CP-643 Date: 2006/06/13
Add veterinary identification tags Letter Ballot

DICOM Correction Item

Correction Number CP-643
Log Summary: Add veterinary identification tags
Type of Modification
Addition / Name of Standard
PS 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.16 2006
Rationale for Correction
Veterinary applications require additional identifying attributes that define the owner as well as characteristics of the species and breed.
These are added to all existing and future composite image and non-image IODs by specifying their inclusion in the General Patient and Patient Study modules.
The attributes are required to be present if the subject is not a human (forcing their support by veterinary products, without interfering with the installed base of human products), but some may be empty (zero length) if unknown (e.g. the species or breed is unknown).
The Patient Neutered value is added to the Patient Study Module, which may have different values for different studies, whereas values in the General Patient Module remain fixed for the life of the patient.
The concept of other patient identifiers than the primary Patient ID attribute is generalized by the introduction of a sequence to encode other identifiers, each with a specified issuer and type, in order to encode anatomically-embedded identifiers like RFID chips.
Additionally, an alternate understanding of the structure of the Patient Name is necessary in a veterinary context (where the patient does not have a “family name” but instead uses that of the owner).
Corresponding attributes are also added to Modality Worklist.
The Subject Context template in PS 3.16 is also updated.
Sections of documents affected
PS 3.3 C.7.1.1
PS 3.3 C.7.2.2
PS 3.16
Correction Wording:

Add to PS 3.3 A.1.2.1 the bold underlined text:


The Patient IE defines the characteristics of a patient who is the subject of one or more medical studies that produce medical images.

Note: A patient may be a human or an animal.

The Patient IE is modality independent.

Add to PS 3.3 the bold underlined text:

C.7.1.1 Patient Module

Table C.7-1

Attribute Name / Tag / Type / Attribute Description
Patient’s Name / (0010,0010) / 2 / Patient’s full name.
Patient ID / (0010,0020) / 2 / Primary hospital identification number or code for the patient.
Issuer of Patient ID / (0010,0021) / 3 / Identifier of the Assigning Authority that issued the Patient ID.
Patient’s Birth Date / (0010,0030) / 2 / Birth date of the patient.
Patient’s Sex / (0010,0040) / 2 / Sex of the named patient.
Enumerated Values:
M = male
F = female
O = other
Referenced Patient Sequence / (0008,1120) / 3 / A sequence that provides reference to a Patient SOP Class/Instance pair. Only a single Item shall be permitted in this Sequence.
>Referenced SOP Class UID / (0008,1150) / 1C / Uniquely identifies the referenced SOP Class. Required if Referenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120) is sent.
>Referenced SOP Instance UID / (0008,1155) / 1C / Uniquely identifies the referenced SOP Instance. Required if Referenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120) is sent.
Patient’s Birth Time / (0010,0032) / 3 / Birth time of the Patient.
Other Patient IDs / (0010,1000) / 3 / Other identification numbers or codes used to identify the patient.
Other Patient IDs Sequence / (0010,ee9A) / 3 / A sequence of identification numbers or codes used to identify the patient, which may or may not be human readable, and may or may not have been obtained from an implanted or attached device such as an RFID or barcode.
If present, shall contain one or more items.
>Patient ID / (0010,0010) / 1 / An identification number or code used to identify the patient.
>Issuer of Patient ID / (0010,0021) / 1 / Identifier of the Assigning Authority that issued the Patient ID.
>Type of Patient ID / (0010,ee9B) / 1 / The type of identifier in this item. Defined Terms:
Note: The identifier is coded as a string regardless of the type, not as a binary value.
Other Patient Names / (0010,1001) / 3 / Other names used to identify the patient.
Ethnic Group / (0010,2160) / 3 / Ethnic group or race of the patient.
Patient Comments / (0010,4000) / 3 / User-defined additional information about the patient.
Patient Species Description / (0010,eee1) / 1C / The species of the subject.
One Item shall be present
Required if the subject is an animal and if Patient Species Code Sequence (0010,eee2) is not present. May be present otherwise.
Patient Species Code Sequence / (0010,eee2) / 1C / The species of the subject.
One Item shall be present.
Required if the subject is an animal and if Patient Species Description (0010,eee1) is not present. May be present otherwise.
>Include ‘Code Sequence Macro’ Table 8.8-1 / Defined Context ID is 7454.
Patient Breed Description / (0010,ee92) / 2C / The breed of the subject.
One Item shall be present.
Required if the subject is an animal and if Patient Breed Code Sequence (0010,eee1) is empty. May be present otherwise.
Patient Breed Code Sequence / (0010,ee93) / 2C / The breed of the subject.
One or more Items shall be present.
Required if the subject is an animal.
>Include ‘Code Sequence Macro’ Table 8.8-1 / Defined Context ID is XXX2.
Breed Registration Sequence / (0010,ee94) / 2C / Information identifying an animal within a breed registry.
Zero or more Items may be present.
Required if the subject is an animal.
>Breed Registration Number / (0010,ee95) / 1 / Identification number of an animal within the registry.
>Breed Registry Code Sequence / (0010,ee96) / 1 / Identification of the organization with which an animal is registered.
One Item shall be present.
>Include ‘Code Sequence Macro’ Table 8.8-1 / Defined Context ID is XXX3.
Responsible Person / (0010,ee97) / 2C / Name of person with medical decision making authority for the patient.
Required if the subject is an animal. May be present otherwise.
Responsible Person Role / (0010,ee98) / 1C / Relationship of Responsible Person to the patient.
Defined Terms:
Required if Responsible Person is present and has a value.
Responsible Organization / (0010,ee99) / 2C / Name of organization with medical decision making authority for the patient.
Required if subject is an animal. May be present otherwise.

