely with other schools in the Midland Rural Schools Cluster sharing resources, expertise and staff. Many elements of this plan will be common to other schools in our group.
  • The school guarantees all students access to a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum including skills for learning and life. We emphasize “Value-Adding” over benchmarks. Our goal is to ensure accurate assessment and a goal of at least 15%-20% value-adding to Ausvels Score each year. We want to know how far “we have taken the student” as opposed to how far above or below state benchmarks they may be!!
  • The school provides a safe and stimulating learning environment to ensure all students can achieve their full potential.
  • All students will receive instruction that is adapted to their individual needs.
  • The school responds to all communication by parents and caregivers in a timely fashion, dependent upon the nature of the request.
  • Parents are engaged regularly when their child does not behave in a socially acceptable manner.
  • A “Student Engagement Policy” guides all students in working within the school expectations.
  • All teachers provide timely and targeted feedback to students on their work.
  • Families are supported financially - we charge no fees.

Strategic Direction

Achievement / Key improvement strategies
Goals /
  • To continue to improve learning outcomes in literacy and numeracy.
/ Focus on maintaining or improving current high student achievement levels in Reading, ensuring that each student matches her/his individual achievement level for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening and Maths.
Maintain “Data Wall” to inform teaching and learning planning and individual student learning (and behaviour plans).
Audit school curriculum in line with “New Victorian Curriculum” requirements.
Targets / 1.0 1.0To increase student ratings in each AusVELS domain to Region “mean level”
DOMAIN / 2015 / 2019
Reading and Viewing / 2.61 / 3.50
Writing / 2.58 / 3.50
Speaking & Listening / 2.71 / 3.50
Measurement and Geometry / 1.95 / 3.00
Number and Algebra / 1.95 / 3.00
Statistics and Probability / 1.95 / 3.00
2.0An increase in the % of students achieving in l in the top 3 bands
DOMAIN / 2015 / 2019
Reading and Viewing / 81.80 / 100.00
Writing / 87.90 / 100.00
Speaking & Listening / 93.90 / 100.00
Measurement and Geometry / 90.60 / 100.00
Number and Algebra / 90.60 / 100.00
Statistics and Probability / 90.60 / 100.00
3.0Data Wall to show very student achieving one full level of progress (AusVELS) over each one year period in Reading and Mathematics.
Actions / Success criteria
Year 1 / Individual Learning Plans developed for all students.
Staff attend The Big Write. Resources purchased to support implementation
On Demand Testing in March May September and December. (3- 6).
Implement School Assessment Schedule.
Build on the current personalisation of learning programs, informed by the increasing accuracy in assessment, tracking of progress and diagnosis of individual learning needs:
• Pupil Free Days allocated for professional learning.
•Attend Positive Schools Conference June 2016
•Attend DET professional Learning sessions / ILPs formulated and reviewed
Value-adding at each assessment. (See Data Wall)
Improvement in “Big Write Assessment criteria.
Improved student achievement as per tables.
Classroom Observation Program Documented.
Data used to inform personalised learning as per work programs and curriculum plans.
Implementation of ideas from Positive Schools Conference.
Curriculum Audit completed ready for 2017.
Year 2 /
  • Refine structures, processes and protocols for collaborative teaching across the school
  • Review our pedagogical vision and ensure priorities/practices are embedded into “ Classroom Practice”.
  • Refine /Develop consistent teacher/PLT weekly /daily planning documents that align with agreed school practices and instructional models
  • Review the Whole-School Curriculum Plan and the resources allocated.
  • Review and update the Assessment Schedule
  • Ensure teacher PDPs are in line with the 2017 AIP
  • Review the SSP Achievement goal and targets in order to develop the 2018 AIP Achievement focus and Professional Learning Plan
  • 2017 Classroom Observation Program documentation
  • 2017 Professional Learning Plan developed and implemented
  • Teacher weekly and daily planning documents reflecting agreed whole school practices, models and programs around Literacy and Numeracy

Year 3 /
  • Ensure teacher PDPs are in line with the 2018 AIP
  • Review and update the Curriculum Plan
  • Review and update the Assessment Schedule
  • Review the progress of the SSP Achievement goal and targets in order to develop the 2019 AIP Achievement focus and Professional Learning Plan
  • 2018 Classroom Observation Program documentation
  • 2018 Professional Learning Plan developed and implemented

Year 4 /
  • Ensure teacher PDPs are in line with the AIP
  • Conduct a whole review of the school’s progress over the last 4 years towards the 2016-2019 SSP Achievements targets
  • 2019 Professional Learning Plan developed and implemented
  • Achievements targets reached

Engagement / Key improvement strategies
Targets / To improve attendance.

