February15, 2015 Transfiguration Sunday

Mark 9:6 “For he did not know what to say, for they were terrified.” Soon enough, the disciples’ terror turned into joy for when Jesus is with us, there is no need to fear. He loves us and cares for us and will never abandon us. That assurance is the basis of all generosity – for only those who are set free from worry can learn the joy of giving.

A MEASURE OF OUR LOVE Attendance: Saturday 6 p.m. = 64; Sunday 8 a.m. = 72; Sunday 10:30 a.m. = 124; Total for the weekend = 260. Sunday School (2’s) = 0; (3 yrs to 8th grade) = 20; Adult Bible Class = 32; Thursday Bible Study = 7.

Contributions 2/8/2015: Envelopes $6,691; Plate $247; Budget Booster $75; Connect $1,280; ECC Tuition $2,488.40; ACH Tuition $3,326.50; Hall Rent $35; Trivia Sponsor/ A to Z Dental; ACH General Fund 1,765; Total General Fund Deposit = $16,264.. Other Designated Giving: Missions $45; Chapel $61.10; Total Designated Fund Deposit $106.10.

Connect Loan Balance = $ 1,582,841.43 as of January 6, 2015.


There will be a new Financial Report coming soon!

MOSAIC PREGNANCY & HEALTH CENTERS - BABY BOTTLE FUNDRAISER. This weekend (14/15) is when you were to return the baby bottles for Mosaic. If you happen to forget, not a problem! You may drop off your baby bottle to the church office. The folks from Mosaic will be stopping by the office to pick up the baby bottles this week. Thank you for the support of this important and life-giving ministry. For more information about Mosaic PHC, visit www.supportmosaic.org.

METRO-CENTRAL ZONE LWML Prayer Service will be held at St. John's Lutheran Church, Granite City on Sunday, February 15th beginning at 2 p.m. The topic will be "God-Given Hats: A Vocational Prayer Service." There will be a free will offering and refreshments will follow the service. Please let a LWML officer know if you would like to carpool.

LWML "in-gathering" for the month of February will be items for the Southern Illinois District Parish Nursing Ministry. Items that are needed are band aids, rolled gauze, paper tape, latex free gloves and gift cards to CVS or donations towards a wheel chair or portable oxygen tank. Items may be placed in the baskets under the LWML table. Items will be delivered at the March 7th SID LWML Spring Retreat in Hoffman.

Who’s Who at St. Paul’s
New, interested in a particular function or getting involved?
Have a question? Here’s who to talk to at St. Paul’s:

Pastor: Rev. Mitchel Schuessler, 667-1112

Church Secretary: Kathy Brumm, 667-6681

School: K-8 – Dr. Bruce McLaughlin, Principal, 667-6314;

Bmclaughlin @saintpaulstroy.org

School Secretary: Linda Craig, 667-6314

Early Childhood Center (Day Care): Michelle Warner, 667-2173

Church Council Chairman: – Rod Repp, 618-505-0718

Board of Elders: Alan Kilzer, Head Elder, 667-8263

Board of Stewardship & Finance: Tony Sipes 288-1889

Financial Secretary: Rhonda Lange, 314-603-8531,

Bookkeeper: Cheryl Chrusciel,

Board of Evangelism: Penny Schuessler, 667-1112

Board of Christian Education: Laurel West, 667-3859

Board of Christian Day School: Jen Kesterson, 345-7043

Board of Trustees: Todd Moore, 779-3444

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML): Shirley Schmitt,

Youth Group: [7th-12th grade] Rachael Beckemeyer, 367-2463

Head Usher: Seth Schaefer, 345-6487

Altar Guild: Jeanette Gindler, 667-6852 and Debbie Wittenberg, 667-7357

Choirs: Family Choir – Ted Fedder 667-6250

Glorious Day/Praise Team – Tom Rampold 667-8771

Men’s Ministry: Pastor Schuessler,

Holy Smokers: Dave Meyer, 667-1347

Confirmation Class: Pastor Schuessler, 667-1112

Helping Hands [funeral dinners, social ministry needs]: Donna Ponce 667-6148, Shirley Schnoeker, 667-6368.