Note: Other Patient IDs (0010,1000) was previously defined in this Module, but it has been retired, and Other Patient ID Sequence (0010,ee9A) should be used instead. See PS 3.3 2006.

C.7.2.2 Patient Study Module


Table C.7-4a

Attribute Name / Tag / Type / Attribute Description
Admitting Diagnoses Description / (0008,1080) / 3 / Description of the admitting diagnosis (diagnoses)
Admitting Diagnoses Code Sequence / (0008,1084) / 3 / A sequence that conveys the admitting diagnosis (diagnoses). One or more Items may be included in this Sequence.
>Include ‘Code Sequence Macro’ Table 8.8-1 / No Baseline Context ID is defined.
Patient’s Age / (0010,1010) / 3 / Age of the Patient.
Patient’s Size / (0010,1020) / 3 / Length or size of the Patient, in meters.
Patient’s Weight / (0010,1030) / 3 / Weight of the Patient, in kilograms.
Occupation / (0010,2180) / 3 / Occupation of the Patient.
Additional Patient’s History / (0010,21B0) / 3 / Additional information about the Patient’s medical history.
Patient’s Sex Neutered / (0010,eee3) / 2C / Whether or not a procedure has been performed in an effort to render the subject sterile.
Enumerated value:
ALTERED = Altered/Neutered
UNALTERED = Unaltered/intact
Note: If this Attribute is present but has no value then the status is unknown.
Required if patient is an animal. May be present otherwise.

Add to PS 3.3 worklist-related patient modules the bold underlined text:

C.2.2 Patient Identification Module

Table C.2-2 defines the Attributes relevant to identifying a patient.