Improve mean scores in the Students Attitude to School Survey.
Factor Name / Student Attitudes to School Survey
2015 / 2019
Stimulating Learning / 4.03 / 4.80
Student Motivation / 4.19 / 4.85
Learning confidence / 3.37 / 4.80
Teacher Effectiveness / 4.22 / 4.80
Number of days absent per student will be less than 20 per FTE
2015 / 2019
22.46 / 15.00
/ Maintain clear guidelines and procedures for managing student absences.
Continued development ofa safe and caring learning environment to set the foundation for further improvement in behaviours and learning outcomes.
Allocation of resources to incursions and excursions for the creative aspect of the curriculum, eg. Dance, drama, music..
Appointment of a shared Physical education teacher.
Enhance teaching of ICT
Mapping of multiple agency support programs to provide for greater clarity and purpose for both children and their families.
Actions / Success criteria
Year 1 / Maintain current attendance policy strategies.
Ensure the school community is fully aware of these (via newsletter and SMS).
Design and implement individual case management plans where the need is indicated.
Investigate the parent responses to Student Safety in the Parent Opinion Survey with a view to improving the response in this area.
Appointment of an 0.2 EFT teacher of Phys Ed and Sport.
Incursion/excursion timetable established.
Develop an Event Planning Document.
Utilization of POLYCOM
Review eLearning
Mapping of outside agency support. / Improvement as per table above
Value-adding shown in “Welfare Surveys” and ATSS
Frequency and quality of incursions/excursions according to observation and anecdotal information.
Improved attendances and 100% “approved explanations” re absences.
Increase in the Student Safety Data.
ATSS back to pre- 2015 levels
Team and classroom planning, documentation of student learning tasks
Increased percentage of students making 1.0 growth in all AusVELS domains (2015 -2016)
Improved Attitudes to School data
- Stimulating learning; Student motivation, Learning Confidence and Teacher effectiveness (2015 -2016)
Documentation of teacher professional learning for 2016
eLearning to be embedded in whole of curriculum plans and PDPs.
The success of this will be reflected in anecdotal information from participants and engagement (frequency) of agencies concerned.
Production of spreadsheet/document/map of agency interaction.
Year 2 /
  • Provide whole school and personalised professional learning in ICT
  • Ensure all teachers have an ICT goal in their PDP
  • Continue to investigate practices, models and programs develop in inquiry learning, personalised learning and student voice in learning
  • Review the progress of the SSP Engagement goal and targets in order to develop the 2018 AIP Engagement focus and Professional Learning Plan
  • ELearning Survey and PDP evidence showing teacher skills development in ICT
  • Teacher planning documentation including updated use of ICT, Inquiry Learning, Personalised Learning and Student Voice in Learning
  • Improved Attitudes to School data
- Stimulating learning; Student motivation, Learning Confidence and Teacher effectiveness (2016 – 2017)
•Increased percentage of students making 1.0 growth in all AusVELS domains (2016 – 2017)
Year 3 /
  • Continue to provide whole school and personalised professional learning in ICT
  • Ensure all teachers have an ICT goal in their PDP
  • Review and document agreed school expected practices in Inquiry Learning, Personalised Learning and student voice in Learning
  • Review the progress of the SSP Engagement goal and targets in order to develop the 2018 AIP Engagement focus and Professional Learning Plan
  • Documentation of school expectations around Inquiry Learning, Personalised Learning and Student Voice in Learning
  • ELearning Survey and PDP evidence showing teacher skills development in ICT
  • Teacher planning documentation including updated use of ICT, Inquiry Learning, Personalised Learning and Student Voice in Learning
  • Improved Attitudes to School data
  • Stimulating learning; Student motivation, Learning Confidence and Teacher effectiveness (2017 – 2018)
  • Teacher assessment and reporting reflecting a broad range of learning outcomes in all Domains.

Year 4 /
  • Conduct a whole review of the school’s progress over the last 4 years towards the 2016-2019 SSP Engagement targets
  • ELearning Survey and PDP evidence showing teacher skills development in ICT
  • Teacher planning documentation including updated use of ICT, Inquiry Learning, Personalised Learning and Student Voice in Learning
  • Improved Attitudes to School data
  • Stimulating learning; Student motivation, Learning Confidence and Teacher effectiveness (2017 – 2018)
  • Teacher assessment and reporting reflecting a broad range of learning outcomes in all Domains
  • Increased percentage of students making 1.0 growth in all AusVELS domains (2017 – 2018)
  • All SSP Engagement targets met

