Office of Research


Bridge Funding is intended to provide short term financial support to sustain the research programs, laboratories, and momentum of productive researchers during funding gaps to give them a chance to regain extramural funding. Bridge funding is targeted to all members of the faculty of the College of Medicine at Rockford who have established projects that demonstrate high probability of securing extramural funding.


Full time faculty who have an active research laboratory are eligible for funding.

They must have been a PI on an external grant funded research during the last three years.

They must have at least submitted a grant application(s) for funding support from a national funding agency which was scored but not funded.

Only research projects will be supported under the bridge funding mechanism. Funds cannot be used for graduate training, student research projects, demonstration projects, travel, and faculty or post doc salary support.

Bridge funding request typically can be made only one time for a specific research project. Additional support may be considered based on the research progress, need and funding situation.


Funds up to $10,000 will be awarded for one year or less

PI will have to submit an application that will be reviewed by a selection committee.


Application should be submitted as a single pdf document to Dr. Sherry Falsetti at . Document should use 12 point Arial font with a minimum of ½ inch margins all around.


Funding decisions will take into consideration:

Length of previous funding for the grant under consideration for bridge funding.

Productivity of the investigator as indicated by the quality of the publications.

Probability of obtaining funding in next round of submissions, as documented by PI track record, level of activity (number of grant submissions).

Whether PI has lost all research support or simply a portion of support. Preference may be given to PIs who have exhausted all other sources of funds.


Recipients will be required to file a report at the end of the funding period to account for funds spent, summarize the research carried out, and highlight all resulting grants (awarded or pending), publications, and other outcomes (e.g. students supported).


Office of Research College of Medicine, University of Illinois Rockford

  1. Cover Letter (One page):
  2. Explain the circumstances of the lapse in funding and how the bridge funding will increase chances of future award(s).
  3. Include details, plans and timeline for submission of grants to external agencies.
  4. Highlight the significance of this project to the field, UIC, and the PI.
  1. Project narrative (Three pages):
  2. Summarize project accomplishments of most recent funding period that needs bridge funding.
  3. Provide brief details of the planned research using the bridge funding. Include how the research will strengthen the specific aims of the planned external funding.
  4. Include timeline of the proposed work using the bridge funds.
  5. References are not included in the three-page limit.
  1. Biosketch (Four pages): This should follow NIH-styled formatting and should include:1) relevant publications with PMID #; 2) list of internal and extramural current, pending; and 3) declined grants from past three years noting any overlap.
  1. Budget and Justification (1-2 pages): Budget should be limited to essential project services including student/extra help salary, animal per diem and supplies only. Travel is not allowed. Do not budget for faculty salary, equipment or indirect costs.
  1. Submission deadline: There is no specific deadline for submission of the application. Applications will be received year round and funding decisions will be made within 4 weeks after receiving the application.
  1. Please submit the completed application as a single pdf file to Dr. Sherry Falsetti at . Please feel free to contact Dr.Falsetti with any questions at 815-395-5665.

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