Florida Department of Management Services

MyFloridaMarketPlace Project

Discussion/Meeting Minutes / 05/15/2008
9:00 – 11:00
Subject: / MyFloridaMarketPlace Customer Roundtable Meeting
Attendees: / DEP (Justine Pursley, Diane Harper), FWC (Catherine Biernacki, Sharon Bussey), DC (Ardell McGavin, Thomas Lemacks, Tim Ellinor), DOR (Bill Grove), DFS (Cheri Greene, Jessalyn Covell, Judy Sarvis), DOT (David Callaway), DOH (Doug Black), DCA (David Perrin, Robert Runyan), DOL (Pam Barksdale, Angela Jackson), AHCA (Eve Young, Rita Tucker), DCF (Rob Dorman), APD / DCF (Carolyn Love), State Courts (Hanna Watson), AWI (Doris Williams), HSMV (Cricket Lee), DOH (Paul Yu), DOEA (Alicia Ponchak), AG (Chris Gohlke), DJJ (Byron Saper, Richard Haire)
MFMP Team Members: Walt Bikowitz, Rachael Lieblick, Debbie Gries, Amy Smyth, Eric Swanson, Anne Rabon, Audrey Hughes, Kasey Bickley, Buffie Rodri, Kim Koegel, Bill Geiger, Ahmad Bradley, Somer Al-Kassar, Joy Schneider, Christine Call
Discussion Topics
§  Walt Bikowitz, Chief of State Purchasing Operations, welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the DMS MFMP Team members. Walt highlighted that Debbie Gries and Rachael Lieblick both won Davis Productivity Awards for improved processes. He added that Debbie, Kasey Bickley and Anne Rabon have been training agency customers this week
§  The Agency representatives then introduced themselves. Walt turned the meeting over to Debbie Gries
§  Debbie Gries, Process Manager, recognized Somer Al-Kassar, Ahmad Bradley, Joy Schneider and Bill Geiger from the MFMP Customer Service Desk (CSD)
§  Debbie explained the Failed Purchase Order process and that the CSD (BuyerHelp) identifies failed purchase orders (PO) because of problems with the vendor’s preferred ordering method (fax or e-mail)
§  She said the most common reasons POs fail are disconnected fax machines or a wrong email address. To assist customers, there is the Failed Purchase Order Report
·  Twice weekly, on Tuesdays and Fridays, the Failed Purchase Order Report is sent to agency Purchasing and Finance & Accounting liaisons. The report contains two tabs:
o  Failed PO – Open or Returned
o  Failed PO – Successfully sent
§  Debbie emphasized the importance of sharing this report with preparers, especially during year end
§  The discussion turned to vendors with invalid data / vendor inactivations. Debbie pointed out the Vendors with Invalid Data and Vendor Inactivations Reports are currently being distributed each Monday to agency liaisons
Vendors with Invalid Data: Vendors are “marked” when an attempted DO has failed to reach the vendor via their preferred ordering method. The agencies are asked to contact the vendors in an attempt to get the updated information. Agencies can continue to do business with these vendors; however, there is a risk of encountering errors in the processing of orders
Vendor Inactivations: When a vendor’s registration account is set to an inactive status (inactive or suspended), any outstanding transactions with the vendor will not be able to be completed in MyFloridaMarketPlace. A warning message will display on the transaction indicating “Vendor has been deleted.” When this warning message displays, the user needs to follow the directions outlined in the “Required User Actions Impacted by Vendor Inactivations” table in the Vendor Inactivation job aid to appropriately close out any outstanding transaction that are open
§  Three reasons vendors are inactivated:
1.  Vendor calls and says they no longer want to do business with the State of Florida;
2.  Vendor is suspended; or
3.  DMS requests vendor inactivation
§  Debbie explained the month / date next to the vendor’s name is the month the vendor will be inactivated. If a new requisition is created after the inactivation date, the requisition will not proceed. She added that if you are copying existing PRs and the vendor was inactivated, customers need to ensure that vendor is deleted.
§  Byron Saper, Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), pointed out that you need to close that order if the vendor is inactivated
§  Debbie pointed customers to the Job Aids - http://myfloridamarketplace.com/toolkit for more detailed information
§  Debbie then transitioned to the IT punchout catalogs using Gateway as an example. She walked through the Gateway Punchout site and highlighted key features of the site
§  Walt then provided an update on the SPURS Sunset. He explained the Legislature will be using MFMP with Oct. 1 as the target date, and that an enhancement is being completed with regard to scoping of the Legislature’s data
§  Walt provided an update on the SPURS Sunset Focus Group, and that a new application is being considered that will allow customers to add PCard vendors.
§  He explained there is a new form for agency requested SPURS actions and customers need to fully complete this form before SPURS actions will be completed. The reason for this form is for customers to provide reasons for SPURS actions and to gather information for the new application. The target date for this new application is by the end of the calendar year.
