







First Class Meeting4

Parental Attitudes4


Arrival and Departure5


Dress Code6


Emergency Class Cancellation6

Home Schooling6


Early Childhood7


Jr. High Youth7

Sr. High Youth7




Vacation Bible School10

Work Camp10

Youth Conference10



Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and Children11

Infant Baptism11

First Reconciliation12

First Eucharist12

Youth/Adult Confirmation13




“In accordance with the Archdiocesan requirements and in alignment with the mission statement of St. Katharine Drexel, the faith formation program seeks to offer opportunities for spiritual growth and faith enhancement for all ages to encounter the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Through these encounters with God’s generous love, we serve God and one another in hopes of fostering community and Christian fellowship.”


Staff Members

Rev. David Harris, Pastor

Rev. Jorge Cabrera, Parochial Vicar

Rev. Mr. John Pelletier, Deacon

Lucille Pavlock, Religious Education Director


Rev. Jorge CabreraInfant Baptism & Marriage (Spanish)

Deacon John PelletierInfant Baptism & Marriage (English)

Dr. Mary HawkinsFirst Reconciliation/First Eucharist

Lucille PavlockConfirmation

Lucille PavlockRCIA for Children

Lucille PavlockAdult Faith Formation & RCIA

Lourdes MelchorQuince Años

Renee BarryVacation Bible School

RE Board Members

Fr. David Harris – Ex-Officio

Dcn. John Pelletier –

Joe Velasco

Allison Novak

Maria Salazar Guerrero

Lucille Pavlock – Ex-Officio


Faith Formation Office

800 FM 1488

Hempstead, TX77445

Telephone: 979-826-2275

Fax: 979-826-8057


Parish Office Hours

Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Friday 9:00 a.m. – noon

Faith Formation Office Hours

Sunday 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Monday 5:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Tuesday10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Wednesday10:00 a.m. –8:30 p.m.

Thursday10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.



Registration will be held on pre-scheduled days/nights in August each year. Dates and times will be posted in the bulletin several weeks prior to registration. Children will be assigned to classes according to their grade in school. To have your child assigned to a different grade level you must contact the RE office. Children/youth will not be permitted to class unless a parent/guardian registers them. Registrations will be taken on a first come first serve basis to registered parish members (including those who home-school).

Parents, who have children that require special attention, should contact the RE office. Every attempt will be made to provide individual instruction as needed.

The registration fee for families who register and complete materials will be charged $30.00 per child, up to a maximum of $80.00 per family. Fees are due at time of registration. No one shall be denied religious education for financial reasons. However, please contact the RE Office for confidential arrangements.


A parent meeting for all families will be held on the scheduled days/nights of registration. A parent/guardian must attend one of the scheduled meetings (includes those being home-schooled). Parents will receive instruction on programs, textbooks, sacrament requirements, discipline procedures, etc.

Once class begins, a child/youth will not be permitted to class.


The Holy Eucharist is the center of our life as Catholics. There is no religious formation apart from the Eucharist. Everything we do stems from the grace we receive from it and so in order to gain the grace to live a holy life we need to attend Mass on a regular basis. Your child(ren) need to see that grace working joyfully in your life. That grace is none other than a relationship with Jesus Christ himself.Therefore, your involvement in the religious formation of your children is most important! You, by your actions, transmit your religious values to them. Love of God and love of neighbor is absorbed by children. We, in the parish community, can help with formal teaching to reinforce and enhance what you give them at home.Together we can all grow in God’s love.

Parents/guardians specifically are expected to do the following.

  • assist one class per semester for each child registered;
  • teach child(ren) their prayers and other faith formation requirements;
  • attend adult classes as well as their child’s sacramental preparation classes held during the year. (classes are announced in the bulletin);
  • assist in student formation and support parish CCE policies, including the cell phone and discipline policies. Cell phone use in class is prohibited. If any student is found to be using a cell phone for any reason during class the student will be required to give the phone to the teacher for the remainder of the class;
  • review CCE Handbook including security, discipline and safety procedures;
  • parents/guardians must agree to all of the above.

Attending class and being on time to class is an important factor in helping your child deepen his/her understanding of church teaching, scripture, prayer and the importance of community. The teachers have only a short time with the students each week. If a student enters class just 5 minutes late, precious time is lost. Students arriving more than 15 minutes late will not be admitted to class. Parents have an obligation to their own children, as well as to other students, to see that their children are on time. If a child is absent, material will be sent home for the parents to complete with their child.


Pre-school through 5th Grade drop off and pick up will be at your child’s classroom to ensure each child will arrive and depart to and from his/her classroom safely and in a timely manner. We ask that a parent/guardian (age eighteen or older) drop off and pick up the child. To assist our time schedule, children must be picked up on time.