Table C.2-2

Attribute Name / Tag / Attribute Description
Patient's Name / (0010,0010) / Patient's full name
Patient ID / (0010,0020) / Primary hospital identification number or code for the patient.
Issuer of Patient ID / (0010,0021) / Identifier of the Assigning Authority (system, organization, agency, or department) that issued the Patient ID.
Note: Issuer of Patient ID (0010,0021) is equivalent to HL7 v2 PID-3 component 4.
Other Patient IDs / (0010,1000) / Other identification numbers or codes used to identify the patient.
Other Patient IDs Sequence / (0010,ee9A) / A sequence of identification numbers or codes used to identify the patient, which may or may not be human readable, and may or may not have been obtained from an implanted or attached device such as an RFID or barcode.
>Patient ID / (0010,0010) / An identification number or code used to identify the patient
>Issuer of Patient ID / (0010,0021) / Identifier of the Assigning Authority that issued the Patient ID.
>Type of Patient ID / (0010,ee9B) / The type of identifier in this item. Defined Terms:
Note: The identifier is coded as a string regardless of the type, not as a binary value.
Other Patient Names / (0010,1001) / Other names used to identify the patient.
Patient's Birth Name / (0010,1005) / Patient's birth name.
Patient's Mother's Birth Name / (0010,1060) / Birth name of patient's mother.
Medical Record Locator / (0010,1090) / An identifier used to find the patient's existing medical record (e.g. film jacket).

Note: Other Patient IDs (0010,1000) was previously defined in this Module, but it has been retired, and Other Patient ID Sequence (0010,ee9A) should be used instead. See PS 3.3 2006.

C.2.3 Patient Demographic Module

Table C.2-3 defines the Attributes relevant to generally describing a patient.

Table C.2-3

Attribute Name / Tag / Attribute Description
Patient's Age / (0010,1010) / Age of the Patient.
Occupation / (0010,2180) / Occupation of the Patient.
Confidentiality Constraint on Patient Data Description / (0040,3001) / Special indication to the modality operator about confidentiality of patient information (e.g., that he should not use the patients name where other patients are present).
Patient’s Birth Date / (0010,0030) / Date of birth of the named patient
Patient’s Birth Time / (0010,0032) / Time of birth of the named patient
Patient's Sex / (0010,0040) / Sex of the named patient. Enumerated Values:
M = male
F = female
O = other
Patient's Insurance Plan Code Sequence / (0010,0050) / A sequence that conveys the patient's insurance plan. Zero or more Items may be included in this Sequence.
>Include ‘Code Sequence Macro’ Table 8.8-1 / No Baseline Context ID is defined.
Patient’s Primary Language Code Sequence / (0010,0101) / The languages that can be used to communicate with the patient.
Zero or more Items may be included in the sequence. The sequence items are ordered by preference (most preferred language to least preferred language).
> Include Code Sequence Macro Table 8.8-2 / Baseline Context ID is CID 5000 - Languages.
> Patient’s Primary Language Code Modifier Sequence / (0010,0102) / A modifer for a Patient’s Primary Language. Can be used to specify a national language variant.
Exactly one Item may be included in the sequence.
> Include Code Sequence Macro Table 8.8-2 / Baseline Context ID is CID 5001 - Countries.
Patient's Size / (0010,1020) / Patient's height or length in meters
Patient's Weight / (0010,1030) / Weight of the patient in kilograms
Patient’s Address / (0010,1040) / Legal address of the named patient
Military Rank / (0010,1080) / Military rank of patient
Branch of Service / (0010,1081) / Branch of the military. The country allegiance may also be included (e.g. U.S. Army).
Country of Residence / (0010,2150) / Country in which patient currently resides
Region of Residence / (0010,2152) / Region within patient's country of residence
Patient’s Telephone Numbers / (0010,2154) / Telephone numbers at which the patient can be reached
Ethnic Group / (0010,2160) / Ethnic group or race of patient
Patient's Religious Preference / (0010,21F0) / The religious preference of the patient
Patient Comments / (0010,4000) / User-defined comments about the patient
Responsible Person / (0010,ee97) / Name of person with medical decision making authority for the patient.
Responsible Person Role / (0010,ee98) / Relationship of Responsible Person to the patient.
Defined Terms:
Responsible Organization / (0010,ee99) / Name of organization with medical decision making authority for the patient.
Patient Species Description / (0010,eee1) / The species of the subject.
Patient Species Code Sequence / (0010,eee2) / The species of the subject.
>Include ‘Code Sequence Macro’ Table 8.8-2 / Defined Context ID is 7454.
Patient Breed Description / (0010,ee92) / The breed of the subject.
Patient Breed Code Sequence / (0010,ee93) / The breed of the subject.
>Include ‘Code Sequence Macro’ Table 8.8-2 / Defined Context ID is XXX2.
Breed Registration Sequence / (0010,ee94) / Information identifying an animal within a breed registry.
>Breed Registration Number / (0010,ee95) / Identification number of a veterinary patient within the registry.
>Breed Registry Code Sequence / (0010,ee96) / Identification of the organization with which an animal is registered.
>Include ‘Code Sequence Macro’ Table 8.8-1 / Defined Context ID is XXX3.

