Summer Housing Assistant


University Housing Services

Under the direction of a Residential Life Coordinator (RLC) and/or Assistant Residential Life Coordinator (ARLC), the Summer Housing Assistant (SHA) is responsible for working closely with other University Housing Services (UHS) staff members to develop and maintain an atmosphere that promotes residential communities during the summer in Campus Village A (CVA). SHAs are charged with assisting in the management of all aspects of the summer housing program, including, but not limited to catering to the needs of summer students and guests. As an employee of UHS, each SHA will adhere to, administer, and enforce policies and procedures as outlined in the Residential Life Staff Manual, and the UHS Community Living Handbook.

The SHA's role may encompass programming, facilities, administrative, and staff responsibilities, and as such, requires flexibility from the individual in this position. The SHA serves as a resource to both residents and staff and shall uphold the mission, standards and policies of UHS. The responsibilities listed are carried out under the supervision of the RLC and ARLC in conjunction with the Associate Director of Residential Life and the Assistant Director of Residential Life. As a student assistant, this position is subject to release at any time.

If you have any questions about this job description, the application process, or the SHA position, please check all these items first. Should you have further questions, please contact: J.D. Kegley, Residential Life Coordinator of CVB and Chair of Student Staff Selection at .


1. Undergraduate or graduate students in good standing with the university and possessing a minimum 2.500 cumulative GPA at the time of application and throughout the period of employment. Please note that GPA does not round up; any GPA below a 2.500 (2.499 or below) will make you ineligible for the position.

2. Candidate must have a matriculated student status with SJSU (i.e. accepted, enrolled and/or currently a student) during time of application.

3. One year residence in a college or university residence hall or a similar group living experience such as a Greek house, co-op, or theme program prior to term of employment is preferred but not required.

4. Preference will be given to candidates who have previously served as or are currently a Resident Advisor (RA) in University Housing Services and have performed satisfactorily.

Terms of Employment

1. All SHAs that have been offered and accepted the position MUST read through the Terms of Employment, the Basic Functions and Responsibilities of the position and initial each item. Initials signify a clear understanding of the expectations. Additionally, each staff member must sign and date the overall job description as an understanding that they have read through and agree to all terms. Again, only candidates that have been HIRED should initial and sign this contract. The due date will be conveyed in the offer letter. _____

2. The SHA is expected to serve as a role model for all residence hall policies and procedures through day to day interaction with students and staff as well as through on-line sources (i.e. Facebook, MySpace, e-mail, etc.). Failure to serve as a positive role model in this way may result in your release from the SHA position. _____

3. The period of employment for this live-in position is as follows: _____

Summer Start Day Friday, May 24, 2014 - 7PM (providing room is ready, staff members can start moving into their summer assignments). Staff members may be able to move in earlier, depending on availability

Summer End Day Move out Date: Sunday, August 17, 2014 - 7PM (staff members must be moved out of their summer


Contract Ends: Sunday, August 17, 2014 – 7PM

4. SHAs are required to attend summer training. Training will typically occur from 9AM-6PM daily. On some days, the schedule may go outside these times. Weekend sessions may also be scheduled. Dates:

Summer Training Days Friday, May 23 & Tuesday, May 27.

5. Active participation in staff training. _____

6. Active participation in the completion of opening and closing tasks throughout the summer (including preparations for Spring closing and Fall opening). _____

7. The SHA must be available to residents and staff during evening hours and weekends and must be willing to commit a significant amount of time (approximately 20 hours a week in addition to scheduled duty shifts/nights/days) to the position. This includes providing hall duty and desk coverage during some vacation and holiday periods. _____

8. Any major time commitments (i.e. academic courses, Associate Students Directors or Campus organizations, additional employment or other responsibilities outside of the RA position) academic courses should be discussed and approved in advance with the RLC. _____

9. Employment is contingent upon on-going satisfactory job performance evaluation by the supervisor. Satisfactory job performance evaluation is defined as meeting expectations as defined by the job evaluation in all areas of the job description. _____

10. All SHAs must have telephone service in their room. UHS provides phone services so that SHAs are easily accessible to staff and students. SHAs must update their voicemail message as needed. SHAs should make their phone numbers available to residents. _____

11. During the live-in period of employment, SHAs will receive a room (single room occupancy). Additionally, each SHA will receive a monthly amount of $100, $100 in grocery money, and $75 in Dining Dollars. An additional meal plan may be offered as determined by UHS Professional Staff. During specific holiday duty (designated university holidays when UHS is closed); the on-duty SHA will receive a $50 stipend per day. _____

Basic Functions And Responsibilities

The SHA supports UHS in the development of a student/conference guest life program within the residence halls during the summer. The specific responsibilities of the SHA position are divided into the following categories:


A-1. Encourage personal, social, and academic development of students. This responsibility involves spending a significant amount of time on the floor or building area and getting to know students on an individual basis. “Significant amount of time” could include, but is not limited to the following: being available to assist students, implementing on-going spontaneous activities, planning programs, floor/building meetings, visibility in your living area and/or hall, and the dining commons, etc. _____

A-2. If applicable, assist your living group in establishing various programs that aid in the development of a positive living/learning environment. Assess, initiate, plan and implement community development activities with the floor or area of responsibility to address the needs and concerns of the residents. SHAs will divide the summer weeks so that each SHA will be responsible for completing at least one active program per week _____