Children not picked up 15 minutes after class ends, will be escorted to the office. Child must remain seated until picked up by a parent/guardian.

Junior and Senior High youth will report to the classroom and will be dismissed by the teacher to meet their parents in a designated place. Youth not picked up by 8:45 pm, will be escorted to the office to wait for parent/guardian for late pick up sign out.



CCE teachers strive to provide a proper learning environment for all students. Every student has the right to experience this proper learning environment and no student has the right to disturb the learning environment. In order that this may be better achieved the Catholic Christian student will:

  • Respect and obey teachers
  • Respect the rights and feelings of others.
  • Respect the property of the church and others.
  • Respect the learning environment (no cell phones, beepers, electronics, etc.). If any student is found to be using a cell phone or other electronic device for any reason during class the student will be required to give the phone to the teacher for the remainder of the class.

Should a student disregard any of the above the teacher will send the student to the CCE office to discuss the problem with the DRE. Upon the second infraction the DRE will meet with the student and parents. The conference will serve as an opportunity for parents and student to agree on appropriate consequences if the negative behavior persists, and to assure the student of the concern for success parents and teachers share. The next incident of negative behavior will require a conference with the pastor, the DRE, parents and the student. At this time the student’s behavior will be evaluated. The student may be suspended or expelled from class. Parents and students will sign a copy of this discipline policy at time of registration to be kept on file. These discipline policies will be strictly enforced in order to maintain a proper learning environment for all students.


Inappropriate dress or appearance detracts from the Faith Formation process. To convey pride in one’s self and pride in our parish community and to set a tone of respect within the parish community, students are expected to follow a dress code. The dress code requires students to be properly and modestly dressed. Dresses, skirts, or shorts are acceptable if they are no shorter than 3-4 inches above the knee. Hats; caps; headbands; bandannas; halter tops; visibility of under garments; clothing displaying obscene, vulgar, or suggestive pictures or slogans; and garments that are gang related are not acceptable. Students who violate the dress code may be removed from class or activity for a period determined by the DRE and/or Faith Formation Leadership Committee.


One prime consideration for our children and youth is their safety so security procedures have been set. Be aware thatdoors will be locked 10-15 minutes after class begins. Once doors locked no one will be allowed to enter or leave the classroom so students must use restroom before class begins. If a student has a medical condition or needs special attention, contact Lucille Pavlock. The parking lot and dark areas on campus are off limits. We will have occasional evacuation and fire drills.


Non-registered students are allowed to attend class, but must complete a visitor information card. A student is not considered a visitor if he/she attends two or more consecutive classes. If this should happen, a parent/guardian will be required to pick upthe student.


If local schools have closed due to inclement weather or other emergency situations, CCE classes will generally be canceled for that day. If you have any questions about cancellation, please call the RE Office before bringing your child to class. Heavy rain does not automatically cause cancellation. Please use your best judgment about whether or not to bring your child.

Cancellations and days of NO CCE will be posted on the bulletin board outside the parish office, on the parish website, and on Facebook.


An alternative program (home schooling) is available for parents/guardians to exercise their role as primary catechists, taking an active part in the religious education of their children. Parents/guardians will follow a curriculum set by the DRE. Families who choose this program will be integrated in the life of the community through liturgy gatherings, special meetings and interviews as a follow up of their child’s formation.


To assure students are comprehending and learning their faith, they will be tested at the end of each unit and at the end of eachsemester. Following is a description of what is being taught on each grade level.


Allelu! is a new early childhood program for grades PK – Kindergarten. The program is Christ-centered and framed on the six tasks of catechesis and the seven major content areas of the Bishops’ guidelines for early childhood. It offers activities, crafts, Bible stories, music, prayer, games, and more. All senses are engaged as children gain the building blocks for a lifetime of Catholic Faith.


Alive in Christ is a program for students in Elementary and Jr. High (1st – 8th grades). The program focuses on the life, mission, and saving work of Jesus Christ.The series implements the six fundamental tasks of catechesisthat includes a solid foundation of Scripture and Tradition presented in age appropriate ways; a rich diversity of prayer forming students in the many ways we pray as Catholics; and a crafted activity in every chapter encouraging students to share their faith, connect their faith, and live their faith.


High school youth in 9th grade will use the program called Faith Fusion. The program is structured around the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Creed, Liturgy, Life in Christ, Prayer. This is balanced with the two central elements of our faith, Scripture and Tradition. Youth will learn the faith believed, the faith celebrated, the faith in moral practice, and the faith prayed.


