Mihir TalsaniaM00557283

Traffic Management System

Definition – A system that has the management of the physical and cost-control phases of the receiving, handling, storing, and distributing of goods for industrial and commercial organizations

Sensors involved:

Motion Sensors- These sensors pick up any motion of the vehicles on the road.

Pressure sensors- These sensors help in detecting if a car has crossed the zebra crossing before the green signal. These will instantly call the police to check for the problem

Cameras- Used to detect any cars ahead which will also determine if the change of the traffic lights

Radar gun- Used to detect the speed of the vehicles up ahead before the traffic lights

Ultrasonic proximity sensors- These sensors are used for judging signal timings by understanding the density of traffic on all the roads which meet at junction.

Pole sensors- These sensors are mounted so that surface area covered by the vehicles on the road can be determined which is proportional to density of the traffic.

Improvements that can be done:

• / The detection of emergency vehicles by use of sound sensors so that signal selection takes place can be future improvements. That is, the emergency vehicles give sound of certain frequency which can be detected and communicated to the controller at particular traffic signal, so that, the sequence of signalling can be changed automatically
• / Use of satellite for finding the density of traffic will improve the accuracy
• / On implementing the transmitters to all the emergency vehicles and respective receivers (having particular range) to the traffic signals, so that when vehicle enters into the range necessary action will be taken


Scialert.net,. 'Sensor Based Smart Traffic Regulatory/Control System'. N.p., 2015. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.

FLIR Systems, Inc. 'Smart Traffic Sensors Help Alleviate City Congestion In Moscow, Russia'. Flir.co.uk. N.p., 2015. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.

Wikipedia,. 'List Of Sensors'. N.p., 2015. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.