The Mission of The First Tee is to impact the lives of young people by providing learning facilities and educational programs that promote character development and life-enhancing values through the game of golf.

The First Tee of Greater Baltimore is not an AGE BASED curriculum. ALL new students in the program must begin at the PLAYer Level. Par, Birdie & Eagle Levels are based on the students understanding of The First Tee Life-Skills and their golf experience. The First Tee home office recommends that each certification level be taken twice. Level certification will be offered during the last class of each session.

The Age based programming structure for 2015 is:

Level Requirements - Ages (as of April 1, 2015)

Pee Wee PLAYer New Student - 4 - 8 years old(Clifton park only)

PLAYer New Student -- must be 6years old

PAR Must have Passed PLAYer Level

BIRDIE Must have Passed PAR Level; or

T.F.T. Baltimore member since 2012

Eagle Must have passed Birdie Level

Registration will begin on March 11st. For additional information and to register for a class, please go to our website: . I can be reached through email at or phone at 410-218-4616(cell). All students must have application on file before beginninga First Tee of Greater Baltimore class. In 2016, there will be a $50.00 yearly membership fee per student to join the program and $10.00 per session to sign-up (8-10 Classes per session). In-person registration day will be offered at each location this spring. Scholarships are available for membership fee.

The First Tee of Baltimore

Level Description


For all new participants agessix and older, PLAYer is the required entry level of certification for The First Tee Life Skills Experience and builds on the fact that youth have many opportunities to play a variety of sports. PLAYer introduces how to play the game of golf with special emphasis on learning golf andThe First Tee Code of Conduct. It covers topics ranging from more appreciation of the rules and etiquette to meeting new people.

Par Level:

Par builds on the Golf and Life Skills Experience from PLAYer. The Par level covers safety on the course, golf terminology, etiquette and on course rules. While continuing to develop the life skills of communicating with others, enjoying all aspects of golf and overcoming difficult situations on and off the course.

Birdie and Eagle Level:

The Birdie level focuses each class on goal setting and on-course instruction. The Birdie level is targeted to the student preparing for tournament golf. The life skills experience touches on all aspects of goal setting, while covering the more detailed aspects of golf. Covering topics like lob shot, swing plane and lag putting.

Female Participants Only:

Ten classes with USGA/LPGA Girls Golf Program.

Schedule Available by March 15, 2015

Metro-Tour of Maryland – Summer 2014

Various Courses in Maryland

Par, Birdie & Eagle Only

Schedule available by April 15, 2015

Winter Programming

Perform Fit – Winter 2016

-Fitness Classes Twice per week

-Schedule available Nov. 1st

Arundel Golf Park – Winter 2016

-Driving range practice during winter months

The First Tee of Baltimore

Applicants usually receive their first choice of sessions. If that session is full, they will be notified immediately about which sessions are still available. Written notification and information about each session will be sent out by email or regular mail two weeks prior to the first class.

  1. Each class at every level contains a “Life Skills” lesson or application for that day, as well as instruction on golf specific skills, rules and etiquette. There is a written certification test, Life Skills and Golf Skills evaluations for each certification level.
  1. Participants will receive a BAG TAG for each certification level. Certification is achieved when the back of the BAG TAG is completely verified by a The First Tee Coach. Participants not receiving certification should continue to practice and retest at a future testing date. Only one level can be taken at a time.
  1. Ages are 6 to 17 years old as of April 1, 2015. ALL sessions have age requirements.
  1. Instruction, evaluation, and playing will be at Clifton Park. Forest Park, Mount Pleasant, Carroll Park and Pine Ridge Golf Courses in the Baltimore area.
  1. Each participant will receive the Junior Golfer Rules and Guidelines and must agree to abide by them. Participants not honoring these rules will be asked to leave the program. Each participant will receive a The First Tee of Baltimore Membership Card and Bag Tag.