Catholic Essentials is a program for High school students (10th – 12th grades) who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation. This program presents an overview of the Catholic faith which is based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Scripture. The key focus is on the essential element of getting to know Jesus. Youth will grow in knowledge of Jesus as they learn to take their part in Christ’s Church and share the Gospel with others.


Post-Confirmation youth will use Pope John Paul II teachings on Theology of the Body.

Students will come to understand the meaning of their bodies, the significance of their

sexuality, the purpose of their lives, and how they were uniquely created for greatness.


The vision laid out by the United States Catholic Conference is the foundation for Total Youth Ministry. The mission statement of youth ministry at our parish is to catechize and evangelize each young person so that they may learn about their loving Father; to help them grow into a disciple of Christ in and outside the parish community; and to teach them to become leaders of the next generation.

Youth ministry at St. Katharine Drexel is open to the Church of today in formation, meaning all Jr. High and High School youth in grades 6-12. This is done through a variety of events such as retreats, conferences, Archdiocesan and parish events. It also includes fun and laughter.

Listed are usual events throughout the year. However, they will only be effective if an ADULT volunteer available to coordinate.

Jr. High Events (comprised of students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades)

“The Quest”- Youth Leadership Formation

“Peacemakers” - Workshop for adolescents & leaders to discuss problems facing Jr. High Youth. To be held at St. Dominic Archdiocesan Center.

Jr. High Youth Rally

OYM Extreme Challenge

High School Events (comprised of students in the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades)

Monthly Youth Socials every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month

Fund Raisers

Fall Retreat TBA

Service Projects

Region 10Conference

Spring Retreat TBA

Archdiocesan Youth Conference (AYC)


A permission slip must be signed by a parent/guardian for each event. A parent/guardian must complete a medical release/liability waiver for each event.



Scripture Study is designed for adults who wish to deepen their relationship with God and strengthen their understanding of Scripture. Participants reflecton Sunday readings, reflections, and insightful articles on Scripture and spirituality. Participants receive their own commentary and study guide for weekly reading and reflection.Adults interested in this type of Scripture Study can call the parish office. Occasional Scripture Study and faith formation will be offered by Fr. David and Dcn. John.


Faith formation is a priority and a life long process for all adults. Various formation opportunities will be offered throughout the 2017-2018 year through Speaker Presentations, a Parish Mission, a Penance Service, Prayer opportunities and Seasonal celebrations.


Convenient on-line faith formation is available for adults incapable of meeting at the parish. The parish website is Moreon-line sites can be obtained by calling Lucille Pavlock at the parish office.

Bulletin Inserts& Seasonal Handouts

Occasionally faith formation articles will be inserted in the bulletin. Seasonal handouts may include a $1 donation.

Please check the bulletin for dates and times of formation opportunities.



VacationBibleSchool is offered for children from age 3 through 5thgrades. The program consists of Bible stories, music, crafts, and games centered on a central theme.



Work camp is offered for youth in 9th – 12th grades. Youth attend workcamp to repair and paint homes for disadvantaged families, serve in soup kitchens, help in food distribution centers, and work with disadvantaged children in daycare settings. It is a very challenging and rewarding week for all involved. Also, if a need arises within our parish or community, this team of young people is able and willing to assist in any way they can. We have not attended an away work camp in several years but are open to doing so this year if there is interest and an adult volunteer available to coordinate. The Archdiocese also offers a youth work camp called CSI on the second week of June.


The Youth Group typically participates in one of many Youth Conferences that are held during summer break. Usually held over the course of a weekend (Fri-Sun). These conferences include many activities such as music, games, talks, Mass, Confession, and Eucharistic Adoration. Youth come away from these events refreshed and excited about having met many youth their own age who share the same struggles and the same faith that they have as teenagers. Over the past several years the youth have attended the Archdiocesan Youth Conference (AYC) in Houston. The future Archdiocesan Youth Conference will be held July 27 – 29, 2018. This conference is open to all HS students and AYC is open to incoming freshman and graduated seniors. In order to attend these conferences we must have and ADULT VOLUNTEERto coordinate and at least 5 youth wanting to go. Planning would need to begin in early spring to allow time for fundraising.


This program is offered to youth who will turn 15 years old and want to prepare for a Quince Años celebration. Quince Años draws upon an ancient indigenous custom of celebrating the fifteenth birthday of a child. The tradition is part of the religious history of the Hispanic people. Although the tradition is not a sacrament, it is celebrated within the context of a Sacrament. It is also a “teachable moment” within a family and an opportunity to catechize and evangelize. Quince Años celebrations are an opportunity to invite youth to thank God for the gift of life, family, and community.