NCETM Advanced Skills Teacher: Mathematics

Frequently Asked Questions

1)I am a teacher. Can I submit an expression of interest?

No. Expressions of interest are invited from head teachers only. The NCETM invite head teachers to nominate their school. We will then work in partnership to appoint an AST.

2)Will the local authority be involved?

The NCETM are very keen to involve the LA AST coordinator in all stages of the appointment of the AST. We wish to ensure that where an AST is appointed, the role complements the LA strategy.

3)Will the AST be expected to carry out outreach.

The intention is that the 20% funding provided by the NCETM will be used to release the teacher for one day per week to undertake activities as directed by the NCETM - this will be the outreach strand of their work.

4)Is the salary funding 20% of thesalary regardless of what point on the AST scale the ASTis placed?

Yes, but the starting point on the payspine will be negotiated in partnership with the school, the NCETM and the teacher.

5)Is the funding in perpetuity, for as long as the AST is in post at that school? Or is it time-limited?

The funding is until end of March 2011.

6)What will the Salary range be?

A five point salary range on the school leadership spine will be negotiated with the school and the AST. This will aim to reflect the schools current leadership structure.

7)If the AST wants to engage in the CPD, how will this be funded?

The NCETM will fund all CPD as agreed. Also, the AST will be reimbursed for any travel and subsistence. There should not be the need to supply cover expenses as it is envisaged that the AST will attend CPD sessions during directed NCETM time.

8)Will NCETM be providing support to help any aspirant AST with their application?

Yes, coaching will be provided.

9)If an applicant does not pass the assessment, will they be given the opportunity to reapply under your scheme?

Yes, but applicants will be interviewed prior to being put forward to ensure that their chances of passing assessment are very strong.

10)If there is an accredited maths AST already in post, would you allow them to transfer to the NCETM scheme?

No, we want this scheme to be a way of creating new AST posts – hence helping with recruitment and retention problems and supporting the provision already in place through the LA.

11)Will NCETM monitor the AST’s outreach and contribute to their annual performance management (PM) objectives?

Yes, the NCETM will play a full role in PM.

12)If the AST gets pay progression (through PM), will NCETM contribute towards the increased salary?


13)What is required in an expression of interest?

The NCETM wish to work with outstanding school leaders. You might like to outline some key successes about your school or your philosophy around professional development. Schools systems must allow for the AST to work one day per week for NCETM. Expressions of interest should be concise – we would suggest one page A4 as a maximum.