Ambassador Baptist College

Sunday School: Unit Three

A Project Submitted to

Mrs. Smith

In Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirements for the Course

ED 201.3

Education of a Child


Sarah Beverly

Box 3254

Lattimore, North Carolina

28 November 2011

Sunday School Quarter Overview

Department Level: Primary

Quarter Themes: Jesus’ Power

Objectives: The student will…

  • Recite the following verses by memory: Psalm 147:5, Luke 9:17, Matt 21:22, Mark 6:51,Psalm 59: 16b, Luke 5:24, Mark 10:52, Psalm 62:11, Luke17:18-19,Luke 7:16, John 11:42, Isaiah 53:5, Philippians 3:10
  • Identify at least three different ways Jesus demonstrated His power through miracles.
  • Compare and contrast how Christ revealed His power through nature and creation, healing, and death.
  • Explain what Jesus did for those who were sick other then heal their physical bodies.
  • Tell another person the story of salvation.

Unit 1.Christ’s Power Over Nature and Creation

Objectives: The student will…

  • Recite Psalm 147:5, Luke 9:17, Matt 21:22, and Mark 6:51 by memory with no more than two helps.
  • Compare and contrast how Christ revealed his power over nature and creation through the different miracles.

Lesson 1: Jesus Turns Water into Wine

John 2:1-11

Lesson 2: Jesus Feeds the 5,000

Matt 14: 13-21

Lesson 3: Jesus’ Power Over the Fig Tree

Matt 21:18-22

Lesson 4: Jesus Walks on Water

Psalm 3:5

Unit 2.Christ’s Power to Heal

Objectives: The student will…

  • Recite Psalm 59: 16b, Luke 5:24, Mark 10:52, Psalm 62:11, and Luke 17:18-19 by memory with no more than two helps.
  • Name at least two different miracles that demonstrate Jesus’ power over illness and disease.
  • Identify the second kind of healing Jesus demonstrated through these miracles

Lesson 1: Jesus Heals a Lame Man

John 5:1-15

Lesson 2: Jesus Heals a Man with Palsy

Luke 5:17-26

Lesson 3: Jesus Heals a Blind Bartimaeus

Mark 10: 46-52

Lesson 4: Jesus Heals a Woman Sick for 12 years

Matt 9:19-22

Lesson 5: Jesus Heals the Lepers

Luke 17:11-19

Unit 3: Christ’s Power Over Death

Objectives: The student will…

  • Recite Luke 7:16, John 11:42, Isaiah 53:5, Philippians 3:10 by memory with no more than two helps.
  • Tell at least one other person the salvation story.

Lesson 1: Jesus Brings a Widow’s Son Back to Life

Luke 7:11-17

Lesson 2: Jesus Brings Lazarus Back to Life

John 11: 11-44

Lesson 3: Jesus’ Death Part 1: Christ’s Death on the Cross

Matt 26: 47-57; 27:11-50

Lesson 4: Jesus’ Death Part 2: He Is Alive!

Matt 27:51- 28:8; Luke 24:1-12

Unit 3: Christ’s Power Over Death

Lesson 1: Jesus Brings a Widow’s Son Back to Life


Instructional Objectives:The student will…

1.Recite Luke 7:16 by memory with no more than two helps.

2. Explain how Christ’s power was demonstrated through the miracle of the Widow’s son coming back to life.

Materials Needed:

Flannel Graph

Opening Activities:

“Praise Him, Praise Him”

“Who’s the King of the Jungle”

Memory Verse Activity:

“Basketball”—Write each word of your memory verse onto a small piece of paper. Wad up each piece to make mini-basketballs. Make a set for each team. Use a trashcan as the hoop; have the kids take turns making "baskets". When they make a basket, the team opens up the basketball to reveal a word from the memory verse. The first team to complete their memory verse and place it in the correct order wins.

Sequence of Activities:

A. Review and Motivation:

Begin asking the children about how many siblings they have. Find out if any of them are the only son. Then describe the importance of a son back in Bible times; the roles of men, husbands, and sons in society.

B. Instruction:

1. The Setting

a. Luke 7:11

2. The Problem

a. Luke 7:12-13

3. The Solution

a. Luke 7:14-15

4. The Response

a. Luke 7:16

C. Conclusion:

The Widow’s whole world turned upside down when her son died. She had lost a loved one but also her only way of living. However, Jesus had compassion on her and saw her need. Because Jesus is the Son of God, he is not only powerful over nature and creation, sickness and disease, but also over death!

D. Application activity:

Have the children answer questions about the Bible story. Ask them why this miracle was so surprising to the people, and why it was so important.

E. Evaluation:

  1. The students recited Psalm 147:5 from memory with no more than two helps.
  2. The students explained how Christ’s power was demonstrated through the miracle of the Widow’s son coming back to life.

