November 11th, 2016
Dear Parents,
Please note, there will no After School Clubs run by teachers next week (Football and All Sports will take place as will individual music lessons).
Daily Mile News
Miss Lorimer has been busy on our behalf contacting a company called “Great Run”. They have provided us with very special wristbands which are able to tract the time it takes to complete the Daily Mile. We are not only the first school in Westminster, but the first school in London (!) to be trialling this piece of kit. On Wednesday this week, we gathered together some of the children who regularly complete the mile and they tested out the equipment. Hugo Francis completed his mile in 6 minutes and 29 seconds! The children received their wristbands from Jacqueline Critchley from the Great Run Company and Sean Leo from the Westminster Sports Unit.
During assembly today, I spoke to the children about re-launching the Daily Mile. All children who have taken part and continue to do so more regularly, will receive a special key ring on Monday. Children who really do carry on running/walking until Christmas will receive a wonderful printed T-Shirt. The wristbands will begin to do their work on Monday.
More Football Reports
We another new special Football team at school; this time it is Year Five. The team consists of Leo Newbury, Kyle Hunt, Holly Cusack, Uma Bailhache, Luca Bailey, Gabriel Ladbury, Fergal Gunn and Nikhil Williams and they took part in another QPR tournament on Wednesday. The tournament was one for a mixed Y5 & 6 team but as Year Six were due on a trip for the same day, Year Five were responsible for upholding the school’s honour.
The team played valiantly and beat Mitchell Brook School in a competitive 6-5 match. The other matches were against much bigger Year Six children……. Mr. Dan and Miss Patterson were, again, really pleased with our team’s sportsmanlike playing and their courage against older players. Luca Bailey, like his sister Jasmine, won a medal for Teamwork and the whole team received a memorable certificate. Well done indeed!
Remembrance at St. Saviour’s
It never ceases to amaze me how seriously the children take this season of Remembrance. Many bought the poppies we were selling for the Royal Legion or purchased more permanent poppy badges and wore these with pride. Our Remembrance Service on Monday was, as usual, very moving. Today, we held a one Minute Silence at 11:00 a.m. – we all felt very proud of our school.
PTA News – Christmas Bazaar – Saturday 26th November at 12:00 p.m.
The Christmas Bazaar is hurtling towards us! The children are going to start making items for sale next week. They will each be making a “memory” item as well as an edible treat. These will be ready to add to the stalls on Friday 25th.
PTA Class Reps: please begin (if you have not already done so) to compile a timetable of helpers from your class to run the stall. You will also need to make a stall banner. The paper for this is rolled up on the piano in the school hall. This needs to be ready by Thursday 24th November at the latest. It needs to be returned to Mr. Higgins.
We are still looking for some Very Special Santa Helpers to assist Mr. Higgins with the clearing up at the end of the event. I am very grateful to Mr. Dinas (Evridiki’s father) for being the first and, as yet, only volunteer to help (Thank you!). Mr. Dinas has ordered an Elf hat to help with his duties. Other volunteers could also have the same or a Santa hat – whichever you prefer but….. we need to hear from you if you want to help!
The PTA Committee and Class Reps are very excited about two new events which will be happening this school year. Firstly, we are going to launch The St. Saviour’s 100 Club at the beginning of the new term in January. To make this a success, we need 100 people to commit to paying £5 a month to take part. We will be offering £150 prize money each month which will mean the school will benefit to the tune of £350 per month. There will be a draw each month (with two in July and none in August) so there is a chance for everyone to win. I will be sending out a form for you to express interest early next week.
Regardless of which class your child is in and what they are making………we need donations of the following:
Small or medium empty glass jars. Small or medium tree baubles
Tinsel, plastic holly or trees, cake toppers, pine cones
Ribbon and natural coloured string
Quality Street/Celebration type sweets
Thank you!!!
St. Saviour’s App!
We are now up to over 185 parents who have registered for the St. Saviour’s app – this is great news. We think that most families have registered but this may only be one parent per household. This is fine but you can, if appropriate, have both parents registered, however, we will need to have your e-mail address on our system.
