Facebook Project! Name:

Follow this procedure to complete your assignment

1.  You will be creating a fake Facebook account of President Franklin Roosevelt on http://www.classtools.net/FB/home-page.

2.  To receive full credit you will need to create a Facebook account that includes all the requirements mentioned below.

3.  Please save this document to your student folder as you add information over the next few days.

4.  After researching the required information on the 2nd page of this document you will add your research to your fake Facebook account (I will demonstrate this in class)

5.  When you are done please upload this document to my website, www.mrdavisus.weebly.com

6.  You must include….

·  The name of historical figure at the top of the page

·  1 Profile Picture of your historical figure/1 cover image

·  Complete the about corner

·  Friends Corner: 6 pictures of people that are/would be friends with your figure

·  The Wall: Post 2 interesting facts about FDR

·  The Wall: Post the information you researched below in 4 separate messages (Accomplishments, New Deal, New Deal Programs, and Court Packing Scandal)

Helpful Research links:

Google Images: http://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=wi




Your research log: Here you will write 4 paragraphs about FDR’s actions and leadership during the Great Depression. You will then copy and paste this information onto your Facebook wall, (I will demonstrate this in class).

Describe a minimum of 3 accomplishments FDR had during the Great Depression (3 to 4 sentences each)
Describe President Roosevelt’s New Deal Plan and define the 3 R’s Relief, Recovery, Reform (5 to 6 sentences)
Describe 3 successful New Deal programs and which of the 3 R’s they belong to (3 to 4 sentences each)
Describe FDR’s court packing scandal (5 to 6 sentences)

On Thursday or Friday, please go to http://www.classtools.net/FB/home-page and begin creating your Facebook account, make sure copy and paste the link to your project below…

Project link:


I need the link and password to grade your project!

List your sources below: www.easybib.com (Minimum 3)

*Alphabetical order



