Fourth Grade Learning Target Examples


·  I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text, including those that reference significant characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean). BPS

·  I can compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated, including the difference between first and third person narrations. BPS

·  I can refer to details and examples in text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. BPS

·  I can compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand account of the same event/topic, describe the differences in focus and the information provided. BPS

·  I can divide words into syllables to figure out new words. CCS

·  I can change my reading rate when I read to help me understand the text. CRD

·  Explain different word meaning in different content areas. FWS

·  Summarize a literary/narrative text that includes a plot, message and/or ideas, and important text-based details. FWS

·  Determine the author’s purpose and support decision with evidence/details from the text. FWS

·  Describe and explain why setting is important to the story. FWS

·  Summarize a poem including the theme. KCC

·  Describe a character’s thoughts based on evidence in the text. KDE

·  Explain the difference between explicit and inferred information in a text. KDE

·  Determine the overall structure (e.g. chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of a[n informational] text. KDE

·  Explain information from charts [in informational text]. KDE

·  Distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. KDE


·  I can provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. BPS

·  I can provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented. BPS

·  I can use a variety of transitional words and phrase to manage the sequence of events. BPS

·  I can link ideas within categories of information using words and phrases (e.g., also, another, for example, because). BPS

·  I can form and use prepositional phrases correctly. BPS

·  I can cite the book, author, and page number I used to research. CRD

·  Revises text, by adding, deleting, substituting, and moving text using more than one resource. FWS

·  Organizes narrative writing with an introduction and conclusion using transitions within and between paragraphs. FWS

·  Adjust voice for different audiences and purposes. FWS

·  Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting inappropriate fragments and run-ons. KCC


·  Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place. CCS

·  Write equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. CCS

·  Determine whether a given whole number in the range of 1-100 is prime or composite. CCS

·  Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rules. CCS

·  Recognize and generate equivalent fractions. CCS

·  I can compare two multi-digit numbers using symbols. I can form ordered pairs consisting of corresponding terms from the two patterns. CRD

·  I can explain, using a model, that two fractions can be equal due to different sizes and/or number of parts of the whole. I can use whole number exponents to show powers of 10. CRD

·  I can use the area model to show how I can multiply fractions. CRD

·  I can understand that volume is made up of cubic units. CRD

·  I can use attributes to categorize 2-dimensional shapes. CRD

·  I can understand that there are 360 degrees in one full turn of a circle. CRD

·  I can identify and draw the lines of symmetry. CRD

·  I can compare two decimals to the hundredths when referring to the same whole. CRD

·  I can write a given whole number in expanded notation to show understanding of place value. ESD

·  Plot fractions on a number line. ESD

·  Understand repeated addition. ESD

·  Determine the correct mathematical symbol in a number sequence. ESD

·  Measure length to the nearest ¼ inch or nearest centimeter. ESD

·  Know the area of a rectangle and square is the size of its surface measures in square units. ESD

·  Visually identify angles as straight, right, obtuse, and acute. ESD

·  Convert between familiar units of time. FWS

·  Determine the mode of a set of data. FWS

·  Solve subtraction of fraction problems with like denominators. KCC

·  Contrast two or more characters in a text using specific details from a text. KDE



·  I can explain how fossils were formed. CRD

·  I can give examples of how matter changes from one form to another. CRD

·  I can explain why only one variable is changed in an investigation. CRD

·  I can explain the difference between a conductor and an insulator. CRD

·  I can identify and explain how an electromagnet works. CRD

·  Draw diagrams showing energy can be transferred from one place to another. FWS

·  Compare the roles of producers, consumers, and decomposers in an ecosystem. FWS

·  Measure the time it takes two objects to travel the same distance and determine which is fastest. FWS

·  Explain the transfer of electrons between objects. KCC

·  Classify objects as magnetic and non-magnetic. KCC

Social Studies

·  I can tell how states rely on each other for products. CRD

·  I can describe how families have changed in Iowa over time. CRD

·  I can tell what a good and a service are and give an example from Iowa and or/a a region. CRD

·  I can name the branches of government in the State of Iowa. CRD

·  Understand how and why tribal governments make, interpret, and carry out laws. FWS

·  Understand the difference between cities, states, and countries. FWS

·  Create a timeline that shows historical events organized by time periods and eras. FWS

·  Draw and label the equator and prime meridian on a map, including the degrees. KCC

·  Identify a list of resources as either renewable or nonrenewable. KCC


·  BPS: Boston Public Schools, Boston, Massachusetts

·  CCS: Cleveland County Schools, Shelby, North Carolina

·  CRD: Cedar Rapids Community School District, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

·  ESD: Elko County School District, Elko, Nevada

·  FWS: Federal Way Public Schools, Federal Way, Washington

·  KCC: Kildeer Countryside School District 96, Buffalo Grove, Illinois

·  KDE: Kentucky Department of Education