§  When agencies submit a request to the Buyer Help Desk, they should include ‘SPURS ACTION REQUIRED’ in the subject line of the e-mail. Walt explained that SPURS changes / additions must be done by DMS and this will facilitate a quicker turn around for these requests.
§  The updated PUR7018 (for agency requested SPURS actions) form is located at: http://dms.myflorida.com/business_operations/state_purchasing/myflorida_marketplace/buyers/myflorida_marketplace_toolkit/myfloridamarketplace_forms
§  Rachael Lieblick, Operations Manager, then highlighted the system enhancements that the team is currently working to complete:
o  CR 37 - Mass Edit Purchasing Codes;
o  CR 44 - Legislature Data Visibility is being worked now and will be live Oct. 1;
o  CR 41 – Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Receipt Date is to have MFMP send over the CFO receipt date to ensure recording properly within FLAIR;
o  CR 45 - Service Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises is a result of new legislation just passed. It is targeted to go live Nov. 11 – Veterans Day. This will flag vendors as Disabled Veteran Businesses, similar to CMBEs.
§  She discussed CR 37 in more detail and explained the CRB met March 19, and reviewed estimates for prioritized change requests. The CRB voted to move forward with CR 37 (Mass edit for Purchasing Code and Method of Procurement fields) which will be implemented at the end of this month (May 2008).
Overview of the enhancement: Changes will be made to the pre-existing mass edit functionality for requisitions so that the Purchasing Code (labeled “Buyer Code” in MyFloridaMarketPlace) and Method of Procurement fields can be updated for multiple line items
§  As part of this enhancement, additional Method of Procurement values are being added to MFMP:
o  FI - Informal quote per s. 255.0525
o  H1 - Agency ITB per s. 255.0525
o  I1 - Agency RFP per s. 255.0525
o  J1 - Agency ITN per s. 255.0525
o  O1 - Emergency per s. 255.0525
o  O2 - Emergency per Executive Order
o  10 - Exempt, advertising or promotional items purchased per 20-104.003 (Dept. of Citrus only)
o  11 - Lottery Procurement
§  All of these changes are targeted for May 2008.
§  Rachael turned the meeting to Michael Jackman to discuss the resolved accounting system investigation requests (SIR). Michael explained the following SIRs:
o  SIR 827 - When Expansion Option (EO) is inactivated in FLAIR, the EO may not be inactivated in MFMP (implemented 3/28/2008)
§  MFMP will now be able to correctly update inactive EOs from FLAIR. To accommodate this change, several impacted EOs will be inactivated and marked with a suffix of ‘-INACTIVE’
o  SIR 851 - Category and Category Year not defaulted for ORG = 75-10-30-01-000, EO = 59, Ver = 11 (implemented 3/28/2008)
§  MFMP was updated with the proper accounting combination to allow for defaulting of specified category and category year. The accounting combination was not originally loaded because of a batch failure in 2006
§  Bill Grove (DOR) asked, “When I copy an old requisition with an old EO I will see inactive?” Michael confirmed he was correct.
o  SIR 617 - FLAIR is still active on “Ordered” requisitions (implemented 3/28/2008)
§  Release encumbrances that have an error while processing in FLAIR will now return and deny the FLAIRIntegration approval node, signaling the failure of the Release Encumbrance. The following comment will be added: “Transaction has NOT successfully been released in FLAIR.”
Extra validation to the Release Encumbrance eForm was added to confirm that a customer has a FLAIR log-in account set up in MFMP before processing the release encumbrance
o  SIR 890 – Changed encumbered requisitions went to “Ordered” status without adding FLAIRIntegration (implemented 3/28/2008)
§  Customers who choose to bypass the warning message for encumbered change orders that had at least one line item that had been fully paid will now have to check the following checkbox: “Ignore warning related to closed FLAIR encumbrance line.”
§  Michael explained that this resolution is not retroactive to old requisitions
§  Michael also talked about SIR 889 - A Change Requisition generated anew DO ID instead of a new DO version because the original order and requisition moved to “Received” status after the change was submitted. The problem is if you generate a change request that is currently in “Received” status, it would generate a new order. The resolution is to allow changes to requisitions when they are in “Received” status.
§  Ardell McGavin, Department of Corrections (DC), explained that SIR 617 where Tim Ellinor, DC, was trying to zero out an order and received the message for 617. Michael explained that the encumbrance was released. Ardell said that is what we originally thought but accounting hadn’t touched the order. She was encouraged to contact the CSD to report this issue for further investigation.
§  Michael turned the meeting to Anne Rabon, F&A Process Specialist, who discussed Certified Forwards, Payables, Reducing / Releasing Encumbrances and Disbursement Transaction Override.