St. Paul’s PTL: Karen Kilzer, 667-8263

Prayer Chain: Adeline Amen, 667-2549 and Debbie Wittenberg, 667-7357

ST. PAUL’S SUSTAINABILITY STUDY was presented Jan.31/Feb. 1st by the Board of Stewardship and Finance. Copies of the report are in the back of the church or online at http://bit.ly/1BFfUiX . Please be sure to fill out the online survey or the hard copy survey before Feb. 15. Thank you.


15 / 8:00 a.m. Worship/HC
9:15 a.m. Sunday School & Adult Bible Class
10:30 a.m. Worship
2:00 p.m. LWML Prayer Service/St. John Lutheran Church/Granite City
16 / President’s Day
No School / Offices Closed
17 / 9:00 a.m. Chapel
6:30 p.m. Church Council Meeting
18 / Ash Wednesday
9:00 a.m. Chamber of Commerce Morning Mingle, gym
9:45 a.m. Women Bible Study
1:00 p.m. PK Chapel
4:30 p.m. Confirmation Class
7:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Worship / HC
8:00 p.m. Choir
19 / 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. SPLS attends Model UN, Collinsville
2:00 p.m. Bible Study
6:30 p.m. Bd. Of Stewardship & Finance
20 / 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. SPLS attends Model UN, Collinsville
21 / 6:00 p.m. Worship with Holy Communion
22 / 8:00 a.m. Worship
9:15 a.m. Sunday School & Adult Bible Class
10:30 a.m. Worship/HC – Preschool 3/4 sings.
Saturday February 14 - 6 p.m.: Acolyte: Ethan Gratton; Elders: Sam Italiano, Beau Sievers; Ushers: Brion Boeshans, Sam Italiano, Seth Schaefer and Kyle Sipes; Greeters: Tony DiBartolo, Barb Sparks; Pianist: Tim Wittenberg; Altar Guild: Wittenberg Family.
Sunday February 15 - 8 a.m.: Acolyte: Joe Walls; Elder: Alan Kilzer, Tim Gross; Ushers: Jacob Doyle, Steve Doyle, JR Walls, Whitey White; Greeter: Sheryl Moore; Organist: Jo White; Altar Guild: Wittenberg Family.
Sunday February 15 - 10:30 a.m.: Acolyte: Bryson Brown; Ushers: Keith Jackson, Rachel Lange, Sarah Niebruegge, Mark Schlemer; Greeters: Mike & Irene Merchant; Pianist: Tim Wittenberg; Bulletin Collator: Edna Meier; Flowers: In Honor of Pastor & Penny’s 6th Anniversary at St. Paul’s.
Ash Wednesday February 18-7 p.m.: Acolyte: Samantha Kilzer; Elders: TBA; Ushers: Ted Flath, Randy Jones, Seth Schaefer and Dale Schnoeker; Organist: Jo White; Altar Guild: Wittenberg Family.
Saturday February 21 - 6 p.m.: Acolyte: Heather Rood; Elders: Sam Italiano and John Nehrt; Ushers: Brion Boeshans, Kevin Campe, Sam Italiano, Seth Schaefer; Greeters: Larry & Kathy Brokering; Organist: Claudia Loethen; Altar Guild: Adeline Amen and Grace Cottingham.
Sunday February 22 - 8 a.m.: Acolyte: Bryson Brown; Ushers: Ted Flath, Mike Hampton, Jim Kesterson and Mark Leitschuh; Greeter: Yvonne Rieger; Organist: Claudia Loethen.
Sunday February 22 - 10:30 a.m.: Acolyte: Laurence Fischer; Elder: Clayton Mallette and Beau Sievers; Ushers: Bruce McLaughlin, Colin McLaughlin, Mark Schlemer and Dave Thomas; Greeters: Fran Busekrus and Jackie Jackson; Organist: Claudia Loethen; Bulletin Collator: Verona Meier; Altar Guild: Adeline Amen and Grace Cottingham; Flowers: In Honor of Maxine Flath’ 90th Birthday.


