Security/Facilities Committee of Oconto County
Friday, July 24, 2015 at 12:00 Noon
PRESENT: Hon. Michael T. Judge, Circuit Judge, Branch I
Hon. Jay N. Conley, Circuit Judge, Branch II
Kevin Noack, Maintenance Engineer
Mike Jansen, Oconto County Sheriff
Kevin Hamann, Administrative Coordinator
Tim Perrizo, Technology Services
Atty. Robert Mraz, Assistant District Attorney
Atty. Brad Hansen, Public Defender/Bar Association
Mike Hodkiewicz, Clerk of Courts
ABSENT: Atty. Frank Calvert, Family Court Commissioner
Atty. Edward Burke, District Attorney
Atty. Bradley Schraven, Public Defender/Bar Association
Tony Mossakowski, Court Security Officer
Wayne Sleeter, Technology Services Director
Clark Longsine, Chief Deputy
Ron Korzeniewski, Vice-Chairman of County Board
Jessica Honish, Rainbow House
Don Harper - District Court Administrator
Leland Rymer, Chairman of County Board
Carol Kopp, Jail Administrator
Judge Michael Judge opened the meeting at 11:59 a.m. in the jury deliberations room at the Oconto County Courthouse.
Motion made by Mike Jansen and seconded by Mike Hodkiewicz to approve Agenda – motion carried.
Motion made by Mike Jansen and seconded by Mike Hodkiewicz to approve minutes of previous meeting – motion carried.
Report by Maintenance Engineer Kevin Noack – Roof project to be completed soon. Circuit Court and Courtroom door project about 80% completed, capacity signs have been ordered, exit signs will not be removed but covered up. The courtroom doors timer will be expanded to at least 4:30pm daily and can also be expanded for after hours court. Some of the doors still need to be tied to fire alarm system. Judges requesting the new lighting for Courtroom B be done soon, possibly in November of this year. Maintenance is now having Huber prisoners in the Oconto County Jail helping out around the courthouse.
Report by Court Security Officer Tony Mossakowski - (see attached written report).
Report by Technology Services by Tim Perrizo – There are problems with the Family Courtroom recording system. Judge Conley requested the old phones in each courtroom be replaced, they will be replaced soon with new IP phones. Recently with the new video system in Judge Conley’s courtroom there was a massive problem with the system that included a State Prison video conference and at least three other parties appearing by telephone and cell phones. In addition, at least twice an outside system tried to dial into Oconto County at the same time. The Judges advised that the Court Reporters would like some kind of speaker system available by their work stations. Tim will look into the possibility for the Court Reporters.
Administrative Coordinator Kevin Hamann gave an update on the LEC project. The County Board recently approved three projects by must re-bid about twelve others. The LEC project is currently over budget with the county continuing to reduce that figure. Building permit has been received and Adams Street now belongs to Oconto County.
Sheriff Mike Jansen addressed several issues: the new DNA sample and surcharge program. Also a new Crime Prevention Fund and Safe Ride Program in the State Budget that includes new surcharges.
Motion made by Robert Mraz and seconded by Judge Jay Conley to adjourn the meeting – motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m.
The next meeting of the Security/Facilities Committee will be held on Friday, October 9, 2015 at 12:00 Noon in the jury deliberations room at the Oconto County Courthouse.