Wellbeing / Key improvement strategies
Goals / To improve student health and wellbeing. / To create Individual Learning and Behaviour profiles for “at risk” students matching their outside agency interaction with what is happening in the school environment.
To Provide a School Breakfast Club.
Continue to employ the strategies of the Positive Schools Program.
Targets /
  • ATSS data to reflect pre-2015 data with a particular emphasis on improving “connectedness and Safety”.
  • NAPLAN data, Ausvels assessments etc to show improvement as indicated above due to the direct impact of programs stemming from Key Improvement Strategies.
Maintained or improved mean scores in:
the Students Attitude to School Survey.
Factor Name / Student Attitudes to School Survey
2015 / 2019
Student moral / 4.75 / 5.90
School connectedness / 4.00 / 5.00
Classroom behaviour / 2.50 / 4.80
Student safety / 3.92 / 4.80
Factor Name / Staff Opinion Survey
% of endorsement
2015 / 2019
Trust in Students and Parents / 78.60 / 100.00
Shielding and buffering / 100.00 / 100.00
Wellbeing -Overall Percentage Endorsement / 100.00 / 100.00
Factor Name / Parent Opinion Survey
2015 / 2019
Student safety / 33.90 / 85.00
Classroom behaviour / 72.80 / 90.00
Approachability / 66.40 / 90.00
Actions / Success criteria
Year 1 / Develop a proforma – Harston Individual Learning Plan 2016
Develop plans based on data from end of year 2015.
Set up the facility to introduce the newly funded Breakfast Program (Foodbank).Provide staff to implement program.
Pupil Free Days allocated for professional learning.
Attend Positive Schools Conference June 2016 / All students with ILP’s
All “at risk families” engaged with appropriate support agencies.
Improved data as per relevant data tables within this plan.
Anecdotal comments.
•Implementation of ideas from conference.
•Reduced behaviour issues
•Reduced absence as per “table targets”
•Improved ATSS as per “table targets”.
Year 2 /
  • Regular feedback and problem solving forums with parents and community members representing the different cohorts within the school
  • The implementation of ‘Team around the Learner’ as an approach to develop partnerships with parents/carers of students with extreme behaviour.
  • Supporting students and their families by developing partnerships with community agencies / services
  • Regular behaviour data and management practices, actively and regularly discussed, monitored and refined by PLTs and the Leadership Team.
  • Review the progress of the SSP Wellbeing goal and targets in order to develop the 2018 AIP wellbeing focus and Professional Learning Plan
  • Improved Attitudes to School data - Student safety, Classroom behaviour, student connectedness and Student moral to remain in the fourth quartile (2016-2017)
  • Improved Parent opinion Survey – General satisfaction; Parent input (2016-2017)
  • Improvement in school generated student behaviour data.

Year 3 /
  • Review Support given to students and their families by developing partnerships with community agencies / services
  • Review behaviour data and management practices
  • Review the progress of the SSP Wellbeing goal and targets in order to develop the 2019 AIP wellbeing focus and Professional Learning Plan
  • Improved Attitudes to School data - Student safety, Classroom behaviour, student connectedness and Student moral (2017-2018)
  • Improved Staff Survey - Trust in students and parents, Shielding /Buffering (2017-2018)
  • Improved Parent opinion Survey – General satisfaction; Parent input (2017-2018)
Improvement in school generated student behaviour data
Year 4 /
  • Conduct a whole review of the school’s progress over the last 4 years towards the 2016-2019 SSP Wellbeing goal and targets
  • Improved Attitudes to School data - Student safety, Classroom behaviour, student connectedness and Student moral to remain in the fourth quartile (2018-2019)
  • Improved Staff Survey - Trust in students and parents, Shielding /Buffering (2018-2019)
  • Improved Parent opinion Survey – General satisfaction; Parent input (2018-2019)
  • Improvement in school generated student behaviour data
SSP targets met
Productivity / Key improvement strategies
Goals / Improve engagement of students and their families. / Expand the Health and Physical Education Program:
Appoint Phys Ed teacher to provide students with an opportunity to engage with a “significant other”.
Resourcing key priorities.
Targets /
  • Evidence based outcomes of equity funding as per targets of Achievement, Engagement and Wellbeing goals

Actions / Success criteria
Year 1 / The school will appoint a “significant other” - 0.2 EFT Phys Ed Teacher for 2106.
Provide adequate resources and equipment
as per Achievement, Wellbeing and Engagement. / ATSS Data.
Anecdotal data.
Classroom observation.
As per Achievement,
Wellbeing and Engagement.
Year 2 /
  • Review/monitor SSP budgets for Achievement, engagement and Wellbeing
  • Review the progress of the SSP Productivity goal and targets in order to develop the 2017 AIP Productivity focus
  • Improved Parent survey – General satisfaction; Parent input (2016-2017)
  • Improved English Online data- reading and viewing; speaking and listening (2016-2017)

Year 3 /
  • Review/monitor SSP budgets for Achievement, engagement and Wellbeing
  • Review the progress of the SSP Productivity goal and targets in order to develop the 2017 AIP Productivity focus
  • Improved Parent survey – General satisfaction; Parent input (2016-2017)
  • Improved English Online data- reading and viewing; speaking and listening (2016-2017)

Year 4 /
  • Conduct a whole review of the school’s progress over the last 4 years towards the 2016-2019 SSP Productivity goal and targets
  • Improved Parent survey – General satisfaction; Parent input (2018-2019)
  • Improved English Online data- reading and viewing; speaking and listening (2018-2019)
  • Improved ADEC data
  • Alliance generated data sets
  • Success criteria as per Achievement, Engagement and Wellbeing goals
Productivity targets met

Harston Primary School Draft Strategic Plan 2016 to 2019 Page 1