We have been able to generate a report with names of parents/families that have not registered and we will be contacting you directly next week to see if you need any help. Don’t forget, to register simply go to the Apple Store or Google Play Store to download the app for free. If you experience any problems, please email Miss Lorimer and she can investigate or help you.
Nits – AGAIN!
Sadly, I need to report that Nits have been discovered in Year Four – Parents of children in this class (and to be honest all parents!), please use this weekend to check the hair of every human in your home. The only way we can keep these pesky creatures at bay is if you are constantly vigilant!
School Uniform
It is no longer possible to buy school uniform from school. I have attached another copy of the information sheet provided by Stitch Design our new uniform supplier. The service was officially starting on November 1st so if you have already ordered some uniform, please give it a day or two to arrive. If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact me so I can help you. I have attached another copy of the registration system for your information.
Other Uniform News
Could I ask you to please check your child’s uniform to see it is correct? Children should be wearing white school polo shirts and green school sweatshirts (both with school logos on them). They should be wearing black shoes or trainers (with no visible logos or flashing lights) and grey, black or white socks or tights.
Children do not need to wear long sleeved undershirts as the school is very warm; at playtimes, they have coats plus scarves, gloves and hats (if required). Hair should be cut short and neat or tied back to help prevent the spread of nits. Long, uncontrolled hair also interferes with other children when children turn their heads quickly.
At this time of year, children need to bring jogging bottoms for PE lessons. These need to be green or navy. Children must wear PE kits for these lessons as failure to do so results in rather painful smelling classrooms for the rest of the day!
Re-Organised Whole School Photograph – Thursday 17th November
I am afraid our Whole School Photograph is jinxed. Although Westminster Academy very kindly offered us the use of their school, their photographer required all 240 children and staff to be ready for the photograph at 8:30 a.m. I discussed this will all staff and Father Bradley and we all concluded it would be a logistical nightmare to get us all there at this early time. Therefore, it has been decided, we will not be having our photograph next Thursday. Sad times indeed! Don’t worry as will have to organise another date in the summer – weather permitting!
Parent Teacher Meetings will be held on Tuesday 15th and Thursday 17th November. Appointment times have been sent home already. If you have not received yours, please contact the school office for more information.
Wrap Around Bookings
We have had a number of parents booking into Wrap Around and then changing their minds during the day. This causes us problems as we need to ensure there are enough adults present to look after the children. In future, 24 hours’ notice is required for any cancellation otherwise, parents will be charged the full amount for this service.
Operation Christmas Child – Supporting the Samaritans
We have reached the closing date for receiving the Shoebox Christmas Presents for Samaritan’s Purse. I am delighted to say you have donated a grant total of 115! This means we will be able to order for dedicated van to collect them for school and Mr. Higgins will not have to take them all in his car! This is marvellous news! Some children told me in assembly that they were still working on their boxes so if this is the case, please fill a box over the weekend! If you do not have a spare shoe box, we can find one for you.
Buster’s Weekend Friend: Remembrance
Buster will be spending the weekend with Wilf Grosz. He deserves Buster because he was able to remember and empathise with those who suffered in Wars past and present. He showed insight by writing a thought provoking poem which he read during the Remembrance Mass. All teachers agreed he should take Buster home and we loved that he was so surprised to receive this honour!
Stars of the Week
Nursery: Bella Fashola for being such a good friend and cheerful, helpful member of Nursery. We were so impressed with her Remembrance and how beautifully you sat during the minute silence. Reception:Amyrah Francis-Harnetty, for being very respectful during reflections and learning about Remembrance Day. We are proud of all your hard work this week – well done! Year One:Ema Zjarri for working extremely hard in Phonics this week and being incredibly enthusiastic in Coding Club. Year Two:Leo Toptsis for being so open minded and adventurous. We love your enthusiasm to try new things! Year Three: Oliver Halford for his excellent approach to everything about school and consistent hard work! Amazing! Year Four:Kia Gesesse for always having an amazing attitude toward school lie. You never fail to give 100% to everything! Year Five:Hugo Francis for writing an amazing diary entry and putting in a huge effort in all his work. Well done! Year Six:Rose Squire-Cross for having a good week. She has worked hard and made good progress in all areas of the curriculum. Brilliant!
With all best wishes,
Ms. Woodford