August 20, 2014

An interview with:


THE MODERATOR: All right, I'd like to welcome Jennifer Kirby to the media room. From just down the road, how many friends and family do you have here from Paris, Ontario?

JENNIFER KIRBY: I'm not sure. I've definitely seen a lot of people out here that know me, but probably for friends and family, about a dozen, probably.

Q. How comfortable is it just being here? What is it, 30, 40 minutes down the road?

JENNIFER KIRBY: It's just over an hour, but, yeah, it's really nice to be back in Canada, not too far from home. Came up here about a month ago, played the course so at least a little bit familiar with the area.

Q. You had a great first round at the Wegmans, 67 the first day. What was that like seeing your name on the leaderboard at a major and what did they teach you going forward for the rest of the year?

JENNIFER KIRBY: Yeah, it was nice. Unfortunately, my second round wasn't as hot as the first, but I definitely learned a lot through that experience and just to go through that and also to have just a great round and really tough conditions that afternoon. It's something to build off of. Whenever something happens like that, I just always try to take the positives out of it that can help me moving forward.

Q. A lot of the girls have talked about going through their rookie year and the struggle is they can put a couple rounds together, but figuring out how to put four together in the weekend. Has that been the case for you and what's your rookie year been like in?

JENNIFER KIRBY: Yeah, definitely in the beginning of the year it was kind of getting those first two rounds together. But now that I've gotten more comfortable, it's kind of taking less pressure off the weekend, because, obviously, you know you're getting your check on Sunday, so you know you have to play well to move up the leaderboard. But I think I've been putting a little bit too much pressure on myself going through the weekend.

Q. How have you found this course? It seems pretty open off the tee. What have been your impressions and what's it going to take out there?

JENNIFER KIRBY: Yeah, I think it's going to be low scoring this week. It's a great golf course. The rough is thick, but it's not too, too bad. Now, I mean, now it's pretty soft from the storm last night, so I think that the scores will be pretty low, but the greens are massive, so I guess it all depends on where they put the pins.

Q. Just looking at the starting times here, what do you make of playing an all Ontario group? It probably hasn't happened since playing in Canada.

JENNIFER KIRBY: Yeah, I can't remember the last time I played with Rebecca, funny enough. But Brooke probably would have been maybe a CN event a few years ago. But I know it's going to feel like an Ontario Amateur, basically, but it's good to have two good players and we're having a really good time, so I'm excited to play with them again.

Q. What have been your impressions playing with Brooke before? She was in the media room earlier. She's only 16 but obviously has had some great finishes.

JENNIFER KIRBY: Yeah, obviously, she's a great player and she's accomplished a lot even at such a young age. She hits it really far, and she really grinds it out and she's very fiery, so I think a lot of that is her determination to do well and win.

Q. With Manulife being in Waterloo which is really close to Paris, as well, and then CB. Being here. Do you find more pressure knowing there are going to be more of your hometown friends and family at the tournaments?

JENNIFER KIRBY: No, honestly, I enjoy it. I like having people come out and support. I like to wear the logo on my hat and just be a proud supporter of their brand. I enjoy it, and I enjoy playing in front of home crowds, so I kind of feed off of it.

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