HID Credit Application Form
To receive a HID reservation letter and a credit transaction form please provide the following information by emailing this form to :
1. What is the project name as shown on the regulatory permits?
2. Indicate the regulatory agencies with jurisdiction on your project (ACOE, DERM, SFWMD, FDEP, Broward County). It is the Permittee’s responsibility to verify which regulatory agencies have jurisdiction over the project.
3. What is the total number of ACOE palustrine emergent UMAM credits, as shown on the ACOE permit that is required for this project? (one federal credit equals 2.5471 HID acres)?
4. What are the total number of state or local palustrine emergent acre credits, as shown on the respective permits that are required for this project?
Agency # of Acre Credits
5. Between questions #3 and #4 above, what is the highest mitigation that you are requesting the HID to reserve for the project?
6. Provide the application or permit numbers for each of the regulatory agencies with jurisdiction on your project. In order to reserve credits, applicants must have at least one permit or application number. Applicants must provide to the HID electronic copies of the regulatory permits when they are received.
Agency Application or Permit #s
7. Do any one of the permits or application #s for this project apply to other reservations made at the HID? If so identify them by the HID reference number.
8. If this current application is a modification to a pre-existing reservation, please indicate the previous HID reference number assigned to the reservation (Example: HID 2006-18).
9. What is the name, address and phone number of the consultant arranging to purchase the credits (if applicable).
10. What is the name, address and phone number of the person or company that is on the permits and or permit applications and for whom the reservation is being made?
11. Provide the Miami-Dade County property folio number(s) belonging to the project.
12. Provide the section, township, and range information belonging to the project.
13. Provide an exact location description of the property.