Coastal Carolina Dental Hygiene Association By-laws

Revised: October 2011


Name and Purposes:

SECTION 1. NAME: The name of this organization shall be the Coastal Carolina Dental Hygiene Association, hereinafter referred to as “CCDHA” or the component.

SECTION 2. DEFINITION: CCDHA is a not for profit organization and a component of the North Carolina Dental Hygiene Association, hereinafter referred to as “NCDHA” and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA). The American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) is a tripartite organization.

SECTION 3 TERRITORY: CCDHA includes members of Onslow, Jones, Carteret, Craven and Pamlico counties.


The purpose of CCDHA is to represent the profession of dental hygiene while encouraging professional development based upon the highest educational standards.



A. A member of NCDHA can qualify to be a component member by being licensed, practicing and/or residing in that component.

B. A member of NCDHA who qualifies for membership in more than one (1) component shall be recorded on the membership rolls as a member of ONLY one (1) component.

Voting and Supporting members must maintain an active membership in ADHA, a Constituent and a Component (if such exist where the member is licensed, practices or resides).
Membership Categories. The membership of CCDHA shall be composed of the following categories:

a. Voting Members

1. Active Members. Active membership may be granted to any individual who (i) has either earned a certificate or professional degree in dental hygiene granted pursuant to a dental hygiene program offered by an accredited college or institution of higher education, or is licensed to practice dental hygiene in the United States under the provision of a “grandfather clause”; and (ii) is licensed to practice in any state, territory or possession of the United States if such license is required for the practice of dental hygiene; and (iii) agrees to maintain membership in a Constituent as well as a Component (if such exist where the member is licensed, practices or resides).

2. Retired/Senior Status. Active members who have reached the full retirement age as set by the Social Security Administration and have either been an Active member of ADHA for an aggregate total of thirty (30) years, or twenty-five (25) consecutive years may apply for Retired/Senior status.

3. Members with Disabilities. Active members who are unable to work due to a verified disability may apply for Disabled status. All such applications must be verified by such member’s Constituent and/or Component, and must be accompanied by proof of eligibility each year.

4. Life Members. Life membership may be granted to (1) any active member who makes outstanding contributions to both dental hygiene and CCDHA upon nomination and election by the voting members or (2) automatically to any active member who has served as NCDHA President and has been an active member of NCDHA for either a period of twenty (20) accumulative years or fifteen (15) consecutive years, or (3) automatically to an active member who has served as ADHA President.

b. Non-voting Members

1. International Members. International membership may be granted to any individual who (i) resides outside of the United States; and (ii) holds a valid license to practice as a dental hygienist.

2. Student Members. Student membership may be granted to any student (i) currently enrolled in an accredited dental hygiene program; or (ii) who has graduated from an accredited dental hygiene program and is currently pursuing a baccalaureate or graduate degree complementary to a career in dental hygiene in an accredited college or institution of higher education.

3. Supporting Members. Supporting membership may be granted to any licensed dental hygienist who (i) is not employed in a dental hygiene-related career; and (ii) agrees to maintain membership in a Constituent as well as the Component where the member is licensed or resides.

4. Honorary Members. Honorary membership may be granted by the House of Delegates to any individual who (i) is not a dental hygienist; (ii) has made outstanding contributions to dental hygiene or dental health; and (iii) has been nominated and election by the membership.

5. Allied Members. Allied membership may be granted to any individual who supports the purposes and mission of CCDHA and who is not otherwise qualified for any other class of membership.

6. Corporate Members. Corporate membership may be granted to any corporation, partnership, institution or organization that supports CCDHA’s mission.



1. The right to vote on all matters requiring a vote in CCDHA.

2. The eligibility for election as a Delegate or Alternate Delegate to NCDHA House of Delegates and eligibility for election or appointment to any office, committee, or similar position in CCDHA if qualified.

3. Any such other rights as the CCDHA voting members may from time to time determine.


1. Any such right as the CCDHA voting members may from time to time determine.

SECTION 3. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP: All applications for membership must be made to ADHA. All such applicants must also become members of ADHA and NCDHA.


A. Component dues and assessments shall be determined by the CCDHA members by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of those present and voting.

B. Component dues and assessments for Life, Retired and Honorary Members shall be exempt from payment.

SECTION 5. TRANSFERS: A member of a Component may transfer to another Component by written request addressed to the central office of ADHA. The central office of ADHA shall affect the transfer and promptly shall notify the effected Components.

Full membership privileges shall be granted to the transferring member in the

new Component, and the new Component shall give the transferring member a

credit for the full amount of any dues paid to the previous Component to be applied towards dues in the new Component.

Choice of Component. Members may belong to only one Component, and may join

the Component of their choice based on where they reside, practice or hold a license.

SECTION 6. RESIGNATION OF MEMBERSHIP: A member desiring to resign from CCDHA shall submit such resignation in writing to the CCDHA President. No member’s resignation shall be accepted until all prior dues, fees and assessments are paid.

SECTION 7. NON-PAYMENT OF MEMBERSHIP DUES: If a member fails to pay dues, fees or assessments; or ceases to be a member of ADHA or NCDHA membership shall automatically terminate.

SECTION 8. REINSTATEMENT OF MEMBERSHIP: Members who have resigned or whose membership has been terminated for non-payment of ADHA dues or assessments may be reinstated upon (i) payment of dues and any assessments; (ii) application to ADHA; and (iii) meeting such additional terms and conditions as may be established by CCDHA.


