Combination Projectile Problems

(Ignore air resistance)

  1. A girl runs at a speed of 3.9 m/s off the end of a high dive (without jumping up) and hits the water 1.8 seconds later.
  2. How high was the diving board?
  3. How far horizontally was she from the board when she hit the water?
  4. Compare how long it would have taken her to hit the water if she had simply stepped off the board with no significant horizontal velocity.
  1. A rock is thrown horizontally from a building at 15 m/s. It hits the ground 45 meters from the base of the building. At what height was the rock released?
  1. A football is kicked from ground level at a speed of 20 m/s and an angle of 42° above the horizontal.
  2. How long does it take to hit the ground?
  3. How far from where it was kicked did it hit the ground?
  1. A body projected upward at an angle of 30° with the horizontal has an initial speed of 40 m/s.
  2. In how many seconds will it reach the ground?
  3. How far from the point of projection will it strike?
  4. At what angle with the horizontal does it strike?
  1. The crossbar of a football goalpost is about 3.5 m above the ground. A field goal kicker kicks a football with a speed of 20m/s toward the goalpost at an angle of 37° with the horizontal. He is 32 meters away when he kicks it. Is the attempt good? If not, by how much does it miss? If so, by how much does the football clear the goalpost?
  1. A cannon on a level plain is aimed 60° above the horizontal and a shell is fired with a muzzle velocity of 400 m/s toward a vertical cliff that is 4000 meters away. How far above the bottom does the shell strike the side of the wall?
  1. A motorcycle jumper travels off a ramp at 18 to the horizontal and traveling 33.5 m/s. He is attempting to jump a stretch of buses, each 2.74 meters wide. How many buses can he jump? If the ring of fire is 50m from the launch pad, what must its height be so the motorcycle goes through safely.




  1. Stunt man Sam decides to attempt a human cannon ball trick. He attempts to be fired with an initial velocity of 26.5 m/s at an angle of 53 with the horizontal over 3 Ferris wheels (as shown in the picture). Does Sam clear the Ferris wheels? How do you know? Each Ferris wheel is 18 meters tall.


net (3m tall)



  1. A body is projected downward at an angle of 30° with the horizontal and an initial speed of 40 m/s from the top of a cliff that is 180 meters high.
  2. In what time will it strike the ground?
  3. How far from the foot of the cliff will it strike?
  1. Find the total range of the shotput.

V = 17m/s @38 NE
