Chapter 5

The Periodic Table

Name ______Teacher’s Copy______

Class ______

Test Date DECEMBER _12_,2013__

Chapter 5 –The Periodic Table Outline

Section 1-Arranging the Elements p. 106 - 113

I.  Discovering a Pattern

Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, discovered a pattern to the elements in 1869.

*Notes: After much thought Mendeleev arranged the elements in order of increasing ___atomic mass______.

A. Periodic Properties of the Elements

*Notes-Mendeleev found that the properties of the known elements followed a pattern that repeated every ____7_____ elements.

B. Predicting Properties of Missing Elements

II.  Changing the Arrangement

III.  Periodic Table and Classes of Elements

**Periodic Table PAGES 108 – 109 (or 154 – 155)

A. Metals

*Notes-Most of the elements on the Periodic Table are ____metals_= light blue______.

B.  Nonmetals = yellow

C.  Metalloids = green (only 6 on the periodic table!)

IV. Decoding the Periodic Table

A. Each Element is identified by a Chemical Symbol

B. Rows are Called Periods

*Notes-The horizontal row on the periodic table is called a _____period_____.

*Notes- The physical and chemical properties of elements change on the Periodic Table as you go ______across each period_from left to right______.

4 / 19
K / 20
Ca / 21
Sc / 22
Ti / 23
V / 24
Cr / 25
Mn / 26
Fe / 27
Co / 28
Ni / 29
Cu / 30
Zn / 31
Ga / 32
Ge / 33
As / 34
Se / 35
Br / 36

D.  Columns are Called Groups

*Notes-A vertical column of elements on the periodic table is called a ___group______.


Know how to read Figure 6 on page 112.

Group / 1
2 / 3
3 / 11
4 / 19
5 / 37
6 / 55
7 / 87

Chapter 5 –Arranging the Elements Outline

Section 2-Grouping the Elements p. 114 - 121

I.  Alkali Metals

Alkali metals are the most reactive metals because their atoms can easily give away the one outer level electron.

*Notes-Alkali metals react with water to form ___hydrogen______

II. Alkaline-Earth Metals

III. Transition Metals

*Notes-Transition metals are good conductors of ___thermal energy____(heat)_____.

A. Properties of Transition Metals

B. Lanthanides and Actinides

*Notes- ___Lanthanides______are shiny, reactive metals. Some Lanthanides are used to make steel.

IV.  Boron Group

*Notes: ______Aluminum______, part of the Boron Group, is used to make lightweight aircraft and automobile parts.

V.  Carbon Group

*Notes-Diamonds and soot are forms of _____carbon______.

VI.  Nitrogen Group

A.  *Notes-_____Nitrogen______makes up about 80% of the air we breathe.

VII.  Oxygen Group

A.  *Notes-____Oxygen______makes up about 20% of our air. It is important for most living things.

VIII.  Halogens

A.  *Notes-Chlorine and iodine are types of __Halogens______.

IX.  Noble Gases

A.  *Notes-Light bulbs will last much longer when filled with this noble gas- _Argon______.

X.  Hydrogen

A.  *Notes-___Hydrogen______is a colorless and odorless gas.