Grounds for Discipline. CCDHA may discipline a member for any of the following reasons:

1. Failure to comply with these Bylaws, NCDHA’s Code of Ethics for Dental Hygienists, or any other rules or regulations of CCDHA;
2. Conviction of a felony or a crime related to, or arising out of, the practice of dental hygiene or involving moral turpitude;
3. Suspension, revocation, or forfeiture by any state, province, or country of the member’s right to practice as a dental hygienist; or

4. Unprofessional conduct considered prejudicial to the best interests of, or inconsistent with, the purposes of CCDHA.


Discipline may include, but not be limited to, censure, suspension, probation, and

expulsion. Disciplinary action may be taken provided that a statement of the

charges shall have been sent by certified mail to the last recorded address of the

member at least fifteen (15) days before final action is to be taken. This statement

shall be accompanied by a notice of the time and place of the meeting at which the

charges shall be considered, and the member shall have the opportunity to appear in

person and/or to be represented by counsel and to present any defense to such

charges before action is taken by CCDHA. Such disciplinary actions shall be

conducted in accordance with procedures established by the NCDHA House of




SECTION 1. ELECTED OFFICERS: The elected officers shall be the President, Treasurer, Component Trustee and Alternate Trustee.


A. Any voting member of CCDHA shall be eligible to serve as an elected officer.


A. All elected officers shall take office immediately upon installation and all officers, except the trustee and treasurer shall serve for a term of one (1) year, or until their successors are elected.

B. The treasurer and trustee shall serve a term of two (2) years. The trustee shall serve no more than two conservative terms.

C. A member having served more than one-half term in an office shall be deemed to have served a full term. The term of office shall begin a the close of the meeting at which they were elected, or in the case of the trustee, at a specified installation ceremony.


Should the office of the president or trustee become vacant they shall be elected at the next meeting to fill the unexpired term. Should the office treasurer become vacant they shall be filled by appointment by the president with the approval of the remaining elected officers to serve until the next meeting.


Any elected officer may resign by submitting that resignation in writing to the president. The resignation is effective immediately.


No elected officer shall receive compensation for service as an officer. However, CCDHA voting members may authorize reimbursement or expenses incurred in the performance of their duties for the component, and prescribe procedures for approval and payment of such expenses.


A. The elected officers shall perform those duties regularly and customarily considered appropriate.

B. General Duties. Officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these Bylaws and by the Parliamentary authority adopted by CCDHA.

C. President: The president shall have general supervision and direction of all officers of

CCDHA; shall address the meetings; shall submit a written annual report to CCDHA membership, shall appoint with the approval of CCDHA, all chairpersons and members of standing committees, special committees, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

D. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall consult with the elected president concerning financial

records in ascertaining the financial condition of the component and shall be attentive to fiscal matters, and shall have other such powers and duties to be determined by two-thirds of the component and/or elected president.

E. Component Trustee or Alternate Trustee: The component trustee or alternate trustee shall represent CCDHA as a voting member of the NCDHA Board of Trustees



SECTION 1. Establishment Standing and special committees shall be established by CCDHA. Standing and special committees shall have such duties as designated by CCDHA.

SECTION 2. Composition. Standing and special committees shall have no fewer than three member who shall be voting or non-voting members of CCDHA. An elected officer shall be appointed as a non-voting advisor to advise each standing and special committee.

SECTION 3. Appointments. Chairs and members of the standing and special committees shall be appointed by the president with the approval of CCDHA members of special committees shall serve terms coinciding with that of the president making the appointments.



SECTION 1. DEFINITION: A component of NCDHA shall consist of all members who are either licensed, practicing or residing within that territory in which that component is situated.

SECTION 2. ORGANIZATION: Component societies, as defined by ADHA, shall be chartered by NCDHA.

SECTION 3. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER: Upon approval of the NCDHA Board of Trustees and the majority vote of the NCDHA House of Delegates, any group of voting members of NCDHA, within a geographically bound territory, may receive a charter from NCDHA and become a component of NCDHA. The Component charter shall include the geographical territory, the name, the Bylaws, and the names on a Membership list.

SECTION 4. REVOCATION OF CHARTER: The component charter may be revoked by NCDHA at any time and in such manner and after such investigation as NCDHA may deem necessary. Upon revocation of a Component’s charter, the Component immediately shall remit all of its funds and records to the NCDHA President.

SECTION 5. RIGHTS AND DUTIES: The rights and duties of each component shall include, but not be limited to:

A. Adopt and maintain Bylaws which shall not be in conflict with the Bylaws of ADHA or NCDHA, with a current copy on file with NCDHA.

B. Adopt and maintain a Code of Ethics, with a current copy on file with NCDHA.

C. Have the right to establish additional classifications of membership that are not in conflict with the Bylaws of ADHA and NCDHA.

D. Hold meetings as it deems appropriate.

E. Provide for its financial support.

F. Have the right to assess component dues.

G. Have the duty to elect Delegates/Alternate Delegates and a Trustee to NCDHA as set forth in these Bylaws.


A. TRUSTEE/ALTERNATE TRUSTEE: Each component shall elect a Trustee as a voting member of the NCDHA Board of Trustees and shall be elected for a term of two (2) years and not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. An Alternate Trustee shall be elected to act in the absence of the Trustee.

B. PRESIDENT OF COMPONENT: The Component President shall be an ex-officio member of the NCDHA Board of Trustees, without a vote, unless also elected Trustee.


1. A component with less than ten (10) voting members shall be entitled to be represented in the NCDHA House of Delegates by one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate delegate.

2. A component with ten (10) or more voting members shall be entitled to be represented in the NCDHA House of Delegates by one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate delegate for each full ten (10) voting members.

3. An alternate delegate shall be entitled only to represent the component in the NCDHA House of Delegates in the absence of a delegate.

4. The determination of component delegate representation shall be determined by the NCDHA Treasurer and based on the component voting membership count as of December 31 of the year preceding the NCDHA House of Delegates.