Note: The language codes specified in CID 5000, used in Patient’s Primary Language Code Sequence (0010,0101), optionally allow the encoding of the country of language in the code value for the language. Encoding of the country of language in a subsidiary Patient’s Primary Language Code Modifier Sequence (0010,0102) is allowed for backward compatibility with previous editions of the Standard.

C.2.4 Patient Medical Module

Table C.2-4 defines the Attributes relevant to a patient's medical state or history.

Table C.2-4

Attribute Name / Tag / Attribute Description
Medical Alerts / (0010,2000) / Conditions to which medical staff should be alerted (e.g. contagious condition, drug allergies, etc.)
Contrast Allergies / (0010,2110) / Description of prior reaction to contrast agents.
Smoking Status / (0010,21A0) / Indicates whether patient smokes.
Enumerated Values:
Additional Patient History / (0010,21B0) / Additional information about the patient's medical history
Pregnancy Status / (0010,21C0) / Describes pregnancy state of patient.
Enumerated Values:
0001 = not pregnant
0002 = possibly pregnant
0003 = definitely pregnant
0004 = unknown
Last Menstrual Date / (0010,21D0) / Date of onset of last menstrual period
Patient’s Sex Neutered / (0010,eee3) / Whether or not a procedure has been performed in an effort to render the subject sterile.
Enumerated value:
ALTERED = Altered/Neutered
UNALTERED = Unaltered/intact
Special Needs / (0038,0050) / Medical and social needs (e.g. wheelchair, oxygen, non-English-speaking, etc.)
Patient State / (0038,0500) / Description of patient state (comatose, disoriented, vision impaired, etc.)
Pertinent Documents Sequence / (0038,0100) / List of Documents (e.g., SR, or CDA) that contain information considered pertinent for the patient medical condition.
Zero or more Items may be included in this sequence.
>Referenced SOP Class UID / (0008,1150) / SOP Class UID of the Referenced Document
>Referenced SOP Instance UID / (0008,1155) / SOP Instance UID of the Referenced Document
>Purpose of Reference Code Sequence / (0040,A170) / Describes the purpose for which the document reference is made. Zero or more Items may be present.
>Include ‘Code Sequence Macro’ Table 8.8-1 / No Baseline Context Group ID defined
>Document Title / (0042,0010) / Title of the referenced document.
Patient Clinical Trial Participation Sequence / (0038,0502) / Sequence of identifiers for clinical trials in which the patient participates.
Zero or more Items may be included in this sequence.
>Clinical Trial Sponsor Name / (0012,0010) / The name of the clinical trial sponsor, responsible for conducting the clinical trial and for defining the Clinical Trial Protocol.
>Clinical Trial Protocol ID / (0012,0020) / Identifier for the noted protocol, used by the Clinical Trial Sponsor to uniquely identify the investigational protocol.
>Clinical Trial Protocol Name / (0012,0021) / The name or title of the clinical trial protocol.
>Clinical Trial Site ID / (0012,0030) / The identifier, issued by the Clinical Trial Sponsor, of the site responsible for submitting clinical trial data.
>Clinical Trial Site Name / (0012,0031) / Name of the site responsible for submitting clinical trial data.
>Clinical Trial Subject ID / (0012,0040) / The assigned identifier for the patient as a clinical trial subject.
>Clinical Trial Subject Reading ID / (0012,0042) / Identifies the patient as a clinical trial subject for blinded evaluations.

Note: The Patient Clinical Trial Participation Sequence (0038,0502) identifies potentially multiple trials in which the patient is enrolled. Application behavior in the presence of multiple items is outside the scope of the standard.