Feb. 15: Mark & Shawn Schlemer

16: Megan Buesching, Cole Gierse,

Mark & Jane Leitschuh, Sara Meier

18: Arnie Brown, Ada Dittmer, Maxine Flath, Anna Taylor

19: Jackie Boeshans, Tammy Steffen, TJ Stille, Darla Turek

20: Marilyn Berger, Carla Stille

21: Karen Fenimore, Barb Sparks

PRAYERS FOR: Carol Aumann (knee surgery), Larry Bell, Aaron Bohnenstiehl, Norma Burcham (Anderson Hospital), Cheryl Chrusciel, Bob Cooke, Bonnie Cottingham, Dana Daniels, Kathy Duensing, Jeanne Frey, Sarah Frey, Scott & Brenda Jones, Ron Kelley, Maggie Liefer, Nathan Mallette, Glenn Markway, Russ Niemeyer, Alicia Rayner, John Schmidt, Lana Shoenberger, LeighAnn Williams, Tim Wittmaier, and Fred Wolf.

PRAY FOR: Family of Jean Fields (Carolyn Oakley’ sister) who passed away; Pastor Schuessler & St. Paul’s on his 6th anniversary at St. Paul’s.

PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING: for John Dempsey returning from Africa.

PRAY FOR ALL those that are serving in the military: Nate Alvis, Carolyn Brynildsen, Brad Converse, Amanda Koldway, Cole Long, Chris Payne, Drew Ponivas (Africa), Jordan Reynolds, Kelly Sawielski, Rebekah Schlemer and Daniel Schorfheide.

We are always glad to pray for the needs of your family, friends, co-workers and others in our worship services. Normally, we will include a request for four weeks. If you would like prayers to continue beyond four weeks, please renew your request. You may call or email the church office.

ADULT INFORMATION CLASS: Pastor Schuessler has begun an Adult Information Class. The classes will meet on Tuesdays, Feb. 24, March 10, 24 and 31 from 7-9 p.m. in the Ministry Center Office. This class covers the basic teachings of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and leads to membership in the Lutheran Church. If you are interested in the class, call Pastor at 667-6681 or email .

RURAL KING will give to St. Paul’s (or any church) 5% of total pre-tax sales made between Feb. 8-21. Anyone who makes a purchase at Rural King during that time may turn the ORIGINAL receipt into the church office. We will gather the receipts and then after February 21st, we will fill out the Rebate Submission Form and send it into Rural King. They will send the church a check for 5% of the total sales.

OnDeck This Week at Saint Paul’s

Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church, School and ECC Troy, Illinois Church Phone: 618-667-6681 School Phone: 618-667-6314


February 14 & 15, 2015

WE WELCOME ALL WHO WORSHIP AT ST. PAUL’S. We pray that God will bless your worship with us. Please register your attendance on the pad at the end of the pew after the offering. As a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LC-MS), St. Paul’s practices close communion. We believe that receiving the Lord’s Supper together shows a common confession of faith in all areas of doctrine (not just in Communion).

If you are a member of a LC-MS congregation in good standing, you are invited to receive communion. If you are not a member of a LC-MS congregation, please talk with the pastor or an elder prior to the service. The elders are the gentlemen that are wearing the “ELDER” badges.

We offer both the common cup and individual up to those who commune. The center individual cups are white grape juice for those who do not wish to have wine. Children are welcome to come forward with their family to receive a blessing. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper in every Saturday service, in the Sunday 8:00 a.m. on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday, and in the Sunday 10:30 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sunday.

New or visiting today? Please be sure to sign our Guest Register in the narthex. You’ll find lots of useful information in this OnDeck (published weekly).

SAUSAGE SUPPER is coming on Sunday; March 1st. Signup sheets are posted in the narthex. We need you to use your talents as we work together on this St. Paul’s event. There are openings to work in the kitchen, in the dining room, at carry outs and other areas. We also need you to sign up to bring pies and other desserts. This is a wonderful opportunity for all members to be involved in this major fundraising event at St. Paul’s.

LENT 2015 begins this Wednesday with the Ash Wednesday worship at 7:00 p.m. with Holy Communion. Lenten Wednesday services are at 7:00 p.m. each week. The theme this year is The Puzzle of Faith. You may also pick up your Lenten devotion book from Lutheran Hour Ministries in the narthex.

LENTEN DINNERS will be served each week in the Church Fellowship Hall (basement) from 5:30-6:30 p.m. The Youth serve next week, Feb. 25. We still need someone to serve the March 4 & 18 meals. Call the church office (667-6681) if you or your group is interested in serving one of the dinners.