PLACE:CouperAdministrationBuilding, Room 148

PRESIDING:Nancy E. Stamp, Vice Provost and Dean of the GraduateSchool

MEMBERS:David Campbell, Michael Conlon, Susan Currie, James Fang, Mark Fowler, Christof Grewer, Robert Guay, William Haver, Sarah Lam,Weiyi Meng, Andrew Merriwether, Susan Pollock, Maria-Teresa Romero, Olga Shvetsova, Pamela Stewart Fahs, Marilyn Tallerico, Diane Wiener


MEMBERS:Gerald Sonnenfeld, Stephen Gilje, Dara Silberstein, Lindsay Tremain

EXCUSED:William Heller, Wendy Martinek, Tom McDonough, Karen Salvage, Marilyn Tallerico

GUESTS:Fernando Guzman (FSEC), Mary Muscari, Eric Cotts, Dina Maramba, Sharon Holmes, Theresa Grabo

ABSENT:Jacques Beaumont, Edward Li, Max Pensky, Nan Zhou


Vice Provost and Dean Nancy Stamp called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.


The minutes of the February 9, 2009 were approved after 3 minor corrections were



Academic Standards Committee

This Committee has not met.

Advisory Committee for Scholarship and Research

Advisory Committee for Scholarship and Research has met and will meet every two weeks through the semester.

Budget Advisory Committee

This Committee has not met.

ClarkFellowship Advisory Committee

The Clark Fellowship Advisory Committee met on Wednesday, March 11, 2009. It has recommended one student for the NSF-AGEP STEM Grant and will meet again next week to determine further awards.

Curriculum Committee

This Committee met on Friday, February 6th, 2008. The committee accepted the following proposals:

  1. Proposal for Graduate Certificate in Forensic Health
  2. Proposal for new Graduate Course: GRD 594 Management Fundamentals for Engineers and Scientists
  3. Physics PhD Proposal
  4. Student Affairs Administration Course Proposals (Catalog descriptions)

The Graduate Certificate in Forensic Health is a 3-course certificate for health care providers. Forensic Health is the application of the health-related sciences to public or legal proceedings, the application of the forensic aspects of health care in the scientific investigation and treatment of trauma and/or death of victims and perpetrators of abuse, violence, criminal activity, traumatic accidents, and environmental hazards. While this certificate will most likely attract primarily nurses, it can also be utilized by other disciplines, including social work, psychology, sociology and anthropology.

Mary Muscari, Associate Professor, from the School of Nursing, attended the meeting to answer questions regarding the proposal. The motion was made to approve the proposal, and all were in favor.

The Proposal for the new Graduate Course: GRD 594 Management Fundamentals for Engineers and Scientists was presented by Associate Dean Dara Silberstein. This course was designed by the GraduateSchool as part of the Professional Science Management Certificate and was offered in the Winter 2008 as an experimental course. All were in favor of making this course a permanent course; the plan is that it will be taught in the winter/summer sessions.

Eric Cotts, Chair ofthe PhysicsDepartment, gave an overview of the Physics PhD Proposal. He explained that the core courses already are in place under the MS program. Enrollment will be increased and relatively modest additional funds will be needed to implement this program.The motion was made to move this proposal forward; all were in favor with the exception of one abstention.

Student Affairs Course Proposals were introduced last fall, however, there was some concern regarding the catalog descriptions. The catalog descriptions have been revised and the committee approved them as written. These course proposals are part of the new Student Affairs Administration Program that was approved and is ready to begin next fall. The motion was made to accept the revised course proposals and all were in favor.

The Decker School of Nursing has submitted a letter-of-intent (LOI) for a doctorate in nursing practice. Terry Grabo, Graduate Director from the Decker School of Nursing, gave an overview of the LOI. The DNP program is designed to meet the target date of national 2015 educational requirements. The DNP will have two entry points: 1) post-baccalaureate and 2) post-masters and will offer two advanced practice roles, Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Nurse Specialist. The formal proposal will outline all the specifics of the program. There was a motion to forward it to SUNY for its approval.

Grievance Committee

This committee has not met.

Strategic Planning Committee

This committee has not met.


Assistant Dean,Lindsay Tremain, gave an overview of graduate admissions. She stated that the number of graduate applications have gone up 14% this year. About 20% was an increase in domestic applications and 9% increase in international student applications. Applications for graduate school have been increasing for the past three years.

Dean Stamp gave an update on the budget. It has been proposed that the Tuition Scholarship Budgetwill be cut by New YorkState by 15%. In addition, tuition was raised; therefore, it will cost the graduate school more money for tuition scholarships. So, this would be a double hit to the Tuition Scholarship Budget and overall resulting in approximately 25% less funds. In order to deal with this 25% cut, the graduate school has given allocations to departments so they can fine tune the manner in which they award tuition scholarships.

Jessie Kapsula, graduate student representative, voiced her concerns over the budget cuts and the raise in tuition.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:05.


Minutes recorded by Maureen Truesdail

Secretary to the Vice Provost and Dean

of the GraduateSchool