A-3. Act as a mediator in conflict situations when needed (i.e. roommate conflicts, noise disruptions, floor disputes conflicts, etc.). _____

A-4. Work cooperatively with students to ensure an environment on the floor or building area which displays respect for the rights and privacy of others and promotes consideration of individual needs in a group living environment. _____

A-5. Respond to student behavior that is inappropriate and/or in violation of campus policies and procedures, such as behavior which endangers the health and safety of residents, and behavior which results in damage to University property. This responsibility involves confronting the action that is in question, documenting the incident(s) within 24 hours and following residence community and University conduct procedures. _____

A-6. Report student concerns relating to residential life (i.e. policies, procedures, dining services, maintenance) to the appropriate units of UHS (i.e. RLC/ARLC, Associate Director, Assistant Directors, Dining Commons Manager, Facilities Manager, etc.). _____

A-7. Serve as a constructive and positive role model for personal behavior and academic pursuits and adhere to all residence community policies. Role-model appreciation of differences and assist students in developing an understanding of diverse cultures and lifestyles. Respect and treat all individuals fairly and equitably by being open and understanding of sexual orientation, and cultural and ethnic diversity issues. _____

A-8. Support and help publicize academic services, including but not limited to tutoring, advising, courses, and faculty involvement programs specifically related to summer school (if applies). _____

A-9. Participate in major apartment or UHS functions that encourage residents to participate in campus and community. _____

A-10. Work closely and effectively with University departments including but not limited to UPD, Traffic and Parking, Spartan Shops/Dining Commons, Student Union Inc., Event/Aquatic Center, and other academic departments that may sponsor conference/summer operations. _____

B. Facilities Management RESPONSIBILITIES

B-1. Assist in the overall management, operation and effectiveness of the Summer Program including, but not limited to: facilitating student check in/out procedures, assisting with room assignments, administering keys, and managing front desk hospitality and services. _____

B-2. Performs approximately 20 hours of work each work (some weeks may vary). Schedules 15 hours/week specifically to completing check-in, check-out, facilities and other administratively related items. _____

B-3. Report maintenance problems in a timely manner (within 24 hours) in order to maintain the physical condition of the residence halls. Provide immediate follow-up on reported problems. _____

B-4. Work collectively with other summer staff to successfully manage all aspects of the check in and check out processes. It is expected that significant check-ins and check-outs may occur throughout the day during peak periods.

B-5. Assist the A/RLC in responsibilities related to Spring 2014 closing, and Fall 2014 opening of the hall.


C-1. Attend weekly hall staff meetings at a time determined by the entire staff. _____

C-2. Assist in the completion and management of administrative tasks as needed (i.e. incident reports, maintenance tags, room assignments, room inventory sheets, fire and health safety checks, check-in and check-out procedures, all programming materials, evaluations and other designated tasks) in a timely and efficient manner. _____

C-3. Perform regularly scheduled duty shifts. Night duty begins at: Weekday-begins at 7:00PM and ends the following day at 8:00AM; Weekend-begins at 7:00PM and ends the following day at 7:00PM. During university designated holidays, duty will occur from 7:00PM and end the following day at 7:00PM. Duty includes, but is not limited to, performing rounds twice each night (amount of times are as needed and/or determined by RLC for area), responding to emergencies and lockouts and facilitating room check ins and check outs. _____

C-4. Ensure that your RLC/ARLC is informed and updated on all aspects of your work. This responsibility will entail meeting regularly with your RLC/ARLC to share job-related information, receive feedback, and develop job-related skills. _____

C-5. Disseminate campus information as directed by the RLC/ARLC. _____

C-6. Follow instructions and complete tasks in a timely manner. _____


D-1. Maintain positive working relationships with other UHS, Dining Commons and university staff. _____

D-2. Do not duplicate or loan keys to unauthorized persons. Official job related keys are to be kept in their and/or a designated, secure location at all times when not in use, and are not to leave the building or area without authorization. _____

D-3. Be responsible with special staff privileges (i.e. use of office, phones, keys, office equipment, supplies etc.). _____

D-4. Maintain confidentiality and objectivity in all matters related to students and staff. _____

D-5. Demonstrate a high level of self awareness, and be able to give and accept feedback to be incorporated into personal and professional skill development. _____

D-6. Perform other duties as assigned by the RLC/ARLC and other UHS staff. _____

This position works in a safe and responsible manner while not putting self or others at risk. This includes complying with applicable policies and regulations; using personal safety gear; observing warning signs; learning about potential hazards; and reporting unsafe conditions. This position is subject to criminal and background check.

·  Time off/vacations will be fully coordinated, reviewed and approved by the RLC, based on staffing, building, and community needs. There will be NO vacation approved during the summer opening and closing weeks.

My signature on this job description certifies that I have reviewed and fully understand the expectations outlined. Further, I agree to perform the duties of the Resident Advisor position to the best of my ability. If, at any time, I do not feel that I can uphold the terms of this position, I will speak with my supervising Residential Life Coordinator or Assistant Residential Life Coordinator immediately. I understand that as a Student Assistant, I am subject to release from the position at any time.

Name (Print): ______

Name (Signature): ______

Building: ______

Date: ______