Unit 1: Christ’s Power OverDeath

Lesson 2: Jesus Brings Lazarus Back to Life


Instructional Objectives:The student will…

1. Recite John 11:42 from memory with no more than two helps.

2. Perform a role-play of the account in John 11:11-44.

Materials Needed:

Flannel Graph

Toilet Paper

Head dresses

Opening Activities:

“Oh, What Can Little Hands Do”

“God Can Do Anything”

Memory Verse Activity:

Tic-tac-toe—Place nine chairs into the shape of a tic-tac-toe board then split the class into two teams. In order to get someone on the board, the person who is going must recite the verse perfectly. Whichever team gets tic-tac-toe first wins.

Sequence of Activities:

A. Review and Motivation:

Describe a time in your life when you lost a loved one, a close pet, or moved away from friends. Have the children name out emotions you most likely felt. Begin to relate this to how Jesus lost a close friend too, and how He felt as well.

B. Instruction:

1.The Problem

a. John 11:11-14; 17-22; 31-33

2. The Solution

a. John 11:34-43

3. The Response

a. John 11:44-46

C. Conclusion:

Jesus loved His friend Lazarus very much and cried when he died. However, Jesus knew that He had the power to not only heal him but also raise him from the dead. Jesus could have healed Lazarus so he will not die but God wanted to be glorified by showing Jesus’ power over death!

D. Application activity:

* Can take place during lesson*

Role-play: Choose a few students to act out as Lazarus, Jesus, a few disciples, Mary and Martha. Wrap “Lazarus” in the toilet paper; have him lie on the floor on one side of the room. Read the passage while having the children act out or read their part.

E. Evaluation:

  1. The students recited John 11:42 by memory with no more than two helps.
  2. The students performed a role-play of the account in John 11:11-44.

Unit 1: Christ’s Power OverDeath

Lesson 3: Jesus’ Death Part 1: Christ’s Death on the Cross


Instructional Objectives:The student will…

1. Recite Isaiah 53:5afrom memory with no more than two helps.

2.Name at least two reasons why Christ’s death on the cross was so important.

Materials Needed:

Flannel Graph

Three Nails



Opening Activities:

“He Is So Great”

“Stop! And Let Me Tell You”

Memory Verse Activity:

A Jumbled Mess—Write the verse out, a word per paper. Jumble up the words then pass apiece a paper out to each child. Have them try to line up in order without talking to each other.

Sequence of Activities:

A. Review and Motivation:

Create an unfair scenario within the classroom. Have one of the children “get in trouble” for doing something they didn’t do. Were any of the students willing to take his punishment for him? What did that one child think?

B. Instruction:

1. The Betrayal

a. Matthew 26: 47-57; 27:11-50

2. The Problem

a. Matthew 27: 11-14

3. The Reaction

a. Matthew 27: 15-26

4. The Results (* Use objects to reiterate the suffering Jesus suffered)

a. The Beating

i. Matthew 27:27-32

b. The Crucifixion

i. Matthew 27:33-38

c. The Mocking

i. Matthew 27:40-49

d. The Death

i. Matthew 27:50-54

C. Conclusion:

Jesus loved us so much that even though He had never sinned He died for us! His death on the cross was so powerful that it paid for our sins!

D. Application activity:

Play Bible Baseball on the board. Ask questions concerning Christ’s death on the cross: how He was beaten, whom did He have to stand in front of, etc. Emphasis Christ’s perfection and the importance of His death.

E. Evaluation:

  1. The students recited Isaiah 53:5afrom memory with no more than two helps.
  2. The students named at least two reasons why Christ’s death on the cross was so important.

Unit 1: Christ’s Power OverDeath

Lesson 4: Jesus’ Death Part 2: He Is Alive!


Instructional Objectives:The student will…

1. Recite Philippians 3:10from memory with no more than two helps.

2. The students named at least two reasons why Christ’s death on the cross was so important

Materials Needed:

Flannel Graph

Worksheet #1


List of typed verses

Opening Activities:

“For God So Loved the World”

“Jesus Loves Even Me”

Memory Verse Activity:

Hide and Seek—Write words or phrases of the verse on a piece of paper. Place the pieces around the room. Have children find the pieces. Once they have found the pieces have them put the words in order; then have the students read the verse aloud a few times.

Sequence of Activities:

A. Review and Motivation:

Have a discussion with the students about presents and gifts they have received in the pass. What was their favorite? What did they have to do to get it?

B. Instruction:

1. The Burial

a.Matthew 27:55-66

2. The Scene at the Tomb

a. Matthew28:1-8; Luke 24: 1-8

3. The Response

a. Luke 24:9-12

C. Conclusion:

Jesus was so powerful that He not only brought people back to life, but He also rose again! Because of His death on the cross, and His victory over death and sin, Jesus created away for us to have eternal life with Him. If we place our trust and faith in Him, believe that He died for our sins and rose again,and repent of our sins Jesus will is faithful to forgive us! He has the gift of salvation and wants to give it to all that will accept it!

*Go through the salvation plan and leave time for an invitation.

D. Application activity:

Have the children color the tract worksheet. Then have them choose verses from the list provided, for the appropriate page. Once the children finish making the tract, have them pick a partner and share the gospel with one another.

E. Evaluation:

  1. The students recited Philippians 3:10 from memory with no more than two helps.
  2. Illustrate the salvation plan through the making and designing of a tract.
  3. Explain the plan of salvation to one other person in the classroom.