§  Anne pointed the group to the Hot Topics on the DMS website (http://dms.myflorida.com/business_operations/state_purchasing/myflorida_marketplace/buyers/myflorida_marketplace_toolkit ) and highlighted Year End Processing Tip #5-Disbursement Transaction Override dated 4-18-08 for more information.
§  Jessalyn Covell, Department of Financial Services (DFS), wanted to know about year end system availability for MFMP and FLAIR. Rachael explained these have yet to be set and once known a communication will be distributed.
§  The meeting transitioned to Kasey Bickley, Purchasing Process Specialist, to talk about various reports that will assist with year end.
§  Kasey said there are several MyFloridaMarketPlace reports that are generated for use by agencies and posted to the DMS website (http://dms-purchasing-ftp.state.fl.us/xx00/).
§  A Job Aid is also available on the DMS website (in the MFMP Toolkit) that lists the available reports along with a description of each. Note: this document is currently being updated (http://dms.myflorida.com/business_operations/state_purchasing/myflorida_marketplace/buyers/myflorida_marketplace_toolkit)
§  She explained the various reports, the purpose and descriptions.
§  The MFMP team is currently amending the following three reports to be separated into current fiscal year, previous fiscal year and historical data:
o  All Open Orders
o  All Received Orders
o  All Outstanding Encumbrances
§  The following reports (from the DMS website) should be helpful in year end processing:
o  IRs With Last Approver
§  Purpose: This report is primarily used by Finance & Accounting personnel to monitor the status and activity of Invoice Reconciliations (IR) to ensure prompt payment processing
§  Description: This report lists IRs in “Reconciling” and “Approving” status with a total dollar amount greater than $0:
·  This includes IRs generated from the Ariba Supplier Network (ASN) (Purchasing Unit Indicator (PUI): 9999) and IRs that failed Central FLAIR
·  IRs that failed Central FLAIR will list the approving invoice manager by name and will remain in “Approving” status until resolved
·  This excludes IRs that list FLAIR Integration as the active approver and does not list IRs in “Paid” status
·  Customers whose queue the IR is currently active will be listed
o  This also includes IRs routed to the Invoice Administrator. This only applies to ASN invoices
§  Invoice Reconciliation Report
o  Purpose: This report will assist Finance & Accounting personnel in determining outstanding invoices by budget to determine what action needs to be taken when budgets change
o  Description: This report lists all non-ASN IRs in an “Approving,” “Reconciling” or “Rejecting” status
§  POs Without IRs
o  Purpose: This report is primarily used by Finance & Accounting personnel to identify Purchase Orders (POs) where IRs were not created through MyFloridaMarketPlace.
o  Description: This report lists:
§  Commodity POs in a Receiving or Received status
§  Service POs in Ordered Status
§  All Received Orders Report
o  Purpose: This report is primarily used by Finance & Accounting personnel to identify purchase orders containing commodities to determine if invoices have been received and processed.
o  Description: This report lists POs in a received status
§  All Open Orders Report
o  Purpose: This report is primarily used by Finance & Accounting personnel to identify all “Open” POs to determine if invoices have been received and processed. This is also used by Purchasing personnel to determine if the purchase order needs to be changed, canceled or closed for future receiving
o  Description: This report lists POs in “Ordering,” “Ordered” and “Receiving” status
§  PRs in Submitted Status
o  Purpose: This report displays intended PR obligation by organizational code before the money is committed through a direct order. Managers are able to review spending plans before the agency is committed to an expenditure
o  Description: This report will list the latest version of a PR in a “Submitted” status
§  One of the audience members raised the question of vendors who submit their invoices a month ahead of time and the need to fight the escalation to the next level. Kasey said if it’s with an Invoice Manager role, it will not escalate. There will be a message stating it is being escalated; however, the system doesn’t know who to send the “role” email to as there is no person linked to the role
§  Carolyn Love, Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) / Department of Children and Families (DCF), said that in addition to her regular role, she’s also the security officer and wanted to know if they will be able to meet as a group. She wanted to know who her cohort is. Kasey explained she is her cohort
§  Buffie Rodri, MFMP, suggested sending out the list of who are the security officers for each agency
§  Rachael explained that this year July 1 is a Tuesday and not a weekend. This truncates the MFMP timeline and the downtime. She surveyed the group to understand if there would be a significant impact to them if the system needed to be down for part of, and possibly, the entire day.
§  The group responded that it would not present a significant impact
§  Rachael explained that having the system down would facilitate the processing of ‘hold-until’ orders to be sent to vendors on July 1.
§  Walt explained that as year end gets closer, the team will communicate specific details to the group about system availability
§  The presentation and minutes are posted to the MFMP Toolkit at: http://dms.myflorida.com/business_operations/state_purchasing/myflorida_marketplace/buyers/ myflorida_marketplace_toolkit/meeting_materials Customer Roundtable Materials (Presentations and Minutes)